Custom Fields List
Location, Legal, and School Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Region | Character | True | 1 - Southcentral Alaska Region, 2 - Southeast Alaska Region, 3 - Interior & North Alaska Regions - All, 4 - West & Southwest Alaska Regions - All, |
2 | Borough/Census Area | Character | True | 1A - Anchorage Municipality, 1B - Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1C - Kodiak Island Borough, 1D - Matanuska Susitna Borough, 1E - Prince William Sound, 2A - Haines Borough, 2B - Juneau Borough, 2C - Ketchikan Gateway Borough, 2D - Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area, 2E - Sitka Borough, 2F - Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, 2G - Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area, 2H - Yakutat Borough, 3A - Denali Borough, 3B - Eastern Interior, 3C - Fairbanks North Star Borough, 3D - Northwest Arctic Borough, 3E - North Slope Borough, 3F - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, 4A - Aleutians East Borough, 4B - Aleutians West Census Area, 4C - Bethel Census Area, 4D - Bristol Bay Borough, 4E - Dillingham Census Area, 4F - Lake & Peninsula Borough, 4G - Nome Census Area, 4H - Wade Hampton Census Area, |
3 | Area | Character | True | 5 - Downtown Anchorage, 10 - Spenard, 15 - W Tudor Rd - Dimond Blvd, 20 - Dimond South, 25 - Dearmoun Rd - Potter Marsh, 30 - Abbott Rd - Dearmoun Rd, 35 - E Tudor Rd - Abbott Rd, 40 - Seward Hwy to Boniface Pkwy, 45 - Boniface Pkwy to Muldoon Rd, 50 - Post Rd - Glenn Hwy, 90 - Eagle River, 100 - Chugiak/Peters Crk, 101 - Girdwood/Turnagain Arm, 300 - North Kenai, 305 - Kenai, 310 - Kalifornsky Beach, 315 - S of Soldotna, 320 - Kasilof, 322 - Clam Gulch, 325 - W side KPB, 330 - Soldotna, 335 - Ridgeway, 340 - Sterling, 345 - Funny River, 360 - Hope, 365 - Seward - Cooper Landing, 476 - Ninilchik/Happy Valley, 478 - Caribou Hills, 480 - Anchor Point, 482 - Anchor Point to Homer, 484 - North Fork, 486 - South Kenai Rec, 488 - Diamond Ridge/Skyline, 490 - Homer, 492 - Kachemak City/Fritz Creek, 494 - McNeil & East, 496 - Seldovia, 498 - South Side of Kachemak Bay, 500 - Downtown Juneau, 505 - Salmon/Lemon Creek, 510 - Mendenhall Valley, 512 - Auke Bay, 515 - Out the Road, 520 - Thane Rd, 525 - West Juneau, 530 - Douglas, 535 - North Douglas, 550 - Haines Borough, 555 - Skagway & Vicinity, 560 - Gustavus & Vicinity, 561 - Chichagof & Admiralty Islands, 562 - Sitka Borough - All, 565 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough - All, 567 - Mitkof Island & Vicinity, 568 - Wrangell Island & Vicinity, 570 - Prince of Wales - Outer Ketchikan - All, 575 - Whittier & Vicinity, 580 - Cordova & Vicinity, 585 - Valdez & Vicinity, 590 - Yakutat Borough-All, 600 - City of Kodiak, 601 - Service District #1, 602 - Monashka Bay, 603 - Bell's Flats, 604 - Anton Larsen, 605 - Chiniak, 606 - Pasagshak, 607 - Islands, 608 - Remote Kodiak, 710 - North Fairbanks, 715 - East Fairbanks, 720 - Southeast Fairbanks, 725 - West Fairbanks, 730 - SW Rural Fairbanks, 735 - NW Rural Fairbanks, 740 - Rural Fairbanks, 745 - E Rural Fairbanks, 747 - Chena Hot Springs Rd, 750 - Badger & Rural North Pole, 760 - City of North Pole, 765 - Salcha, 770 - Remote FNB, 825 - North Slope Borough-All, 830 - Northwest Arctic Borough - All, 835 - Nome Census Area-All, 850 - Denali Borough - All, 855 - Eastern Interior - All, 860 - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area - All, 865 - Aleutians East Borough - All, 870 - Aleutians West Census Area - All, 875 - Bethel Census Area - All, 880 - Bristol Bay Borough - All, 885 - Dillingham Census Area - All, 890 - Lake & Peninsula Borough - All, 895 - Wade Hampton Census Area - All, BG - Big Lake, CN - Chickaloon/Anthracite Ridge, HO - Houston, LL - Lake Louise, MG - Mat Glacier/Glacier View, ML - Meadow Lakes, PA - Palmer, PM - Pt McKenzie, PV - Trapper Crk/Petersville, SU - Sutton, TA - Talkeetna/Montana, TR - Talkeetna Remote, WA - Wasilla, WI - Willow, ZZE - Remote/Eastern Mat-Su, ZZW - Remote/Western Mat-Su, |
4 | Street # | Character | True | |
5 | Directional | Character | True | N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW, |
