Custom Fields List

Location, Legal, and School Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1RegionCharacterTrue1 - Southcentral Alaska Region, 2 - Southeast Alaska Region, 3 - Interior & North Alaska Regions - All, 4 - West & Southwest Alaska Regions - All,
2Borough/Census AreaCharacterTrue1A - Anchorage Municipality, 1B - Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1C - Kodiak Island Borough, 1D - Matanuska Susitna Borough, 1E - Prince William Sound, 2A - Haines Borough, 2B - Juneau Borough, 2C - Ketchikan Gateway Borough, 2D - Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area, 2E - Sitka Borough, 2F - Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, 2G - Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area, 2H - Yakutat Borough, 3A - Denali Borough, 3B - Eastern Interior, 3C - Fairbanks North Star Borough, 3D - Northwest Arctic Borough, 3E - North Slope Borough, 3F - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, 4A - Aleutians East Borough, 4B - Aleutians West Census Area, 4C - Bethel Census Area, 4D - Bristol Bay Borough, 4E - Dillingham Census Area, 4F - Lake & Peninsula Borough, 4G - Nome Census Area, 4H - Wade Hampton Census Area,
3AreaCharacterTrue5 - Downtown Anchorage, 10 - Spenard, 15 - W Tudor Rd - Dimond Blvd, 20 - Dimond South, 25 - Dearmoun Rd - Potter Marsh, 30 - Abbott Rd - Dearmoun Rd, 35 - E Tudor Rd - Abbott Rd, 40 - Seward Hwy to Boniface Pkwy, 45 - Boniface Pkwy to Muldoon Rd, 50 - Post Rd - Glenn Hwy, 90 - Eagle River, 100 - Chugiak/Peters Crk, 101 - Girdwood/Turnagain Arm, 300 - North Kenai, 305 - Kenai, 310 - Kalifornsky Beach, 315 - S of Soldotna, 320 - Kasilof, 322 - Clam Gulch, 325 - W side KPB, 330 - Soldotna, 335 - Ridgeway, 340 - Sterling, 345 - Funny River, 360 - Hope, 365 - Seward - Cooper Landing, 476 - Ninilchik/Happy Valley, 478 - Caribou Hills, 480 - Anchor Point, 482 - Anchor Point to Homer, 484 - North Fork, 486 - South Kenai Rec, 488 - Diamond Ridge/Skyline, 490 - Homer, 492 - Kachemak City/Fritz Creek, 494 - McNeil & East, 496 - Seldovia, 498 - South Side of Kachemak Bay, 500 - Downtown Juneau, 505 - Salmon/Lemon Creek, 510 - Mendenhall Valley, 512 - Auke Bay, 515 - Out the Road, 520 - Thane Rd, 525 - West Juneau, 530 - Douglas, 535 - North Douglas, 550 - Haines Borough, 555 - Skagway & Vicinity, 560 - Gustavus & Vicinity, 561 - Chichagof & Admiralty Islands, 562 - Sitka Borough - All, 565 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough - All, 567 - Mitkof Island & Vicinity, 568 - Wrangell Island & Vicinity, 570 - Prince of Wales - Outer Ketchikan - All, 575 - Whittier & Vicinity, 580 - Cordova & Vicinity, 585 - Valdez & Vicinity, 590 - Yakutat Borough-All, 600 - City of Kodiak, 601 - Service District #1, 602 - Monashka Bay, 603 - Bell's Flats, 604 - Anton Larsen, 605 - Chiniak, 606 - Pasagshak, 607 - Islands, 608 - Remote Kodiak, 710 - North Fairbanks, 715 - East Fairbanks, 720 - Southeast Fairbanks, 725 - West Fairbanks, 730 - SW Rural Fairbanks, 735 - NW Rural Fairbanks, 740 - Rural Fairbanks, 745 - E Rural Fairbanks, 747 - Chena Hot Springs Rd, 750 - Badger & Rural North Pole, 760 - City of North Pole, 765 - Salcha, 770 - Remote FNB, 825 - North Slope Borough-All, 830 - Northwest Arctic Borough - All, 835 - Nome Census Area-All, 850 - Denali Borough - All, 855 - Eastern Interior - All, 860 - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area - All, 865 - Aleutians East Borough - All, 870 - Aleutians West Census Area - All, 875 - Bethel Census Area - All, 880 - Bristol Bay Borough - All, 885 - Dillingham Census Area - All, 890 - Lake & Peninsula Borough - All, 895 - Wade Hampton Census Area - All, BG - Big Lake, CN - Chickaloon/Anthracite Ridge, HO - Houston, LL - Lake Louise, MG - Mat Glacier/Glacier View, ML - Meadow Lakes, PA - Palmer, PM - Pt McKenzie, PV - Trapper Crk/Petersville, SU - Sutton, TA - Talkeetna/Montana, TR - Talkeetna Remote, WA - Wasilla, WI - Willow, ZZE - Remote/Eastern Mat-Su, ZZW - Remote/Western Mat-Su,
4Street #CharacterTrue
5DirectionalCharacterTrueN, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW,
6Street NameCharacterTrue
7ArterialCharacterTrueAvenue, Boulevard, Circle, Court, Drive, Estates, Heights, Highway, Lane, Loop, Park, Parkway, Place, Point, Road, Run, Street, Terrace, Trail, Way,
8Unit #CharacterTrue
9Street Addl InfoCharacterTrue
10Closest USPS TownCharacterTrueAdak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akutan, Alakanuk, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anaktuvuk Pass, Anchor Point, Anchorage, Anderson, Angoon, Aniak, Anvik, Arctic Village, Atka, Atmautluak, Atqasuk, Auke Bay, Badger, Barrow, Beaver, Bethel, Bettles, Big Lake, Border, Brevig Mission, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chalkyitsik, Chefornak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chickaloon, Chicken, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chitina, Chuathbaluk, Chugiak, Circle, Clam Gulch, Clarks Point, Clear, Coffman Cove, Cold Bay, Coldfoot, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crooked Creek, Deering, Delta Junction, Denali National Park, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Douglas, Dutch Harbor, Eagle, Eagle River, Edna Bay, Eek, Egegik, Ekwok, Elfin Cove, Elim, Emmonak, English Bay, Ester, Excursion Inlet, Fairbanks, False Pass, Flat, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Girdwood, Glennallen, Golovin, Goodnews Bay, Grayling, Gustavus, Haines, Halibut Cove, Healy, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Hughes, Huslia, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Iliamna, Indian, Ivanof Bay, Juneau, Kake, Kakhonak, Kaktovik, Kaltag, Karluk, Kasaan, Kasigluk, Kasilof, Kenai, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, King Salmon, Kipnuk, Kivalina, Klawock, Kobuk, Kodiak, Koliganek, Kongiganak, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk, Koyukuk, Kwethluk, Kwigillingok, Lake Minchumina, Larsen Bay, Levelock, Lower Kalskag, Manley Hot Springs, Manokotak, Marshall, McGrath, Mekoryuk, Mentasta Lake, Metlakatla, Meyers Chuck, Minto, Moose Pass, Mountain Village, Naknek, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Naukati Bay, Nelchina, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, New Stuyahok, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikiski/North Kenai, Nikolaevsk, Nikolai, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Noatak, Nome, Nondalton, Noorvik, North Pole, Northway, Nuiqsut, Nulato, Nunam Iqua, Nunapitchuk, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paxson, Pedro Bay, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Platinum, Point Baker, Point Hope, Point Lay, Port Alexander, Port Alsworth, Port Graham, Port Heiden, Port Lions, Port Protection, Prudhoe Bay, Quinhagak, Rampart, Red Devil, Remote, Ruby, Russian Mission, Saint George, Saint Marys, Saint Michael, Saint Paul, Salcha, Sand Point, Savoonga, Scammon Bay, Selawik, Seldovia, Seward, Shageluk, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Skwentna, Slana, Sleetmute, Soldotna, South Naknek, Stebbins, Sterling, Stevens Village, Stony River, Sutton, Takotna, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanana, Tatitlek, Teller, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Togiak, Tok, Tokeen, Toksook Bay, Trapper Creek, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, Tununak, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Tyonek, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Upper Kalskag, Valdez, Venetie, Wainright, Wales, Ward Cove, Wasilla, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, Willow, Wrangell, Yakutat,
11StateCharacterTrueAlaska, Outside Alaska,
12Zip CodeCharacterTrue00000, 99000, 99501, 99502, 99503, 99504, 99507, 99508, 99515, 99516, 99517, 99518, 99540, 99546, 99547, 99548, 99549, 99550, 99551, 99552, 99553, 99554, 99555, 99556, 99557, 99558, 99559, 99561, 99563, 99564, 99565, 99566, 99567, 99568, 99569, 99571, 99572, 99573, 99574, 99575, 99576, 99577, 99578, 99579, 99580, 99581, 99583, 99584, 99585, 99586, 99587, 99588, 99589, 99590, 99591, 99602, 99603, 99604, 99605, 99606, 99607, 99608, 99609, 99610, 99611, 99612, 99613, 99614, 99615, 99620, 99621, 99622, 99623, 99624, 99625, 99626, 99627, 99628, 99630, 99631, 99632, 99633, 99634, 99635, 99636, 99637, 99638, 99639, 99640, 99641, 99643, 99644, 99645, 99647, 99648, 99649, 99650, 99651, 99652, 99653, 99654, 99655, 99656, 99657, 99658, 99659, 99660, 99661, 99662, 99663, 99664, 99665, 99666, 99667, 99668, 99669, 99670, 99671, 99672, 99674, 99675, 99676, 99677, 99678, 99679, 99680, 99681, 99682, 99683, 99684, 99685, 99686, 99687, 99688, 99689, 99690, 99691, 99692, 99693, 99694, 99695, 99701, 99704, 99705, 99709, 99711, 99712, 99714, 99716, 99720, 99721, 99722, 99723, 99724, 99725, 99726, 99727, 99729, 99730, 99732, 99733, 99734, 99736, 99737, 99738, 99739, 99740, 99741, 99742, 99743, 99744, 99745, 99746, 99747, 99748, 99749, 99750, 99751, 99752, 99753, 99754, 99755, 99756, 99757, 99758, 99759, 99760, 99761, 99762, 99763, 99764, 99765, 99766, 99767, 99768, 99769, 99770, 99771, 99772, 99773, 99774, 99776, 99777, 99778, 99779, 99780, 99781, 99782, 99783, 99784, 99785, 99786, 99788, 99789, 99790, 99791, 99801, 99820, 99821, 99824, 99825, 99826, 99827, 99829, 99830, 99832, 99833, 99835, 99836, 99840, 99841, 99850, 99901, 99903, 99918, 99919, 99921, 99922, 99923, 99925, 99926, 99927, 99928, 99929, 99950,
13Remote DescriptionCharacterTrue
14Grid # (Muni Anch)CharacterTrueN/A, NE0000, NE0100, NE0200, NE0300, NE0400, NE0500, NE0600, NE0700, NE0800, NE0900, NE1000, NE1001, NE1002, NE1003, NE1004, NE1005, NE1006, NE1007, NE1008, NE1009, NE1010, NE1011, NE1012, NE1013, NE1014, NE1015, NE1100, NE1101, NE1102, NE1103, NE1104, NE1105, NE1106, NE1107, NE1108, NE1109, NE1110, NE1111, NE1112, NE1113, NE1114, NE1115, NE1200, NE1201, NE1202, NE1203, NE1204, NE1205, NE1206, NE1207, NE1208, NE1209, NE1210, NE1211, NE1212, NE1213, NE1214, NE1215, NE1300, NE1301, NE1302, NE1303, NE1304, NE1305, NE1306, NE1307, NE1308, NE1309, NE1310, NE1311, NE1312, NE1313, NE1314, NE1315, NE1400, NE1401, NE1402, NE1403, NE1404, NE1405, NE1406, NE1407, NE1408, NE1409, NE1410, NE1411, NE1412, NE1413, NE1414, NE1415, NE1500, NE1501, NE1502, NE1503, NE1504, NE1505, NE1506, NE1507, NE1508, NE1509, NE1510, NE1511, NE1512, NE1513, NE1514, NE1515, NE1600, NE1601, NE1602, NE1603, NE1604, NE1605, NE1606, NE1607, NE1608, NE1609, NE1610, NE1611, NE1612, NE1613, NE1614, NE1615, NE1700, NE1701, NE1702, NE1703, NE1704, NE1705, NE1706, NE1707, NE1708, NE1709, NE1710, NE1711, NE1712, NE1713, NE1714, NE1715, NE1800, NE1801, NE1802, NE1803, NE1804, NE1805, NE1806, NE1807, NE1808, NE1809, NE1810, NE1811, NE1812, NE1813, NE1814, NE1815, NE1900, NE1901, NE1902, NE1903, NE1904, NE1905, NE1906, NE1907, NE1908, NE1909, NE1910, NE1911, NE1912, NE1913, NE1914, NE1915, NE2000, NE2001, NE2002, NE2003, NE2004, NE2005, NE2006, NE2007, NE2008, NE2009, NE2010, NE2011, NE2100, NE2101, NE2102, NE2103, NE2104, NE2105, NE2106, NE2107, NE2108, NE2109, NE2110, NE2111, NE2200, NE2201, NE2202, NE2203, NE2204, NE2205, NE2206, NE2207, NE2208, NE2209, NE2210, NE2211, NE2301, NE2302, NE2303, NE2304, NE2305, NE2306, NE2307, NE2308, NE2309, NE2310, NE2311, NE2406, NE2407, NE2408, NE2409, NE2410, NE2411, NW0034, NW0035, NW0036, NW0037, NW0038, NW0039, NW0040, NW0041, NW0042, NW0043, NW0044, NW0045, NW0046, NW0047, NW0048, NW0049, NW0050, NW0051, NW0052, NW0053, NW0054, NW0055, NW0056, NW0057, NW0058, NW0059, NW0060, NW0061, NW0062, NW0063, NW0064, NW0065, NW0134, NW0135, NW0136, NW0137, NW0138, NW0139, NW0140, NW0141, NW0142, NW0143, NW0144, NW0145, NW0146, NW0147, NW0148, NW0149, NW0150, NW0151, NW0152, NW0153, NW0154, NW0155, NW0156, NW0157, NW0158, NW0159, NW0160, NW0161, NW0162, NW0163, NW0164, NW0165, NW0236, NW0237, NW0238, NW0239, NW0240, NW0241, NW0242, NW0243, NW0244, NW0245, NW0246, NW0247, NW0248, NW0249, NW0250, NW0251, NW0252, NW0253, NW0254, NW0255, NW0256, NW0257, NW0258, NW0259, NW0260, NW0261, NW0262, NW0263, NW0264, NW0265, NW0336, NW0337, NW0338, NW0339, NW0340, NW0341, NW0342, NW0343, NW0344, NW0345, NW0346, NW0347, NW0348, NW0349, NW0350, NW0351, NW0352, NW0353, NW0354, NW0355, NW0356, NW0357, NW0358, NW0359, NW0360, NW0361, NW0362, NW0363, NW0364, NW0365, NW0442, NW0443, NW0444, NW0445, NW0446, NW0447, NW0448, NW0449, NW0450, NW0451, NW0452, NW0453, NW0454, NW0455, NW0456, NW0457, NW0458, NW0459, NW0460, NW0461, NW0462, NW0463, NW0464, 