6 | Street Name | Character | True | |
7 | Arterial | Character | True | Avenue, Boulevard, Circle, Court, Drive, Estates, Heights, Highway, Lane, Loop, Park, Parkway, Place, Point, Road, Run, Street, Terrace, Trail, Way, |
8 | Unit # | Character | True | |
9 | Street Addl Info | Character | True | |
10 | Closest USPS Town | Character | True | Adak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akutan, Alakanuk, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anaktuvuk Pass, Anchor Point, Anchorage, Anderson, Angoon, Aniak, Anvik, Arctic Village, Atka, Atmautluak, Atqasuk, Auke Bay, Badger, Barrow, Beaver, Bethel, Bettles, Big Lake, Border, Brevig Mission, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chalkyitsik, Chefornak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chickaloon, Chicken, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chitina, Chuathbaluk, Chugiak, Circle, Clam Gulch, Clarks Point, Clear, Coffman Cove, Cold Bay, Coldfoot, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crooked Creek, Deering, Delta Junction, Denali National Park, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Douglas, Dutch Harbor, Eagle, Eagle River, Edna Bay, Eek, Egegik, Ekwok, Elfin Cove, Elim, Emmonak, English Bay, Ester, Excursion Inlet, Fairbanks, False Pass, Flat, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Girdwood, Glennallen, Golovin, Goodnews Bay, Grayling, Gustavus, Haines, Halibut Cove, Healy, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Hughes, Huslia, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Iliamna, Indian, Ivanof Bay, Juneau, Kake, Kakhonak, Kaktovik, Kaltag, Karluk, Kasaan, Kasigluk, Kasilof, Kenai, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, King Salmon, Kipnuk, Kivalina, Klawock, Kobuk, Kodiak, Koliganek, Kongiganak, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk, Koyukuk, Kwethluk, Kwigillingok, Lake Minchumina, Larsen Bay, Levelock, Lower Kalskag, Manley Hot Springs, Manokotak, Marshall, McGrath, Mekoryuk, Mentasta Lake, Metlakatla, Meyers Chuck, Minto, Moose Pass, Mountain Village, Naknek, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Naukati Bay, Nelchina, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, New Stuyahok, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikiski/North Kenai, Nikolaevsk, Nikolai, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Noatak, Nome, Nondalton, Noorvik, North Pole, Northway, Nuiqsut, Nulato, Nunam Iqua, Nunapitchuk, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paxson, Pedro Bay, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Platinum, Point Baker, Point Hope, Point Lay, Port Alexander, Port Alsworth, Port Graham, Port Heiden, Port Lions, Port Protection, Prudhoe Bay, Quinhagak, Rampart, Red Devil, Remote, Ruby, Russian Mission, Saint George, Saint Marys, Saint Michael, Saint Paul, Salcha, Sand Point, Savoonga, Scammon Bay, Selawik, Seldovia, Seward, Shageluk, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Skwentna, Slana, Sleetmute, Soldotna, South Naknek, Stebbins, Sterling, Stevens Village, Stony River, Sutton, Takotna, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanana, Tatitlek, Teller, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Togiak, Tok, Tokeen, Toksook Bay, Trapper Creek, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, Tununak, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Tyonek, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Upper Kalskag, Valdez, Venetie, Wainright, Wales, Ward Cove, Wasilla, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, Willow, Wrangell, Yakutat, |
11 | State | Character | True | Alaska, Outside Alaska, |