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15Tax Map #-Mat-SuCharacterTrueN/A, AC00, AR01, AR02, AR03, AR04, AR05, AR06, AR07, AR08, AR09, AR10, AR11, AR12, AR13, AR14, AR15, AR16, BA00, BC00, BE00, BK00, BL01, BL02, BL03, BL04, BL05, BL06, BL07, BL08, BL09, BL10, BL11, BL12, BL13, BL14, BL15, BL16, BM00, BP00, BR00, BY00, CA01, CA02, CA03, CA04, CA05, CA06, CA07, CA08, CA09, CA10, CA11, CA12, CA13, CA14, CA15, CA16, CC00, CE00, CH01, CH02, CH03, CH04, CH05, CH06, CH07, CH08, CH09, CH10, CH11, CH12, CH13, CH14, CH15, CH16, CL00, CM00, CN01, CN02, CN03, CN04, CN05, CN06, CN07, CN08, CN09, CN10, CN11, CN12, CN13, CN14, CN15, CN16, CO00, CR00, CT00, CU00, CV00, CY00, DC00, DG00, DH00, DK01, DK02, DK03, DK04, DK05, DK06, DK07, DK08, DK09, DK10, DK11, DK12, DK13, DK14, DK15, DK16, DM00, FC00, FH03, FH04, FH05, FH06, FH07, FH08, FH09, FH10, FH11, FH12, FH13, FH14, FH17, FH18, FH20, FH22, FH23, FH26, FH27, FH32, FH33, FH38, FH46, FH48, FH49, FL00, GB01, GB02, GB03, GB04, GB05, GB06, GB07, GB08, GB09, GB10, GB11, GB12, GB13, GB14, GB15, GC01, GC02, GC03, GC04, GC05, GC06, GC07, GC08, GL00, GO00, GS00, HO01, HO02, HO03, HO04, HO05, HO06, HO07, HO08, HO09, HO10, HO11, HO12, HO13, HO14, HO15, HO16, HR00, HU00, IC00, IN01, IN02, IN03, IN04, IN05, IN06, IN07, IN08, IN09, IN10, IN11, IN12, IN13, IN14, IN15, IN16, JR00, KA00, KG01, KG02, KG03, KG04, KG05, KG06, KG07, KG08, KM00, KO00, KR00, LL01, LL02, LL03, LL04, LL05, LL06, LL07, LL08, LL09, LL10, LL11, LL12, LL13, LL14, LL15, LL16, LM00, LN00, LS01, LS02, LS03, LS04, LS05, LS06, LS07, LS08, LS09, LS10, LS11, LS12, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LT00, LY00, MC00, MD00, MG01, MG02, MG03, MG04, MG05, MG06, MG07, MG08, MG09, MG10, MG11, MG12, MG13, MG14, MG15, MG16, ML00, MN00, MO01, MO02, MO03, MO04, MO05, MO06, MO07, MO08, MO09, MO10, MO11, MO12, MO13, MO14, MO15, MO16, MP00, MR00, MW00, OC01, OC02, OC03, OC04, OC05, OC06, OC07, OC08, OC09, OC10, OC11, OC12, OM00, OP00, OR00, PA01, PA02, PA03, PA04, PA05, PA06, PA07, PA08, PA09, PA10, PA11, PA12, PA13, PA14, PA15, PA16, PC00, PM03, PM04, PM05, PM06, PM11, PM12, PP00, PV01, PV02, PV03, PV04, PV05, PV06, PV07, PV08, PV09, PV10, PV11, PV12, PV13, PV14, PV15, PV16, PV17, PV18, PV19, PV20, PV21, PV22, PV23, PV24, PV25, PV26, PV27, PV28, PV29, PV30, PV31, PV32, PV33, PV34, PV35, PV36, PV37, PV38, PV39, PV40, PV41, PV42, PV43, PV44, PV45, PV46, PV47, PV48, PV49, PV50, PV51, PV52, PV53, PV54, PV55, PV56, PV57, PV58, PV59, PV60, PV61, PV62, PV63, PV64, RM00, SC00, SG00, SH00, SK01, SK02, SK03, SK04, SK05, SK06, SK07, SK08, SK09, SK10, SK11, SK12, SK13, SK14, SK15, SK16, SL01, SL02, SL03, SL04, SL05, SL06, SL07, SL08, SL09, SL10, SL11, SL12, SL13, SL14, SL15, SL16, SM17, SM18, SM30, SM31, SM34, SM35, SM36, SM45, SS00, SU01, SU02, SU03, SU04, SU05, SU06, SU07, SU08, SU09, SU10, SU11, SU12, SU13, SU14, SU15, SU16, SV00, TA01, TA02, TA03, TA04, TA05, TA06, TA07, TA08, TA09, TA10, TA11, TA12, TA13, TA14, TA15, TA16, TC00, TG00, TK00, TL00, TM00, TR00, TY01, TY02, TY03, TY04, TY05, TY06, TY07, TY08, TY09, TY10, TY11, TY12, TY13, TY14, TY15, TY16, WA01, WA02, WA03, WA04, WA05, WA06, WA07, WA08, WA09, WA10, WA11, WA12, WA13, WA14, WA15, WA16, WC01, WC02, WC03, WC04, WC05, WC06, WC07, WC08, WC09, WC10, WC11, WC12, WC13, WC14, WC15, WC16, WI01, WI02, WI03, WI04, WI05, WI06, WI07, WI08, WI09, WI10, WI11, WI12, WI13, WI14, WI15, WI16, WK00, WM00, WP00, WV00, YA00, YO00,
16Tax IDCharacterTrue
17Taxes (Estimated)DecimalTrue
18Tax YearDecimalTrue
19School-ElementaryCharacterTrueAbbott Loop, Adak, Airport Heights, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Alpenglow, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniguiin, Ann Wien, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Light, Arctic Village, Arviq, Auke Bay, Autie Mary Nicoli, Ayaprun, Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yupik Immersion, Baranof/Keet Gooshi Heen, Barnette, Baxter, Bayshore, Bear Valley, Beaver Cruikshank, Bettles, Big Lake, Birchwood ABC, Blackwell, Bowman, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Butte, Campbell, Cantwell, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chester Valley, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chinook, Chistochina, Chugiak, Circle, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, College Gate, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cottonwood Creek, Craig, Crawford, Creekside Park, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta/Ft. Greely, Dena'ina, Denali, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memorial, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, East, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, Evergreen, Fairview, False Pass, Far North, Fawn Mountain, Finger Lake, Fire Lake, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Gastineau, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier Valley, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Gladys Wood, Glennallen, Goose Bay, Government Hill, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harborview, Harold Kaveolook, Herman Hutchins, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homestead, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houghtaling, Howard Valentine, Huffman, Hunter, Hydaburg, Hyder, Iditarod, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Inlet View, Innoko River, Ipalook, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Joseph & Olinga Gregory, Joy, June Nelson, K-Beach, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kasuun, Kenny Lake, KetAchik/Aapalluk Memorial, Kiana, Kincaid, King Cove, Klatt, Klawock, Klukwan, Knik, Kobuk, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Ladd, Lake Hood, Lake Otis, Larsen Bay, Larson, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Machetanz, Main, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McNeil Canyon, McQueen, Meade River, Meadow Lakes, Mendenhall River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Midnight Sun, Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat/Kilbuck, Minto, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Mount Eccles, Mountain View, Mt. View, Muldoon, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski North Star, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome, Nondalton, Nordale, North Pole, North Star, Northwood, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunaka Valley, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, O'Malley, Ocean View, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Paul Banks/Homer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pearl Creek, Pelican, Perryville, Peterson, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pioneer Peak, Pitkas Point, Point Higgins, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Ptarmigan, Qugcuun Memorial, Rabbit Creek, Rae C Stedman, Ravenwood, Razdolna, Redoubt, Remote - No School, Richard Johnson, Riverbend, Rocky Mountain, Rogers Park, Russian Jack, Russian Mission, Salcha, Sand Lake, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Scenic Park, Seward, Shaktoolik, Shaw, Sheldon Point, Sherrod/Swanson, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Slana, Snowshoe, Soldotna, South Naknek, Spring Hill, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Sterling, Stevens Village, Susan B English, Susitna, Sutton, Swanson, Takotna, Taku, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanaina, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Ticasuk Brown, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Trailside, Trapper Creek, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tudor, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Turnagain, Tustumena, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Unalakleet, Unalaska, University Park, Valley Park, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Weller, West Homer, Whale Pass, White Cliff, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, William Tyson, Williwaw, Willow, Willow Crest, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wonder Park, Woodriver, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi,
20School-MiddleCharacterTrueAdak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Beaver Cruikshank, Begich, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Blackwell, Blatchley, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chistochina, Circle, Clark, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Dzantikl Heeni, Eagle, Eben Hopson, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Floyd Dryden, Fort Yukon, Ft. Greely, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, George Gilson, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Goldenview, Gruening, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Hanshew, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai, Kenny Lake, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kobuk, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Leask, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mears, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Minto, Mirror Lake, Mitkof, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Qugcuun Memorial, Randy Smith, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Romig, Russian Mission, Ryan, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Schoenbar, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Skyview, Slana, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Stikine, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanacross, Tanalian, Tanana, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Teeland, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Twin Hills, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, Wendler, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi,
21School-HighCharacterTrueAdak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andreafski, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Barrow, Bartlett, Beaver Cruikshank, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Bettye Davis East Anchorage, Blackwell, Brevig Mission, Bristol Bay, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chugiak, Circle, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Dimond, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Fort Yukon, Galena, Gambell, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Juneau-Douglas, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai Central, Kenny Lake, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Lathrop, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Metlakatla, Mid Valley, Minto, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Qugcuun Memorial, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Russian Mission, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Service, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Slana, Soldotna, South Anchorage, St George Island, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Valdez, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, West Anchorage, West Valley, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wrangell, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi,
22Builder Name & CoCharacterTrue

Contract Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Subdivision Plat TypeCharacterTrueFee Simple, Site Condo,
4StatusCharacterTrueActive, Cancelled, Closed, Coming Soon, Deleted, Expired, Pending, Withdrawn,
5Down PaymentCharacterTrue$0 - $1,000, $1,001 - $2,000, $2,001 - $3,000, $3,001 - $ 4,000, $4,001 - $5,000, $5,001 - $7,500, $7,501 - $10,000, $10,001 - $20,000, $20,001 or Over, None/Unknown,
6RentSpree ScreeningCharacterTrueNo, Yes,
7EM Minimum DepositDecimalTrue
8Minimum EM Deposit $DecimalTrue
9Foreclosure/Bank OwnCharacterTrueNo, Yes,

Sold Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Leased Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Location, Tax and Legal

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1RegionCharacterTrue1 - Southcentral Alaska Region, 2 - Southeast Alaska Region, 3 - Interior & North Alaska Regions - All, 4 - West & Southwest Alaska Regions - All,
2Borough/Census AreaCharacterTrue1A - Anchorage Municipality, 1B - Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1C - Kodiak Island Borough, 1D - Matanuska Susitna Borough, 1E - Prince William Sound, 2A - Haines Borough, 2B - Juneau Borough, 2C - Ketchikan Gateway Borough, 2D - Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area, 2E - Sitka Borough, 2F - Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, 2G - Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area, 2H - Yakutat Borough, 3A - Denali Borough, 3B - Eastern Interior, 3C - Fairbanks North Star Borough, 3D - Northwest Arctic Borough, 3E - North Slope Borough, 3F - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, 4A - Aleutians East Borough, 4B - Aleutians West Census Area, 4C - Bethel Census Area, 4D - Bristol Bay Borough, 4E - Dillingham Census Area, 4F - Lake & Peninsula Borough, 4G - Nome Census Area, 4H - Wade Hampton Census Area,
3AreaCharacterTrue5 - Downtown Anchorage, 10 - Spenard, 15 - W Tudor Rd - Dimond Blvd, 20 - Dimond South, 25 - Dearmoun Rd - Potter Marsh, 30 - Abbott Rd - Dearmoun Rd, 35 - E Tudor Rd - Abbott Rd, 40 - Seward Hwy to Boniface Pkwy, 45 - Boniface Pkwy to Muldoon Rd, 50 - Post Rd - Glenn Hwy, 90 - Eagle River, 100 - Chugiak/Peters Crk, 101 - Girdwood/Turnagain Arm, 300 - North Kenai, 301 - Swanson River, 305 - Kenai, 310 - Kalifornsky Beach, 315 - S of Soldotna, 320 - Kasilof, 322 - Clam Gulch, 325 - W side KPB, 330 - Soldotna, 335 - Ridgeway, 340 - Sterling, 345 - Funny River, 360 - Hope, 365 - Seward - Cooper Landing, 476 - Ninilchik/Happy Valley, 478 - Caribou Hills, 480 - Anchor Point, 482 - Anchor Point to Homer, 484 - North Fork, 486 - South Kenai Rec, 488 - Diamond Ridge/Skyline, 490 - Homer, 492 - Kachemak City/Fritz Creek, 494 - McNeil & East, 496 - Seldovia, 498 - South Side of Kachemak Bay, 500 - Downtown Juneau, 505 - Salmon/Lemon Creek, 510 - Mendenhall Valley, 512 - Auke Bay, 515 - Out the Road, 520 - Thane Rd, 525 - West Juneau, 530 - Douglas, 535 - North Douglas, 550 - Haines Borough, 555 - Skagway & Vicinity, 560 - Gustavus & Vicinity, 561 - Chichagof & Admiralty Islands, 562 - Sitka Borough - All, 565 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough - All, 567 - Mitkof Island & Vicinity, 568 - Wrangell Island & Vicinity, 570 - Prince of Wales - Outer Ketchikan - All, 575 - Whittier & Vicinity, 580 - Cordova & Vicinity, 585 - Valdez & Vicinity, 590 - Yakutat Borough-All, 600 - City of Kodiak, 601 - Service District #1, 602 - Monashka Bay, 603 - Bell's Flats, 604 - Anton Larsen, 605 - Chiniak, 606 - Pasagshak, 607 - Islands, 608 - Remote Kodiak, 710 - North Fairbanks, 715 - East Fairbanks, 720 - Southeast Fairbanks, 725 - West Fairbanks, 730 - SW Rural Fairbanks, 735 - NW Rural Fairbanks, 740 - Rural Fairbanks, 745 - E Rural Fairbanks, 747 - Chena Hot Springs Rd, 750 - Badger & Rural North Pole, 760 - City of North Pole, 765 - Salcha, 770 - Remote FNB, 825 - North Slope Borough-All, 830 - Northwest Arctic Borough - All, 835 - Nome Census Area-All, 850 - Denali Borough - All, 855 - Eastern Interior - All, 860 - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area - All, 865 - Aleutians East Borough - All, 870 - Aleutians West Census Area - All, 875 - Bethel Census Area - All, 880 - Bristol Bay Borough - All, 885 - Dillingham Census Area - All, 890 - Lake & Peninsula Borough - All, 895 - Wade Hampton Census Area - All, BG - Big Lake, CN - Chickaloon/Anthracite Ridge, HO - Houston, LL - Lake Louise, MG - Mat Glacier/Glacier View, ML - Meadow Lakes, PA - Palmer, PM - Pt McKenzie, PV - Trapper Crk/Petersville, SU - Sutton, TA - Talkeetna/Montana, TR - Talkeetna Remote, WA - Wasilla, WI - Willow, ZZE - Remote/Eastern Mat-Su, ZZW - Remote/Western Mat-Su,
4Street #CharacterTrue
5DirectionalCharacterTrueN, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW,
6Street NameCharacterTrue
7ArterialCharacterTrueAvenue, Boulevard, Circle, Court, Drive, Estates, Heights, Highway, Lane, Loop, Park, Parkway, Place, Point, Road, Run, Street, Terrace, Trail, Way,
9Unit #CharacterTrue
10Street Addl InfoCharacterTrue
11Closest USPS TownCharacterTrueAdak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akutan, Alakanuk, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anaktuvuk Pass, Anchor Point, Anchorage, Anderson, Angoon, Aniak, Anvik, Arctic Village, Atka, Atmautluak, Atqasuk, Auke Bay, Badger, Barrow, Beaver, Bethel, Bettles, Big Lake, Border, Brevig Mission, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chalkyitsik, Chefornak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chickaloon, Chicken, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chitina, Chuathbaluk, Chugiak, Circle, Clam Gulch, Clarks Point, Clear, Coffman Cove, Cold Bay, Coldfoot, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crooked Creek, Deering, Delta Junction, Denali National Park, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Douglas, Dutch Harbor, Eagle, Eagle River, Edna Bay, Eek, Egegik, Ekwok, Elfin Cove, Elim, Emmonak, English Bay, Ester, Excursion Inlet, Fairbanks, False Pass, Flat, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Girdwood, Glennallen, Golovin, Goodnews Bay, Grayling, Gustavus, Haines, Halibut Cove, Healy, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Hughes, Huslia, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Iliamna, Indian, Ivanof Bay, Juneau, Kake, Kakhonak, Kaktovik, Kaltag, Karluk, Kasaan, Kasigluk, Kasilof, Kenai, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, King Salmon, Kipnuk, Kivalina, Klawock, Kobuk, Kodiak, Koliganek, Kongiganak, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk, Koyukuk, Kwethluk, Kwigillingok, Lake Minchumina, Larsen Bay, Levelock, Lower Kalskag, Manley Hot Springs, Manokotak, Marshall, McGrath, Mekoryuk, Mentasta Lake, Metlakatla, Meyers Chuck, Minto, Moose Pass, Mountain Village, Naknek, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Naukati Bay, Nelchina, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, New Stuyahok, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikiski/North Kenai, Nikolaevsk, Nikolai, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Noatak, Nome, Nondalton, Noorvik, North Pole, Northway, Nuiqsut, Nulato, Nunam Iqua, Nunapitchuk, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paxson, Pedro Bay, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Platinum, Point Baker, Point Hope, Point Lay, Port Alexander, Port Alsworth, Port Graham, Port Heiden, Port Lions, Port Protection, Prudhoe Bay, Quinhagak, Rampart, Red Devil, Remote, Ruby, Russian Mission, Saint George, Saint Marys, Saint Michael, Saint Paul, Salcha, Sand Point, Savoonga, Scammon Bay, Selawik, Seldovia, Seward, Shageluk, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Skwentna, Slana, Sleetmute, Soldotna, South Naknek, Stebbins, Sterling, Stevens Village, Stony River, Sutton, Takotna, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanana, Tatitlek, Teller, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Togiak, Tok, Tokeen, Toksook Bay, Trapper Creek, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, Tununak, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Tyonek, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Upper Kalskag, Valdez, Venetie, Wainright, Wales, Ward Cove, Wasilla, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, Willow, Wrangell, Yakutat,
12StateCharacterTrueAlaska, Outside Alaska,
13Zip CodeCharacterTrue00000, 99000, 99501, 99502, 99503, 99504, 99507, 99508, 99515, 99516, 99517, 99518, 99540, 99546, 99547, 99548, 99549, 99550, 99551, 99552, 99553, 99554, 99555, 99556, 99557, 99558, 99559, 99561, 99563, 99564, 99565, 99566, 99567, 99568, 99569, 99571, 99572, 99573, 99574, 99575, 99576, 99577, 99578, 99579, 99580, 99581, 99583, 99584, 99585, 99586, 99587, 99588, 99589, 99590, 99591, 99602, 99603, 99604, 99605, 99606, 99607, 99608, 99609, 99610, 99611, 99612, 99613, 99614, 99615, 99620, 99621, 99622, 99623, 99624, 99625, 99626, 99627, 99628, 99630, 99631, 99632, 99633, 99634, 99635, 99636, 99637, 99638, 99639, 99640, 99641, 99643, 99644, 99645, 99647, 99648, 99649, 99650, 99651, 99652, 99653, 99654, 99655, 99656, 99657, 99658, 99659, 99660, 99661, 99662, 99663, 99664, 99665, 99666, 99667, 99668, 99669, 99670, 99671, 99672, 99674, 99675, 99676, 99677, 99678, 99679, 99680, 99681, 99682, 99683, 99684, 99685, 99686, 99687, 99688, 99689, 99690, 99691, 99692, 99693, 99694, 99695, 99701, 99704, 99705, 99709, 99711, 99712, 99714, 99716, 99720, 99721, 99722, 99723, 99724, 99725, 99726, 99727, 99729, 99730, 99732, 99733, 99734, 99736, 99737, 99738, 99739, 99740, 99741, 99742, 99743, 99744, 99745, 99746, 99747, 99748, 99749, 99750, 99751, 99752, 99753, 99754, 99755, 99756, 99757, 99758, 99759, 99760, 99761, 99762, 99763, 99764, 99765, 99766, 99767, 99768, 99769, 99770, 99771, 99772, 99773, 99774, 99776, 99777, 99778, 99779, 99780, 99781, 99782, 99783, 99784, 99785, 99786, 99788, 99789, 99790, 99791, 99801, 99820, 99821, 99824, 99825, 99826, 99827, 99829, 99830, 99832, 99833, 99835, 99836, 99840, 99841, 99850, 99901, 99903, 99918, 99919, 99921, 99922, 99923, 99925, 99926, 99927, 99928, 99929, 99950,
14Remote DescriptionCharacterTrue