12 | Zip Code | Character | True | 00000, 99000, 99501, 99502, 99503, 99504, 99507, 99508, 99515, 99516, 99517, 99518, 99540, 99546, 99547, 99548, 99549, 99550, 99551, 99552, 99553, 99554, 99555, 99556, 99557, 99558, 99559, 99561, 99563, 99564, 99565, 99566, 99567, 99568, 99569, 99571, 99572, 99573, 99574, 99575, 99576, 99577, 99578, 99579, 99580, 99581, 99583, 99584, 99585, 99586, 99587, 99588, 99589, 99590, 99591, 99602, 99603, 99604, 99605, 99606, 99607, 99608, 99609, 99610, 99611, 99612, 99613, 99614, 99615, 99620, 99621, 99622, 99623, 99624, 99625, 99626, 99627, 99628, 99630, 99631, 99632, 99633, 99634, 99635, 99636, 99637, 99638, 99639, 99640, 99641, 99643, 99644, 99645, 99647, 99648, 99649, 99650, 99651, 99652, 99653, 99654, 99655, 99656, 99657, 99658, 99659, 99660, 99661, 99662, 99663, 99664, 99665, 99666, 99667, 99668, 99669, 99670, 99671, 99672, 99674, 99675, 99676, 99677, 99678, 99679, 99680, 99681, 99682, 99683, 99684, 99685, 99686, 99687, 99688, 99689, 99690, 99691, 99692, 99693, 99694, 99695, 99701, 99704, 99705, 99709, 99711, 99712, 99714, 99716, 99720, 99721, 99722, 99723, 99724, 99725, 99726, 99727, 99729, 99730, 99732, 99733, 99734, 99736, 99737, 99738, 99739, 99740, 99741, 99742, 99743, 99744, 99745, 99746, 99747, 99748, 99749, 99750, 99751, 99752, 99753, 99754, 99755, 99756, 99757, 99758, 99759, 99760, 99761, 99762, 99763, 99764, 99765, 99766, 99767, 99768, 99769, 99770, 99771, 99772, 99773, 99774, 99776, 99777, 99778, 99779, 99780, 99781, 99782, 99783, 99784, 99785, 99786, 99788, 99789, 99790, 99791, 99801, 99820, 99821, 99824, 99825, 99826, 99827, 99829, 99830, 99832, 99833, 99835, 99836, 99840, 99841, 99850, 99901, 99903, 99918, 99919, 99921, 99922, 99923, 99925, 99926, 99927, 99928, 99929, 99950, |
13 | Remote Description | Character | True | |
14 | Grid # (Muni Anch) | Character | True | N/A, NE0000, NE0100, NE0200, NE0300, NE0400, NE0500, NE0600, NE0700, NE0800, NE0900, NE1000, NE1001, NE1002, NE1003, NE1004, NE1005, NE1006, NE1007, NE1008, NE1009, NE1010, NE1011, NE1012, NE1013, NE1014, NE1015, NE1100, NE1101, NE1102, NE1103, NE1104, NE1105, NE1106, NE1107, NE1108, NE1109, NE1110, NE1111, NE1112, NE1113, NE1114, NE1115, NE1200, NE1201, NE1202, NE1203, NE1204, NE1205, NE1206, NE1207, NE1208, NE1209, NE1210, NE1211, NE1212, NE1213, NE1214, NE1215, NE1300, NE1301, NE1302, NE1303, NE1304, NE1305, NE1306, NE1307, NE1308, NE1309, NE1310, NE1311, NE1312, NE1313, NE1314, NE1315, NE1400, NE1401, NE1402, NE1403, NE1404, NE1405, NE1406, NE1407, NE1408, NE1409, NE1410, NE1411, NE1412, NE1413, NE1414, NE1415, NE1500, NE1501, NE1502, NE1503, NE1504, NE1505, NE1506, NE1507, NE1508, NE1509, NE1510, NE1511, NE1512, NE1513, NE1514, NE1515, NE1600, NE1601, NE1602, NE1603, NE1604, NE1605, NE1606, NE1607, NE1608, NE1609, NE1610, NE1611, NE1612, NE1613, NE1614, NE1615, NE1700, NE1701, NE1702, NE1703, NE1704, NE1705, NE1706, NE1707, NE1708, NE1709, NE1710, NE1711, NE1712, NE1713, NE1714, NE1715, NE1800, NE1801, NE1802, NE1803, NE1804, NE1805, NE1806, NE1807, NE1808, NE1809, NE1810, NE1811, NE1812, NE1813, NE1814, NE1815, NE1900, NE1901, NE1902, NE1903, NE1904, NE1905, NE1906, NE1907, NE1908, NE1909, NE1910, NE1911, NE1912, NE1913, NE1914, NE1915, NE2000, NE2001, NE2002, NE2003, NE2004, NE2005, NE2006, NE2007, NE2008, NE2009, NE2010, NE2011, NE2100, NE2101, NE2102, NE2103, NE2104, NE2105, NE2106, NE2107, NE2108, NE2109, NE2110, NE2111, NE2200, NE2201, NE2202, NE2203, NE2204, NE2205, NE2206, NE2207, NE2208, NE2209, NE2210, NE2211, NE2301, NE2302, NE2303, NE2304, NE2305, NE2306, NE2307, NE2308, NE2309, NE2310, NE2311, NE2406, NE2407, NE2408, NE2409, NE2410, NE2411, NW0034, NW0035, NW0036, NW0037, NW0038, NW0039, NW0040, NW0041, NW0042, NW0043, NW0044, NW0045, NW0046, NW0047, NW0048, NW0049, NW0050, NW0051, NW0052, NW0053, NW0054, NW0055, NW0056, NW0057, NW0058, NW0059, NW0060, NW0061, NW0062, NW0063, NW0064, NW0065, NW0134, NW0135, NW0136, NW0137, NW0138, NW0139, NW0140, NW0141, NW0142, NW0143, NW0144, NW0145, NW0146, NW0147, NW0148, NW0149, NW0150, NW0151, NW0152, NW0153, NW0154, NW0155, NW0156, NW0157, NW0158, NW0159, NW0160, NW0161, NW0162, NW0163, NW0164, NW0165, NW0236, NW0237, NW0238, NW0239, NW0240, NW0241, NW0242, NW0243, NW0244, NW0245, NW0246, NW0247, NW0248, NW0249, NW0250, NW0251, NW0252, NW0253, NW0254, NW0255, NW0256, NW0257, NW0258, NW0259, NW0260, NW0261, NW0262, NW0263, NW0264, NW0265, NW0336, NW0337, NW0338, NW0339, NW0340, NW0341, NW0342, NW0343, NW0344, NW0345, NW0346, NW0347, NW0348, NW0349, NW0350, NW0351, NW0352, NW0353, NW0354, NW0355, NW0356, NW0357, NW0358, NW0359, NW0360, NW0361, NW0362, NW0363, NW0364, NW0365, NW0442, NW0443, NW0444, NW0445, NW0446, NW0447, NW0448, NW0449, NW0450, NW0451, NW0452, NW0453, NW0454, NW0455, NW0456, NW0457, NW0458, NW0459, NW0460, NW0461, NW0462, 