15Grid # (Muni Anch)CharacterTrueN/A, NE0000, NE0100, NE0200, NE0300, NE0400, NE0500, NE0600, NE0700, NE0800, NE0900, NE1000, NE1001, NE1002, NE1003, NE1004, NE1005, NE1006, NE1007, NE1008, NE1009, NE1010, NE1011, NE1012, NE1013, NE1014, NE1015, NE1100, NE1101, NE1102, NE1103, NE1104, NE1105, NE1106, NE1107, NE1108, NE1109, NE1110, NE1111, NE1112, NE1113, NE1114, NE1115, NE1200, NE1201, NE1202, NE1203, NE1204, NE1205, NE1206, NE1207, NE1208, NE1209, NE1210, NE1211, NE1212, NE1213, NE1214, NE1215, NE1300, NE1301, NE1302, NE1303, NE1304, NE1305, NE1306, NE1307, NE1308, NE1309, NE1310, NE1311, NE1312, NE1313, NE1314, NE1315, NE1400, NE1401, NE1402, NE1403, NE1404, NE1405, NE1406, NE1407, NE1408, NE1409, NE1410, NE1411, NE1412, NE1413, NE1414, NE1415, NE1500, NE1501, NE1502, NE1503, NE1504, NE1505, NE1506, NE1507, NE1508, NE1509, NE1510, NE1511, NE1512, NE1513, NE1514, NE1515, NE1600, NE1601, NE1602, NE1603, NE1604, NE1605, NE1606, NE1607, NE1608, NE1609, NE1610, NE1611, NE1612, NE1613, 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16Tax Map #-Mat-SuCharacterTrueN/A, AC00, AR01, AR02, AR03, AR04, AR05, AR06, AR07, AR08, AR09, AR10, AR11, AR12, AR13, AR14, AR15, AR16, BA00, BC00, BE00, BK00, BL01, BL02, BL03, BL04, BL05, BL06, BL07, BL08, BL09, BL10, BL11, BL12, BL13, BL14, BL15, BL16, BM00, BP00, BR00, BY00, CA01, CA02, CA03, CA04, CA05, CA06, CA07, CA08, CA09, CA10, CA11, CA12, CA13, CA14, CA15, CA16, CC00, CE00, CH01, CH02, CH03, CH04, CH05, CH06, CH07, CH08, CH09, CH10, CH11, CH12, CH13, CH14, CH15, CH16, CL00, CM00, CN01, CN02, CN03, CN04, CN05, CN06, CN07, CN08, CN09, CN10, CN11, CN12, CN13, CN14, CN15, CN16, CO00, CR00, CT00, CU00, CV00, CY00, DC00, DG00, DH00, DK01, DK02, DK03, DK04, DK05, DK06, DK07, DK08, DK09, DK10, DK11, DK12, DK13, DK14, DK15, DK16, DM00, FC00, FH03, FH04, FH05, FH06, FH07, FH08, FH09, FH10, FH11, FH12, FH13, FH14, FH17, FH18, FH20, FH22, FH23, FH26, FH27, FH31, FH32, FH33, FH38, FH46, FH48, FH49, FL00, GB01, GB02, GB03, GB04, GB05, GB06, GB07, GB08, GB09, GB10, GB11, GB12, GB13, GB14, GB15, GC01, GC02, GC03, GC04, GC05, GC06, GC07, GC08, GL00, GO00, GS00, HO01, HO02, HO03, HO04, HO05, HO06, HO07, HO08, HO09, HO10, HO11, HO12, HO13, HO14, HO15, HO16, HR00, HU00, IC00, IN01, IN02, IN03, IN04, IN05, IN06, IN07, IN08, IN09, IN10, IN11, IN12, IN13, IN14, IN15, IN16, JR00, KA00, KG01, KG02, KG03, KG04, KG05, KG06, KG07, KG08, KM00, KO00, KR00, LL01, LL02, LL03, LL04, LL05, LL06, LL07, LL08, LL09, LL10, LL11, LL12, LL13, LL14, LL15, LL16, LM00, LN00, LS01, LS02, LS03, LS04, LS05, LS06, LS07, LS08, LS09, LS10, LS11, LS12, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LT00, LY00, MC00, MD00, MG01, MG02, MG03, MG04, MG05, MG06, MG07, MG08, MG09, MG10, MG11, MG12, MG13, MG14, MG15, MG16, ML00, MN00, MO01, MO02, MO03, MO04, MO05, MO06, MO07, MO08, MO09, MO10, MO11, MO12, MO13, MO14, MO15, MO16, MP00, MR00, MW00, OC01, OC02, OC03, OC04, OC05, OC06, OC07, OC08, OC09, OC10, OC11, OC12, OM00, OP00, OR00, PA01, PA02, PA03, PA04, PA05, PA06, PA07, PA08, PA09, PA10, PA11, PA12, PA13, PA14, PA15, PA16, PC00, PM03, PM04, PM05, PM06, PM11, PM12, PP00, PV01, PV02, PV03, PV04, PV05, PV06, PV07, PV08, PV09, PV10, PV11, PV12, PV13, PV14, PV15, PV16, PV17, PV18, PV19, PV20, PV21, PV22, PV23, PV24, PV25, PV26, PV27, PV28, PV29, PV30, PV31, PV32, PV33, PV34, PV35, PV36, PV37, PV38, PV39, PV40, PV41, PV42, PV43, PV44, PV45, PV46, PV47, PV48, PV49, PV50, PV51, PV52, PV53, PV54, PV55, PV56, PV57, PV58, PV59, PV60, PV61, PV62, PV63, PV64, RM00, SC00, SG00, SH00, SK01, SK02, SK03, SK04, SK05, SK06, SK07, SK08, SK09, SK10, SK11, SK12, SK13, SK14, SK15, SK16, SL01, SL02, SL03, SL04, SL05, SL06, SL07, SL08, SL09, SL10, SL11, SL12, SL13, SL14, SL15, SL16, SM17, SM18, SM30, SM31, SM34, SM35, SM36, SM45, SS00, SU01, SU02, SU03, SU04, SU05, SU06, SU07, SU08, SU09, SU10, SU11, SU12, SU13, SU14, SU15, SU16, SV00, TA01, TA02, TA03, TA04, TA05, TA06, TA07, TA08, TA09, TA10, TA11, TA12, TA13, TA14, TA15, TA16, TC00, TG00, TK00, TL00, TM00, TR00, TY01, TY02, TY03, TY04, TY05, TY06, TY07, TY08, TY09, TY10, TY11, TY12, TY13, TY14, TY15, TY16, WA01, WA02, WA03, WA04, WA05, WA06, WA07, WA08, WA09, WA10, WA11, WA12, WA13, WA14, WA15, WA16, WC01, WC02, WC03, WC04, WC05, WC06, WC07, WC08, WC09, WC10, WC11, WC12, WC13, WC14, WC15, WC16, WI01, WI02, WI03, WI04, WI05, WI06, WI07, WI08, WI09, WI10, WI11, WI12, WI13, WI14, WI15, WI16, WK00, WM00, WP00, WV00, YA00, YO00,
18Taxes (Estimated)DecimalTrue
19Tax YearDecimalTrue
20School-ElementaryCharacterTrueAbbott Loop, Adak, Airport Heights, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Alpenglow, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniguiin, Ann Wien, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Light, Arctic Village, Arviq, Auke Bay, Autie Mary Nicoli, Ayaprun, Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yupik Immersion, Baranof/Keet Gooshi Heen, Barnette, Baxter, Bayshore, Bear Valley, Beaver Cruikshank, Bettles, Big Lake, Birchwood ABC, Blackwell, Bowman, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Butte, Campbell, Cantwell, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chester Valley, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chinook, Chistochina, Chugiak, Circle, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, College Gate, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cottonwood Creek, Craig, Crawford, Creekside Park, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta/Ft. Greely, Dena'ina, Denali, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memorial, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, East, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, Evergreen, Fairview, False Pass, Far North, Fawn Mountain, Finger Lake, Fire Lake, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Gastineau, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier Valley, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Gladys Wood, Glennallen, Goose Bay, Government Hill, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harborview, Harold Kaveolook, Herman Hutchins, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homestead, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houghtaling, Howard Valentine, Huffman, Hunter, Hydaburg, Hyder, Iditarod, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Inlet View, Innoko River, Ipalook, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Joseph & Olinga Gregory, Joy, June Nelson, K-Beach, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kasuun, Kenny Lake, KetAchik/Aapalluk Memorial, Kiana, Kincaid, King Cove, Klatt, Klawock, Klukwan, Knik, Kobuk, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Ladd, Lake Hood, Lake Otis, Larsen Bay, Larson, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Machetanz, Main, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McNeil Canyon, McQueen, Meade River, Meadow Lakes, Mendenhall River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Midnight Sun, Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat/Kilbuck, Minto, MIdnight Sun, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Mount Eccles, Mountain View, Mt. View, Muldoon, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski North Star, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome, Nondalton, Nordale, North Pole, North Star, Northwood, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunaka Valley, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, O'Malley, Ocean View, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Paul Banks/Homer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pearl Creek, Pelican, Perryville, Peterson, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pioneer Peak, Pitkas Point, Point Higgins, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Ptarmigan, Qugcuun Memorial, Rabbit Creek, Rae C Stedman, Ravenwood, Razdolna, Redoubt, Remote - No School, Richard Johnson, Riverbend, Rocky Mountain, Rogers Park, Russian Jack, Russian Mission, Salcha, Sand Lake, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Scenic Park, Seward, Shaktoolik, Shaw, Sheldon Point, Sherrod/Swanson, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Slana, Snowshoe, Soldotna, South Naknek, Spring Hill, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Sterling, Stevens Village, Susan B English, Susitna, Sutton, Swanson, Takotna, Taku, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanaina, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Ticasuk Brown, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Trailside, Trapper Creek, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tudor, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Turnagain, Tustumena, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Unalakleet, Unalaska, University Park, Valley Park, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Weller, West Homer, Whale Pass, White Cliff, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, William Tyson, Williwaw, Willow, Willow Crest, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wonder Park, Woodriver, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi,
21School-MiddleCharacterTrueAdak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Beaver Cruikshank, Begich, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Blackwell, Blatchley, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chistochina, Circle, Clark, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Dzantikl Heeni, Eagle, Eben Hopson, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Floyd Dryden, Fort Yukon, Ft. Greely, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, George Gilson, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Goldenview, Gruening, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Hanshew, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai, Kenny Lake, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kobuk, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Leask, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mears, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Minto, Mirror Lake, Mitkof, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Qugcuun Memorial, Randy Smith, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Romig, Russian Mission, Ryan, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Schoenbar, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Skyview, Slana, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Stikine, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanacross, Tanalian, Tanana, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Teeland, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Twin Hills, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, Wendler, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi,
22School-HighCharacterTrueAdak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andreafski, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Barrow, Bartlett, Beaver Cruikshank, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Bettye Davis East Anchorage, Blackwell, Brevig Mission, Bristol Bay, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chugiak, Circle, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Dimond, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Fort Yukon, Galena, Gambell, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Juneau-Douglas, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai Central, Kenny Lake, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Lathrop, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Metlakatla, Mid Valley, Minto, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Qugcuun Memorial, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Russian Mission, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Service, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Slana, Soldotna, South Anchorage, St George Island, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Valdez, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, West Anchorage, West Valley, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wrangell, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi,
23Assessed Value $DecimalTrue
24Project Name/Unit #CharacterTrue
25Assessed ValueDecimalTrue

Property Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Property Sub TypeCharacterTrueApartment, Condominium, Duplex, Mobile Home, Other, Quadruplex, Single Family Residence, Townhouse, Triplex,
2Property UseCharacterTrueMixed Use, Single Use, TypeCharacterTrueCommercial, Multi-Family, Residential - Condo/Townhouse, Residential - Mobile/Manufactured Homes, Residential - Single Family, Vacant Land,
4Construction StatusCharacterTrueExisting Structure, New - Construction Complete, New - To Be Built, No Real Property, Under Construction,
5Building TypeCharacterTrueClass A, Class B, Class C,
6Business NameCharacterTrue
7Property Attached/Common WallsCharacterTrueNo, Yes,
9Business IncludesCharacterTrueBuilding, Land, Land & Building, No Real Property,
10Gen Contr/Owner BldrCharacterTrueGeneral Contractor, Owner/Builder,
11Primary SpaceCharacterTrueLand, Office, Office/Retail, Office/Warehouse, Retail, Warehouse/Shop,
12Bathrooms HalfDecimalTrue
13Bathrooms Three QuarterDecimalTrue
14Bathrooms FullDecimalTrue
15Bathrooms TotalDecimalTrue
16Building TypeCharacterTrueClass A, Class B, Class C,
17PS Rent-Min Mth $/SFDecimalTrue
19PS SF - Total AvailDecimalTrue
20SF-Res Total ApxDecimalTrue
21Bldgs-Ttl #DecimalTrue
22Building StatusCharacterTrueLeased, Owner Occupied, Vacant,
23Floors - # ofDecimalTrue
24PS SF-Min AvailableDecimalTrue
25% of Space LeasedDecimalTrue
27PS SF-Max ContiguousDecimalTrue
30Year BuiltDecimalTrue
31Lot Area SourceCharacterTrueAs Built, Builder, Other, Owner, Plat, Previous Appraisal, Survey, Tax Authority,
32Year RemodeledDecimalTrue
33Secondary SpaceCharacterTrueLand, Office, Office/Retail, Office/Warehouse, Retail, Warehouse/Shop,
34SS Rent-Min Mth $/SFDecimalTrue
35Year UpdatedDecimalTrue
36ZoningCharacterTrueA - Airport, AC - Airport Commercial, AC - Airport Commercial (re: City Palmer), AC - Auto Commercial, AD - Airport Development, AF - Antenna Farm, AG - Agricultural, AG - Agricultural (re: City Palmer), AI - Airport Industrial, AI - Airport Industrial (re: City Palmer), B - Business, B1A - Local/Neighborhood Business, B1B - Community Business, B2A - Central Business Core, B2B - Central Business Intermediate, B2C - Central Business Periphery, B3 - General Business, B4 - Rural Business, BCWP - Bridge Creek Watershed Protection, BP - Business Park, BP - Business Park (re: City Palmer), C - Commercial, C - Commercial (re: Cities Wasilla/Houston), C - Conservation, C - General Commercial, C1 - General Commercial, C2 - General Commercial, CB - Commercial Business, CBD - Central Business District, CC - Central Commercial, CD - Commercial Development, CE-AD Airport Development (Birchwood), CE-B-3 General Busines, CE-DO Downtown Eagle River Overlay, CE-DR Development Reserve, CE-EVO Eklutna Village Overlay, CE-I-1 Light Industrial, CE-I-2 Heavy Industrial, CE-I-3 Rural Industrial, CE-PCD Planned Community Development, CE-PLI Public Lands and Institutions, CE-PR Parks and Recreations, CE-R-1 Single-Family Residential, CE-R-10 Low Density Residential, Alpine/Slope, CE-R-1A Single- Family Residential, CE-R-2A Single and Two Family Residential, CE-R-2D Two Family Residential, CE-R-2M Mixed Residential, CE-R-3 Multifamily Residential, CE-R-5 Suburban Residential with Mobile Homes, CE-R-5A Rural Residential with Mobile Homes, CE-R-6 Low-Density Residential, CE-R-7 Medium-Density Single Family Residential, CE-R-8 Low Density Residential, CE-R-9 Low Density Residential, CE-RC Rural Commercial, CE-RO Residential Office, CE-TR Transition, CG - General Commercial, CG - General Commercial (re: City Palmer), CI - Cottage Industry, CL - Limited Commercial, CL - Limited Commercial (re: City Palmer), CM - Commercial Marine, CO - Conservation District, COM - Commercial, COM - Commercial (Unofficial), CR - Commercial Residential, CRC - Commercial Recreational Conservation, CWR - Commercial Water Residential, D1 - Single Family and Duplex, D10 - Multi-Family, D15 - Multi-Family, D18 - Multi-Family, D2 - Residential Development, D2 - Single Family and Duplex, D3 - Residential Development, D3 - Single Family and Duplex, D5 - Single Family and Duplex, FD - Future Development, gC-1 Seward Hwy/Alyeska Hwy Commercial, gC-10 Upper Alyeska Highway Commercial, gC-2 Girdwood Station/Seward Hwy Commercial, gC-3 Old Townsite Commercial/Residential, gC-4 Lower Alyeska Hwy Commercial, gC-5 New Townsite South Commercial, gC-6 Crow Creek Rd Commercial/Residential, gC-7 Townsite Square Commercial, gC-8 New Townsite North Commercial, gC-9 East Hightower Commercial/Residential, gI-1Ruane Road Industrial, gI-2 Upper Crow Creek Industrial, gR-1 Alyeska Hwy Mixed Residential, gR-2 Sgl Family/Two Family Residential, gR-2A Sgl/TwoFamily Residential (Crow Creek Road), gR-3 Sgl Family/Two Family Residential, gR-4 Multiple-Family Residential, gR-5 Multiple-Family Residential, GA Girdwood Airport, GC - General Commercial, GC - General Conservation, GC1 - General Commercial 1, GC2 - General Commercial 2, GCR-1 Commercial Recreation (Golf/Nordic Ski), GCR-2 Commercial Recreation (Glacier/Winner Crk), GCR-3 Commercial Recreation (Crow Crk Historic Mn), GDR Development Reserve, GI - General Island, GIP Girdwood Institutions & Parks, GOS Girdwood Open Space, GRR Recreation Reserve, GRST-1 Original Mountain Base Resort, GRST-2 New Base Resort, GU1 - General Use, GU5 - General Use, GW Girdwood Watershed, H - Heavy Industrial, H - Holding, HC - Harbor Commercial, HD - Historic District, HI - Heavy Industrial, I - Industrial, I - Industrial (re: City Wasilla), I1 - Industrial District, I1 - Industrial District (re: City Palmer), I1 - Light Industrial, I2 - Heavy Industrial, I3 - Rural Industrial, IH - Heavy Industrial, IL - Light Industrial, ILC - Light Industrial/Commercial, IND - Industrial, INS - Institutional, IW - Waterfront Industrial, KROD - Kenai River Overlay Dist., LC - Light Commercial, LC - Limited Commercial, LI - Large Island, LI - Light Industrial, M - Multi-Family and Residental, MBR - Mobile Building Restricted, MBU - Mobile Building Unrestricted, MC - Marine Commercial, MF - Multiple Family Residential, MFO - Multi-Family Res/Professional Office, MFR - Multi-Family Residential, MH - Mobile Home, MI - Marine Industrial, ML - Mineral Lands, MR - Multiple Residential, MU - Mixed Use, MU - Multiple Use, MU2 - Mixed Use 2, NC - Neighborhood Commercial, NU - Natural Use, OR - Office Residential, OR - Outdoor Recreational, OS - Open Space, OSB - Open Space Buffer, OSR - Open Space Recreational, Other, P - Parks, P - Public, P - Public (re: Cities Palmer/Wasilla), P - Public Lands, P - Public Use District, PC - Planned Community, PH - Parks Highway, PL - Public Lands, PLI - Public Lands and Institutions, PR - Parks/Recreational, PUD - Planned Unit Development, PUD - Planned Unit Development (re: City Palmer), R - Recreational, R - Residential, R1 - Residential, R1 - Single Family or Duplex, R1 - Single Family Res (re: Cities Palmer/Wasilla), R1 - Single Family Residential, R10 - Residential Alpine/Slope, R11 - Turnagain Arm, R1A - Single Family Residential, R1E - Single Family Res Estate, R1E - Single Family Res Estate (re: City Palmer), R1MH - Single Family, Duplex and Mobile, R2 - Double Family, R2 - Low Density Residential, R2 - Low Density Residential (re: City Palmer), R2 - Multi-Family, R2 - Residential, R2 - Residential (re: City Wasilla), R2A - Two Family Residential, R2D - Two Family Residential, R2M - Multi Family Residential, R2MHP - Multi-Family and Mobile Home, R3 - Medium Density Multi-Family, R3 - Medium Density Multi-Family (re: City Palmer), R3 - Multi-Family, R3 - Multiple Family Residential, R3 - Residential, R3SL - Multi Family Res Special Limitation, R4 - High Density Res District, R4 - High Density Res District (re: City Palmer), R4 - Multiple Family Residential, R5 - Rural Residential, R5A - Rural Residential, R6 - Suburban Residential, R7 - Intermediate Rural Residential, R8 - Rural Residential, R9 - Rural Residential, RA10 - Rural and Agricultural, RA2.5 - Residential Agricultural, RA20 - Rural and Agricultural, RA40 - Rural and Agricultural, RA5 - Rural and Agricultural, RB - Retail Business, RD - Resource Development, RD - Rural Development, Residential Reserved, RE2 - Rural Estate, RE4 - Rural Estate, REC - Recreational, RES - Residential, RES - Residential (Unofficial), RF2 - Rural Farmstead, RF4 - Rural Farmstead, RG - Residential General, RH - High Density Residential, RL - Low Density Residential, RM - Medium Density Residential, RM - Residential Multi-Family, RM - Residential Multi-Family (re: City Wasilla), RM - Resource Management, RMKS - See Remarks, RMKS - See Remarks (re: all MSB), RMU - Rural Mixed Use, RNC - Rural Neighborhood Commercial, RO - Residential Office, RR - Residential Reserved, RR - Rural Reserve, RR - Rural Residential, RR - Rural Residential (re: City Wasilla), RR1 - Rural Residential 1, RR2 - Rural Residential 2, RS - Suburban Residential, RS1 - Suburban Residential 1, RS2 - Suburban Residential 2, RSM - Residential Special Multi-Family, RU - Urban Residential, SC - Sawmill Cove, SC - Subsistence Conservation, SF - Single Family, SF/TF - Single Family/Two Family Res, SF10 - Single Family Residential, SF20 - Single Family Residential, SF5 - Single Family Residential, SFSFLD - Single Family/SF Low Density, SR - Single Residential, SRO - Single Resident Occupancy, SSA - Significant Structures Area, T - Transitional, T - Transitional (re: City Palmer), TA - Turnagain Arm, TC - Transportation Corridor, TF - Two Family Residential, TSH - Historic Town Site, U - Unrestricted, UNC - Urban Neighborhood Commercial, UNK - Unknown, UNK - Unknown (re: all MSB), UNZ - Not Zoned, UNZ - Not Zoned-all MSB but Palmer/Wasilla/Houston, UR - Urban Residential, V - Village, W - Waterfront, W - Watershed, WC - Waterfront Commercial, WCR - Waterfront Commercial Residential, WD - Waterfront District, WH - Wildlife Habitat, WI - Waterfront Industrial,
37Garage SpacesDecimalTrue
38SF-Building ApxDecimalTrue
39SS SF - Total AvailDecimalTrue
41SS SF - Min AvailDecimalTrue
42Units-Ttl #DecimalTrue
43Carport SpacesDecimalTrue
45SS SF-Max ContiguousDecimalTrue
46Parking Space-Ttl #DecimalTrue
47Prkg SpcsDecimalTrue
48Building NameCharacterTrue
49Energy RatingCharacterTrue
50FurnishedCharacterTrueFurnished, Partially Furnished, Unfurnished,
52Dues-FrequencyCharacterTrueMonthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Yearly,
54Unit Floor #DecimalTrue
55Income-Gross AnnualDecimalTrue
56Lot Dimension-BackCharacterTrue
57Lot Dimension-FrontCharacterTrue
58Lot Dimension-LeftCharacterTrue
59Lot Dimension-RightCharacterTrue