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15 | Tax Map #-Mat-Su | Character | True | N/A, AC00, AR01, AR02, AR03, AR04, AR05, AR06, AR07, AR08, AR09, AR10, AR11, AR12, AR13, AR14, AR15, AR16, BA00, BC00, BE00, BK00, BL01, BL02, BL03, BL04, BL05, BL06, BL07, BL08, BL09, BL10, BL11, BL12, BL13, BL14, BL15, BL16, BM00, BP00, BR00, BY00, CA01, CA02, CA03, CA04, CA05, CA06, CA07, CA08, CA09, CA10, CA11, CA12, CA13, CA14, CA15, CA16, CC00, CE00, CH01, CH02, CH03, CH04, CH05, CH06, CH07, CH08, CH09, CH10, CH11, CH12, CH13, CH14, CH15, CH16, CL00, CM00, CN01, CN02, CN03, CN04, CN05, CN06, CN07, CN08, CN09, CN10, CN11, CN12, CN13, CN14, CN15, CN16, CO00, CR00, CT00, CU00, CV00, CY00, DC00, DG00, DH00, DK01, DK02, DK03, DK04, DK05, DK06, DK07, DK08, DK09, DK10, DK11, DK12, DK13, DK14, DK15, DK16, DM00, FC00, FH03, FH04, FH05, FH06, FH07, FH08, FH09, FH10, FH11, FH12, FH13, FH14, FH17, FH18, FH20, FH22, FH23, FH26, FH27, FH32, FH33, FH38, FH46, FH48, FH49, FL00, GB01, GB02, GB03, GB04, GB05, GB06, GB07, GB08, GB09, GB10, GB11, GB12, GB13, GB14, GB15, GC01, GC02, GC03, GC04, GC05, GC06, GC07, GC08, GL00, GO00, GS00, HO01, HO02, HO03, HO04, HO05, HO06, HO07, HO08, HO09, HO10, HO11, HO12, HO13, HO14, HO15, HO16, HR00, HU00, IC00, IN01, IN02, IN03, IN04, IN05, IN06, IN07, IN08, IN09, IN10, IN11, IN12, IN13, IN14, IN15, IN16, JR00, KA00, KG01, KG02, KG03, KG04, KG05, KG06, KG07, KG08, KM00, KO00, KR00, LL01, LL02, LL03, LL04, LL05, LL06, LL07, LL08, LL09, LL10, LL11, LL12, LL13, LL14, LL15, LL16, LM00, LN00, LS01, LS02, LS03, LS04, LS05, LS06, LS07, LS08, LS09, LS10, LS11, LS12, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LT00, LY00, MC00, MD00, MG01, MG02, MG03, MG04, MG05, MG06, MG07, MG08, MG09, MG10, MG11, MG12, MG13, MG14, MG15, MG16, ML00, MN00, MO01, MO02, MO03, MO04, MO05, MO06, MO07, MO08, MO09, MO10, MO11, MO12, MO13, MO14, MO15, MO16, MP00, MR00, MW00, OC01, OC02, OC03, OC04, OC05, OC06, OC07, OC08, OC09, OC10, OC11, OC12, OM00, OP00, OR00, PA01, PA02, PA03, PA04, PA05, PA06, PA07, PA08, PA09, PA10, PA11, PA12, PA13, PA14, PA15, PA16, PC00, PM03, PM04, PM05, PM06, PM11, PM12, PP00, PV01, PV02, PV03, PV04, PV05, PV06, PV07, PV08, PV09, PV10, PV11, PV12, PV13, PV14, PV15, PV16, PV17, PV18, PV19, PV20, PV21, PV22, PV23, PV24, PV25, PV26, PV27, PV28, PV29, PV30, PV31, PV32, PV33, PV34, PV35, PV36, PV37, PV38, PV39, PV40, PV41, PV42, PV43, PV44, PV45, PV46, PV47, PV48, PV49, PV50, PV51, PV52, PV53, PV54, PV55, PV56, PV57, PV58, PV59, PV60, PV61, PV62, PV63, PV64, RM00, SC00, SG00, SH00, SK01, SK02, SK03, SK04, SK05, SK06, SK07, SK08, SK09, SK10, SK11, SK12, SK13, SK14, SK15, SK16, SL01, SL02, SL03, SL04, SL05, SL06, SL07, SL08, SL09, SL10, SL11, SL12, SL13, SL14, SL15, SL16, SM17, SM18, SM30, SM31, SM34, SM35, SM36, SM45, SS00, SU01, SU02, SU03, SU04, SU05, SU06, SU07, SU08, SU09, SU10, SU11, SU12, SU13, SU14, SU15, SU16, SV00, TA01, TA02, TA03, TA04, TA05, TA06, TA07, TA08, TA09, TA10, TA11, TA12, TA13, TA14, TA15, TA16, TC00, TG00, TK00, TL00, TM00, TR00, TY01, TY02, TY03, TY04, TY05, TY06, TY07, TY08, TY09, TY10, TY11, TY12, TY13, TY14, TY15, TY16, WA01, WA02, WA03, WA04, WA05, WA06, WA07, WA08, WA09, WA10, WA11, WA12, WA13, WA14, WA15, WA16, WC01, WC02, WC03, WC04, WC05, WC06, WC07, WC08, WC09, WC10, WC11, WC12, WC13, WC14, WC15, WC16, WI01, WI02, WI03, WI04, WI05, WI06, WI07, WI08, WI09, WI10, WI11, WI12, WI13, WI14, WI15, WI16, WK00, WM00, WP00, WV00, YA00, YO00, |
16 | Tax ID | Character | True | |
17 | Taxes (Estimated) | Decimal | True | |
18 | Tax Year | Decimal | True | |