Remarks and Directions

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Directions and Remarks

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Rental Application URLCharacterTrue
3Public RemarksCharacterTrue

Condo Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Ranch - TraditionalBooleanTrue

Residential Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1B & B in OperationBooleanTrue
2B & B PotentialBooleanTrue
8Single Family ResBooleanTrue
9Site Condo-AttachedBooleanTrue
10Site Condo-DetachedBooleanTrue
12ZLL - AttachedBooleanTrue
13ZLL - DetachedBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Basement StatusCharacterTrueFinished, Partially Finished, Unfinished,
2Year BuiltIntegerFalse
3Year BuiltIntegerFalse
4Year RemodeledIntegerFalse
5Year RemodeledIntegerFalse
6Year UpdatedIntegerFalse
7Year UpdatedIntegerFalse
8Parking Space-Ttl #IntegerTrue
9Basement StatusCharacterTrueFinished, Partially Finished, Unfinished,

Vacant Land Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Multi-Family Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Apartment StyleBooleanTrue
5Side by SideBooleanTrue
7Up and DownBooleanTrue
85+ UnitsBooleanTrue
9Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue

To Show

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Lockbox-FBKS SupraBooleanTrue

Mobile Res Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Mobile Home OnlyBooleanTrue
4Mobile w/RE IncludedBooleanTrue

Green Verification

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

General Contractor

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Contractor/Bldr NameCharacterTrue
2Contractor License #CharacterTrue
3Res Const Endorse #CharacterTrue

Building Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Builder Name & CoCharacterTrue
2Building StatusCharacterTrueLeased, Owner, Vacant,
3Units- # of EffcncyIntegerTrue
4Units-# of 1 BRIntegerTrue
5Parking Space-Ttl #IntegerTrue
6Units- # of 2 BRIntegerTrue
7Units-# of 3 BRIntegerTrue
8Units- # of 4+ BRIntegerTrue
9Vacancy RateDecimalTrue
10Building NameCharacterTrue
11Year BuiltIntegerTrue
12SF Building ApxIntegerTrue
13Building Area SourceCharacterTrueBuilder, Other, Owner, Previous Appraisal, Tax Authority,

Home Ownr Assoc Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Dues-HOA NameCharacterTrue
2Dues-HOA Phone #CharacterTrue
3Dues-HOA AmountDecimalTrue
4Dues-HOA FrequencyCharacterTrueMonthly, Quarterly, Yearly,

Business Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Assisted LivingBooleanTrue
3B & BBooleanTrue
5Beauty/Barber ShopBooleanTrue
7Commercial CharterBooleanTrue
8Commission SalesBooleanTrue
9Food ServicesBooleanTrue
15Mobile Home ParkBooleanTrue
16Package StoreBooleanTrue
18Professional ServiceBooleanTrue
22Service StationBooleanTrue
23Shopping CenterBooleanTrue

Lease Features

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Credit Report ReqBooleanTrue
2Date AvailableDateTrue
3HOA NameCharacterTrue
4HOA PhoneCharacterTrue
5Last Mnth in AdvanceBooleanTrue
6Lease Doc prov by LOBooleanTrue
7Lease Purch PossibleBooleanTrue
8Lease TermCharacterTrue12 Months, 24 Months, 6 Months, Month to Month, Negotiable, None, Other, Renewal Option, Short Term Lease, Weekly,
9Parking Space-Ttl #IntegerTrue
10Pet Deposit RequiredBooleanTrue
11Pets On ApprovalBooleanFalse
12Rental Insurance RequiredBooleanTrue
13Security DepositDecimalTrue
14Smokers OKBooleanFalse
15NO Smoking / Vaping / CannabisBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Owner/Builder NameCharacterTrue
2Elec Cont Lic #CharacterTrue
3Plumbers License #CharacterTrue
4Mech Prof Lic #CharacterTrue

Association Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Association NameCharacterTrue
2Association Phone #CharacterTrue
3Manager ContactCharacterTrue
4Manager Phone #CharacterTrue
5Dues-HOA NameCharacterTrue
6Dues-HOA Phone #CharacterTrue
8Dues-FrequencyCharacterTrueMonthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Yearly,

Listing Terms Financing

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
11031 ExchangeBooleanTrue
21031 ExchangeBooleanTrue
31031 ExchangeBooleanTrue
17FHA 203(b)BooleanTrue
18FHA 203(b)BooleanTrue
19FHA 203(k)BooleanTrue
20FHA 203(k)BooleanTrue
21FHA 203(k)BooleanTrue
22Lease OptionBooleanTrue
23Lease OptionBooleanTrue
24Lease OptionBooleanTrue
25Owner FinanceBooleanTrue
26Owner FinanceBooleanTrue
27VA LoanBooleanTrue
28VA LoanBooleanTrue
29VA LoanBooleanTrue
38See RemarksBooleanTrue

Primary Space

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1# Dock High DoorsIntegerTrue
2# Grade Lvl DoorsIntegerTrue
3# of FloorsIntegerTrue
4# Parking SpacesIntegerTrue
5Ceiling Height FtIntegerTrue
7Dock Hi Door SizeCharacterFalse
8Floor Location #IntegerTrue
9General ConditionCharacterTrue
16Overhead Door SizeCharacterTrue
17Rent-Min MonthlyDecimalTrue
19SF - SourceCharacterTrue
20TI AllowanceCharacterTrue
22Yard SFIntegerTrue

Dues Include

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Exterior MaintenanceBooleanTrue
3Grounds MaintenanceBooleanTrue
6Land LeaseBooleanTrue
9Snow RemovalBooleanTrue
11Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue

Secondary Space

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1# Dock High DoorsIntegerTrue
2# Grade Lvl DoorsIntegerTrue
3# of FloorsIntegerTrue
4# Parking SpacesIntegerTrue
5Ceiling Height FtIntegerTrue
7Dock Hi Door SizeCharacterTrue
8Floor Location #IntegerTrue
9General ConditionCharacterTrue
15Rent-Min MonthlyDecimalTrue
17TI AllowanceCharacterTrue
19SF-SS SourceCharacterTrue

Lease Terms

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
11st & Last MonthBooleanTrue
21st Month & Security DepositBooleanTrue
3Sec Dep & Last MonthBooleanTrue
4Minimum 1 Yr LeaseBooleanTrue
5Multi-Year Lease ReqBooleanTrue
6Lease All Space ReqBooleanTrue
7Lease All or PartBooleanTrue
8Tnt Pays All Util/SvBooleanTrue
9Tnt Pays Prt Util/SvBooleanTrue
10CAM ChargesBooleanTrue
11Purchase OptionBooleanTrue
13Allowance - YesBooleanTrue
14Allowance - NegoBooleanTrue
15Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1In UnitBooleanTrue
2Avail Common AreaBooleanTrue
4Electric Dryer Hook-UpBooleanTrue
5Gas Dryer Hook-UpBooleanTrue
6Washer Hook-UpBooleanTrue

Mobile Homes Only

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Serial #CharacterTrue
4Size W x LCharacterTrue
5Tip Out SizeCharacterTrue
6Space Rent/Mo $DecimalTrue

Land Features

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Airplane AccessBooleanTrue
2Building PresentBooleanTrue
3Buried Fuel TankBooleanTrue
5Curb & GuttersBooleanTrue
6Dog Teams OKBooleanTrue
8DSL/Cable AvailableBooleanTrue
9Environmental HistryBooleanTrue
11Fire Service AreaBooleanTrue
12Flood PlainBooleanTrue
13Gravel PadBooleanTrue
14Gravel PitBooleanTrue
15Highway FrontageBooleanTrue
16Homeowner AssocBooleanTrue
17Horse PropertyBooleanTrue
18In City LimitsBooleanTrue
19Meter LoopBooleanTrue
20Mineral RightsBooleanTrue
21Mobile Home OkBooleanTrue
22Multi-Family OkBooleanTrue
25Perc TestedBooleanTrue
26Rail ServiceBooleanTrue
27Road Service AreaBooleanTrue
29Southern ExposureBooleanTrue
30Storm DrainBooleanTrue
31Stub Out - SewerBooleanTrue
32Stub Out - WaterBooleanTrue
34Trees - ClearedBooleanTrue
35Trees - HeavyBooleanTrue
36Trees - SparseBooleanTrue
39Will Build to SuitBooleanTrue

Exterior Finish

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
26Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
27Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
28Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
29Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
30Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
31Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
32Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
33Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
34Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Coal StoveBooleanTrue
5Floor FurnaceBooleanTrue
6Forced AirBooleanTrue
8Natural GasBooleanTrue
10Pellet StoveBooleanTrue
12Propane StoveBooleanTrue
14Radiant FloorBooleanTrue
15Separate MetersBooleanTrue
17Space HeaterBooleanTrue
19Wood StoveBooleanTrue
23See RemarksBooleanTrue

Parking Features

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Assigned Space(s)BooleanTrue
2Garage - AttachedBooleanTrue
3Garage - DetachedBooleanTrue
4Garage - HeatedBooleanTrue
5Garage - Door OpenerBooleanTrue
6Garage - WorkshopBooleanTrue
7Carport - AttachedBooleanTrue
8Carport - DetachedBooleanTrue
11Shared DrivewayBooleanTrue
12On StreetBooleanTrue
14Parking LotBooleanTrue
18RV Access/ParkingBooleanTrue
19Guest ParkingBooleanTrue
20Varies by UnitBooleanTrue

Mobile Home Details

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3MH-Serial #CharacterTrue
4MH-Size W x LCharacterTrue
5MH-Tip Out SizeCharacterTrue
6MH-Space Rent/Mo $DecimalTrue

Mobile Home Features

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Arctic EntryBooleanTrue
2Arctic EntryBooleanTrue
3Building AdditionBooleanTrue

Owner Builder

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Owner/Builder NameCharacterTrue
2Elec Cont Lic #CharacterTrue
3Plumbers License #CharacterTrue
4Mech Prof Lic #CharacterTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Gently RollingBooleanTrue
11Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
12Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
13Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
14Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue

Roof Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Bitumen/Torch DownBooleanTrue
3Bitumen/Torch DownBooleanTrue
4Bitumen/Torch DownBooleanTrue
11Rolled/Hot MopBooleanTrue
19Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
20Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
21Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
22Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Call Leasing OfficeBooleanTrue
2Pets AllowedBooleanTrue
3No Pets AllowedBooleanTrue
4Cats OKBooleanTrue
5Dogs OKBooleanTrue
6Alternative Pets on ApprovalBooleanTrue
7Breed RestrictionsBooleanTrue
8Number LimitBooleanTrue
9Size LimitBooleanTrue
10Pet Relief Area on PropertyBooleanTrue
11See RemarksBooleanTrue

Construction Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
10Metal SidingBooleanTrue
11Mobile HomeBooleanTrue
12Mobile HomeBooleanTrue
16Post & BeamBooleanTrue
17Post & BeamBooleanTrue
18Post & BeamBooleanTrue
19Wood FrameBooleanTrue
20Wood FrameBooleanTrue
21Wood Frame - 2x4BooleanTrue
22Wood Frame - 2x4BooleanTrue
23Wood Frame - 2x6BooleanTrue
24Wood Frame - 2x6BooleanTrue
25Wood Frame - 2x8BooleanTrue
26Wood Frame - 2x8BooleanTrue

Foundation Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1All-Weather WoodBooleanTrue
2All-Weather WoodBooleanTrue
3All-Weather WoodBooleanTrue
6Post on PadBooleanTrue
7Poured ConcreteBooleanTrue
11Sono TubesBooleanTrue
12Treated PostsBooleanTrue
13Untreated WoodBooleanTrue
14Wood CribBooleanTrue
16Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
17Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue

View Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2City LightsBooleanTrue

Primary Rental Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Rentable - BOMABooleanTrue
3Rentable - OtherBooleanTrue

Tenant Pays

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Association FeesBooleanTrue
2Cable TVBooleanTrue
9Trash CollectionBooleanTrue

Wtrfrnt-Access Near

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Garage Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
9Tuck UnderBooleanTrue
10Tuck UnderBooleanTrue
13Other-See RemarksBooleanTrue
14Other-See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1All-Weather WoodBooleanTrue
2All-Weather WoodBooleanTrue
6Post on PadBooleanTrue
7Post on PadBooleanTrue
8Poured ConcreteBooleanTrue
12Sono TubesBooleanTrue
13Treated PostsBooleanTrue
14Treated PostsBooleanTrue
15Untreated WoodBooleanTrue
16Untreated WoodBooleanTrue
17Wood CribBooleanTrue
18Wood CribBooleanTrue
20Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue

Owner Pays

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Association FeesBooleanTrue
2Cable TVBooleanTrue
9Trash CollectionBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Carport Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
7Tuck UnderBooleanTrue
8Tuck UnderBooleanTrue
11Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
12Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
13Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
33Heavy DutyBooleanTrue
34Heavy DutyBooleanTrue
35Heavy DutyBooleanTrue
38Luxury VinylBooleanTrue
39Luxury VinylBooleanTrue
40Luxury VinylBooleanTrue
47Reclaimed WoodBooleanTrue
48Reclaimed WoodBooleanTrue
63See RemarksBooleanTrue
64See RemarksBooleanTrue
65See RemarksBooleanTrue
66See RemarksBooleanTrue
67See RemarksBooleanTrue

Secondary Rntl Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Rentable - BOMABooleanTrue
3Rentable - OtherBooleanTrue

Snow Maintenance

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Waterfront Details

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Waterfront NameCharacterTrue
3Waterfront NameCharacterTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
8Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
9Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue

Yard Maintenance

No. Fields Type Searchable Options

Floor Style

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Double WideBooleanTrue
4Hlsd Rnch/Dlt BsmntBooleanTrue
7Prow Front SplitBooleanTrue
10Side/Calif SplitBooleanTrue
11Single WideBooleanTrue
12Split EntryBooleanTrue
14Two-Story ReverseBooleanTrue
15Two-Story TradtnlBooleanTrue
16Two-Story W/BsmntBooleanTrue
17Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Elec - Adj to SiteBooleanTrue
2Electric - In AreaBooleanTrue
3Elec - On SiteBooleanTrue
7Electric - NoneBooleanTrue
8Fuel OilBooleanTrue
9Natural Gas-In AreaBooleanTrue
10Nat Gas - Adj SiteBooleanTrue
11Nat Gas - On SiteBooleanTrue
12Nat Gas-Unknwn-BTVBooleanTrue
13Natural Gas - NoneBooleanTrue
14Pub Wtr - Adj SiteBooleanTrue
15Pub Wtr - On SiteBooleanTrue
16Pub Water - In AreaBooleanTrue
17Pub Wtr-Unknown-BTVBooleanTrue
18Pub Wtr-NoneBooleanTrue
19Pub Wtr Provdr NameCharacterTrue
20Septic-DEC ApprovalBooleanTrue
21Septic - On SiteBooleanTrue
22Septic - NoneBooleanTrue
23Sewer - Adj SiteBooleanTrue
25Sewer-In AreaBooleanTrue
26Sewer - On SiteBooleanTrue
29Telephone - Adj SiteBooleanTrue
30Telephone - In AreaBooleanTrue
31Telephone - On SiteBooleanTrue
33Telephone - NoneBooleanTrue
34Well - CommunityBooleanTrue
35Well - DEC ApprovalBooleanTrue
36Well - On SiteBooleanTrue
37Well - Unknown-BTVBooleanTrue
38Well - NoneBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Air ExchangerBooleanTrue
2Arctic EntryBooleanTrue
4BR/BA on Main LevelBooleanTrue
5BR/BA Primary on Main LevelBooleanTrue
6BR/BA Primary on Main LevelBooleanTrue
7Ceiling Fan(s)BooleanTrue
8Central Vac Rough-inBooleanTrue
9Central Vac Rough-InBooleanTrue
10Central VacuumBooleanTrue
11Cooling SystemBooleanTrue
12CO Detector(s)BooleanTrue
13Den &/or OfficeBooleanTrue
14Den &/Or OfficeBooleanTrue
17Double OvensBooleanTrue
18Elec Air CleanerBooleanTrue
19Elec Air CleanerBooleanTrue
21Electric CooktopBooleanTrue
23Family RoomBooleanTrue
24Fire Sprinkler SystemBooleanTrue
26Freezer-Stand AloneBooleanTrue
27Gas CooktopBooleanTrue
28Gas FireplaceBooleanTrue
29Home TheaterBooleanTrue
31In-Law FloorplanBooleanTrue
33Jetted TubBooleanTrue
36Microwave (B/I)BooleanTrue
40Range/Oven - ElectricBooleanTrue
41Range/Oven - GasBooleanTrue
45Security SystemBooleanTrue
46Smoke Detector(s)BooleanTrue
47Smoke Detector(s)BooleanTrue
48Soaking TubBooleanTrue
50Trash CompactorBooleanTrue
51Vaulted Ceiling(s)BooleanTrue
52Washer &/Or DryerBooleanTrue
53Washer &/Or DryerBooleanTrue
54Washer &/Or Dryer HookupBooleanTrue
55Washer &/Or Dryer HookupBooleanTrue
56Washer &/Or Dryer HookupBooleanTrue
57Water PurificationBooleanTrue
58Water SoftenerBooleanTrue
59Wet BarBooleanTrue
60Window CoveringsBooleanTrue
61Wine/Beverage CoolerBooleanTrue
62Wired AudioBooleanTrue
63Wired AudioBooleanTrue
64Wired DataBooleanTrue
65Wired DataBooleanTrue
66Wood StoveBooleanTrue
68Concrete CountersBooleanTrue
69Granite CountersBooleanTrue
70Laminate CountersBooleanTrue
71Marble CountersBooleanTrue
72Plastic CountersBooleanTrue
73Quartz CountersBooleanTrue
74Solid Surface CounterBooleanTrue
75Tile CountersBooleanTrue
76Wood CountersBooleanTrue
77SBOS Reqd-See RmksBooleanTrue
78SBOS Reqd-See RmksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Dedicated RoadBooleanTrue
14Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
15Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Hold TankBooleanTrue
4Hold TankBooleanTrue
5Lift StationBooleanTrue
6Public SewerBooleanTrue
7Septic TankBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Hold TankBooleanTrue
3Lift StationBooleanTrue
4Public SewerBooleanTrue
5Septic TankBooleanTrue
8Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Assessed Value - TotalDecimalTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Airplane AccessBooleanTrue
2B & B PotentialBooleanTrue
4Buried Fuel TankBooleanTrue
5Chicken CoopBooleanTrue
8DSL/Cable AvailableBooleanTrue
9End UnitBooleanTrue
11Fenced YardBooleanTrue
12Fire PitBooleanTrue
13Fire Service AreaBooleanTrue
14Fixer UpperBooleanTrue
15Garage Door OpenerBooleanTrue
18Ground Floor UnitBooleanTrue
19Handicap AccessibleBooleanTrue
21Heated DrivewayBooleanTrue
22Home Owner Assoc.BooleanTrue
23Home WarrantyBooleanTrue
24Horse PropertyBooleanTrue
25In City LimitsBooleanTrue
26Inground Sprnklr SysBooleanTrue
27Inground Sprnklr SysBooleanTrue
32Motion LightingBooleanTrue
35Paved DrivewayBooleanTrue
36Poultry AllowedBooleanTrue
37Private YardBooleanTrue
38Road Service AreaBooleanTrue
39RV ParkingBooleanTrue
40Satellite ComponentsBooleanTrue
41Satellite DishBooleanTrue
43Sun RoomBooleanTrue
44Swimming PoolBooleanTrue
45Top Floor UnitBooleanTrue
47TV AntennaBooleanTrue
50Waterfront AccessBooleanTrue
51Cable TVBooleanTrue
52Circle DrivewayBooleanTrue
54Heated SidewalksBooleanTrue
55Hot TubBooleanTrue
56Pets ConsideredBooleanTrue
57Pets Not AllowedBooleanTrue
58Senior-Age QualifiedBooleanTrue
61SBOS Reqd-See RmrksBooleanTrue