19 | School-Elementary | Character | True | Abbott Loop, Adak, Airport Heights, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Alpenglow, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniguiin, Ann Wien, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Light, Arctic Village, Arviq, Auke Bay, Autie Mary Nicoli, Ayaprun, Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yupik Immersion, Baranof/Keet Gooshi Heen, Barnette, Baxter, Bayshore, Bear Valley, Beaver Cruikshank, Bettles, Big Lake, Birchwood ABC, Blackwell, Bowman, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Butte, Campbell, Cantwell, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chester Valley, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chinook, Chistochina, Chugiak, Circle, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, College Gate, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cottonwood Creek, Craig, Crawford, Creekside Park, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta/Ft. Greely, Dena'ina, Denali, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memorial, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, East, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, Evergreen, Fairview, False Pass, Far North, Fawn Mountain, Finger Lake, Fire Lake, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Gastineau, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier Valley, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Gladys Wood, Glennallen, Goose Bay, Government Hill, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harborview, Harold Kaveolook, Herman Hutchins, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homestead, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houghtaling, Howard Valentine, Huffman, Hunter, Hydaburg, Hyder, Iditarod, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Inlet View, Innoko River, Ipalook, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Joseph & Olinga Gregory, Joy, June Nelson, K-Beach, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kasuun, Kenny Lake, KetAchik/Aapalluk Memorial, Kiana, Kincaid, King Cove, Klatt, Klawock, Klukwan, Knik, Kobuk, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Ladd, Lake Hood, Lake Otis, Larsen Bay, Larson, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Machetanz, Main, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McNeil Canyon, McQueen, Meade River, Meadow Lakes, Mendenhall River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Midnight Sun, Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat/Kilbuck, Minto, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Mount Eccles, Mountain View, Mt. View, Muldoon, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski North Star, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome, Nondalton, Nordale, North Pole, North Star, Northwood, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunaka Valley, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, O'Malley, Ocean View, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Paul Banks/Homer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pearl Creek, Pelican, Perryville, Peterson, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pioneer Peak, Pitkas Point, Point Higgins, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Ptarmigan, Qugcuun Memorial, Rabbit Creek, Rae C Stedman, Ravenwood, Razdolna, Redoubt, Remote - No School, Richard Johnson, Riverbend, Rocky Mountain, Rogers Park, Russian Jack, Russian Mission, Salcha, Sand Lake, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Scenic Park, Seward, Shaktoolik, Shaw, Sheldon Point, Sherrod/Swanson, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Slana, Snowshoe, Soldotna, South Naknek, Spring Hill, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Sterling, Stevens Village, Susan B English, Susitna, Sutton, Swanson, Takotna, Taku, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanaina, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Ticasuk Brown, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Trailside, Trapper Creek, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tudor, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Turnagain, Tustumena, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Unalakleet, Unalaska, University Park, Valley Park, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Weller, West Homer, Whale Pass, White Cliff, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, William Tyson, Williwaw, Willow, Willow Crest, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wonder Park, Woodriver, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi, |