Road Maintenance

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1No RoadBooleanTrue
2Road Mntd All YearBooleanTrue
3Road Mntd Part YearBooleanTrue
4Unmaintained RoadBooleanTrue
5Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue

Water Source

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Community WellBooleanTrue
4Hold TankBooleanTrue
5Hold TankBooleanTrue
6Hold TankBooleanTrue
7Holding TankBooleanTrue
13Shared WellBooleanTrue
14Shared WellBooleanTrue
17Water DeliveredBooleanTrue
18Water DeliveredBooleanTrue
19Water-Prvt Well DpthCharacterTrue
23Shared WellBooleanTrue
25Holding TankBooleanTrue
26Holding TankBooleanTrue
27Water DeliveredBooleanTrue
29Private Depth WellCharacterTrue
30Private Depth WellIntegerTrue
41Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
42Unknown - BTVBooleanTrue
43See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1SF-Whs ApxIntegerTrue
2SF-Whs OfficeIntegerTrue
3Whs-Dock Hi Door SzCharacterTrue
4SF-Whs Mezzanine ApxIntegerTrue
5Whs-# Grd Lvl DoorsIntegerTrue
6SF-Whs Mezzanine ApxIntegerTrue
7SF-Whs OfficeDecimalTrue
8Whs-# Dock Hi DoorsIntegerTrue
9Whs-Grd Lvl Door SzCharacterTrue
10Whs-Dock Hi Door SzCharacterTrue
11Whs-Grd Lvl Door SzCharacterTrue

Access Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Dedicated RoadBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1SF-Retail ApxIntegerTrue
2SF-Retail Mezz ApxIntegerTrue
3SF-Retail OfficeDecimalTrue
4SF-Retail WarehouseDecimalTrue
5SF-Retail WarehouseDecimalTrue

Mortgage Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Cash Req'd to AssumeDecimalTrue
2EM Minimum DepositDecimalTrue
3Cash Req'd to AssumeDecimalTrue
4Cash Req'd to AssumeDecimalTrue
5EM Minimum DepositDecimalTrue
6EM Minimum DepositDecimalTrue
7EM Minimum DepositDecimalTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Office Apx SFIntegerTrue

Dining Room Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Breakfast Nook/BarBooleanTrue

Sewer Type

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
3Hold TankBooleanTrue
4Hold TankBooleanTrue
5Lift StationBooleanTrue
6Public SewerBooleanTrue
7Septic TankBooleanTrue

Utility Info

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Fuel-Meter #CharacterTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
13 Phase ElectricBooleanTrue
23 Phase ElectricBooleanTrue
3Automotive AllowedBooleanTrue
5Buried Fuel TankBooleanTrue
6Corner LotBooleanTrue
7DSL/Cable AvailableBooleanTrue
11Fire Sprinkler SystemBooleanTrue
12Fire Sprinkler SystemBooleanTrue
13Floor Drain(s)BooleanTrue
15HW Heater - ElecBooleanTrue
16HW Heater - GasBooleanTrue
17In City LimitsBooleanTrue
18Living QuartersBooleanTrue
19Loading DockBooleanTrue
22Master Meter - ElecBooleanTrue
23Master Meter - GasBooleanTrue
26Oil SeparatorBooleanTrue
27Oil SeparatorBooleanTrue
28On-Site ParkingBooleanTrue
29Overhead Door(s)BooleanTrue
31Rail SpurBooleanTrue
32Rail SpurBooleanTrue
35Security SystemBooleanTrue
36Separate Meter-ElecBooleanTrue
37Separate Meter-GasBooleanTrue
38Stand Alone UnitBooleanTrue
40Wtrfnt-Access NearbyBooleanTrue
41Wtrfnt-Access NearbyBooleanTrue
42Wtrfnt-Access NearbyBooleanTrue
43Wtrfnt-Actual FrntgBooleanTrue
44Wtrfnt-Actual FrntgBooleanTrue
45Wtrfnt-Actual FrntgBooleanTrue
46Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Basketball CourtBooleanTrue
2Community HallBooleanTrue
5Recreation CenterBooleanTrue
7Tennis CourtsBooleanTrue
8Wine CellarBooleanTrue


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Airplane AccessBooleanTrue
2Chicken CoopBooleanTrue
4CO Detector(s)BooleanTrue
6DSL-Cable AvailableBooleanTrue
7Fire PitBooleanTrue
8Fire Sprinkler SystemBooleanTrue
11Handicap AccessibleBooleanTrue
13In City LimitsBooleanTrue
14Inground Sprnklr SysBooleanTrue
16Laundry FacilityBooleanTrue
17Owner OccupiedBooleanTrue
20Smoke Detector(s)BooleanTrue
21Tenant StorageBooleanTrue
23Vaulted Ceiling(s)BooleanTrue
25Washer/Dryer HkUpBooleanTrue
26Circle DrivewayBooleanTrue
27Heated DrivewayBooleanTrue
28Heated SidewalksBooleanTrue
29Paved DrivewayBooleanTrue
30RV ParkingBooleanTrue

Basement Status

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
2Partially FinishedBooleanTrue

Utility & Svc Pmt

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1ElectricCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
2GasCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
3Grounds MaintCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
4Insurance-BuildingCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
5Insurance-OtherCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
6Janitorial - Lse SpcCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
7Janitorial-CommonCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
8MaintenanceCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
9OilCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
10Parking/Yard SpaceCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
11PropaneCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
12Real Estate TaxesCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
13RefuseCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
14Security GroundsCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
15Security SystemCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
16Sewer SepticCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
17SignageCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
18Snow RemovalCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
19Water/WellCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,
20Other - See RemarksCharacterTrueN/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant,


No. Fields Type Searchable Options
5Docs Posted on MLSBooleanTrue
6Fixt/Furn ListsBooleanTrue
7Floor PlanBooleanTrue
8Inventory ListBooleanTrue
10P & LBooleanTrue
11Package AvailableBooleanTrue
13Prop Discl AvailableBooleanTrue
14Property DisclosureBooleanTrue
15Soils TestBooleanTrue
17Well & Septic TestBooleanTrue
18Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue

Docs Avl for Review

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
6Docs Posted on MLSBooleanTrue
7Docs Posted on MLSBooleanTrue
8Fixt/Furn ListsBooleanTrue
9Floor PlanBooleanTrue
10Home InspectionBooleanTrue
11Inventory ListBooleanTrue
13P & LBooleanTrue
14Package AvailableBooleanTrue
16Prop Discl AvailableBooleanTrue
17Property DisclosureBooleanTrue
18PUR 101BooleanTrue
19PUR 102BooleanTrue
20Re-Sale CertBooleanTrue
21Soils TestBooleanTrue
23Well & Septic TestBooleanTrue
24Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
25Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
26Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue
27Other - See RemarksBooleanTrue

Income & Expenses

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Debt Int RateDecimalTrue
2Exp-Elec/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
3Exp-Gas/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
4Exp-Insurance/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
5Exp-Maint/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
6Exp-Mgmt/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
7Exp-Oil/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
8Exp-Other/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
9Exp-Refuse/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
10Exp-Res Mgr/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
11Exp-Snow/Yard/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
12Exp-Tax & Ins/YrDecimalTrue
13Exp-Wtr/Swr/Yr AvgDecimalTrue
15Income-Net OperatingDecimalTrue
16Income-Rent Mo TotalDecimalTrue
17Less Vac/Credit LossDecimalTrue
18Other DebtDecimalTrue

Unit #1

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
3Bath-Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue

Unit #2

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
3Bath-Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue

Unit #3

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
3Bath-Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue

Unit #4

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
3Bath-Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue

Unit #5

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
3Bath-Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue

Unit #6

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
2Bath - HalfIntegerTrue
3Bath-Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue

Unit #7

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
2Bath - HalfIntegerTrue
3Bath - Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue

Unit #8

No. Fields Type Searchable Options
1Bath - FullIntegerTrue
2Bath - HalfIntegerTrue
3Bath - Three QtrIntegerTrue
5Dining RoomIntegerTrue
6Family RoomIntegerTrue
8Living RoomIntegerTrue
9Primary BedroomIntegerTrue
10Utility RoomIntegerTrue
11Extra RoomIntegerTrue
14Parking SpacesIntegerTrue
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