20 | School-Middle | Character | True | Adak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Beaver Cruikshank, Begich, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Blackwell, Blatchley, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chistochina, Circle, Clark, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Dzantikl Heeni, Eagle, Eben Hopson, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Floyd Dryden, Fort Yukon, Ft. Greely, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, George Gilson, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Goldenview, Gruening, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Hanshew, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai, Kenny Lake, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kobuk, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Leask, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mears, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Minto, Mirror Lake, Mitkof, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Qugcuun Memorial, Randy Smith, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Romig, Russian Mission, Ryan, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Schoenbar, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Skyview, Slana, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Stikine, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanacross, Tanalian, Tanana, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Teeland, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Twin Hills, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, Wendler, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi, |
21 | School-High | Character | True | Adak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andreafski, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Barrow, Bartlett, Beaver Cruikshank, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Bettye Davis East Anchorage, Blackwell, Brevig Mission, Bristol Bay, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chugiak, Circle, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Dimond, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Fort Yukon, Galena, Gambell, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Juneau-Douglas, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai Central, Kenny Lake, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Lathrop, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Metlakatla, Mid Valley, Minto, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Qugcuun Memorial, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Russian Mission, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Service, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Slana, Soldotna, South Anchorage, St George Island, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Valdez, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, West Anchorage, West Valley, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wrangell, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi, |
22 | Builder Name & Co | Character | True | |
23 | Legal | Character | True |
Contract Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Subdivision Plat Type | Character | True | Fee Simple, Site Condo, |
2 | Price-List | Decimal | True | |
3 | Price-Lease/Mo | Decimal | True | |
4 | Status | Character | True | Active, Cancelled, Closed, Coming Soon, Deleted, Expired, Pending, Withdrawn, |
5 | Down Payment | Character | True | $0 - $1,000, $1,001 - $2,000, $2,001 - $3,000, $3,001 - $ 4,000, $4,001 - $5,000, $5,001 - $7,500, $7,501 - $10,000, $10,001 - $20,000, $20,001 or Over, None/Unknown, |
6 | RentSpree Screening | Character | True | No, Yes, |
7 | EM Minimum Deposit | Decimal | True | |
8 | Minimum EM Deposit $ | Decimal | True | |
9 | Foreclosure/Bank Own | Character | True | No, Yes, |
Sold Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Date-Pending | Date | True |
Leased Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Date-Pending | Date | True | |
2 | Date-Leased | Date | True |
Location, Tax and Legal
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Region | Character | True | 1 - Southcentral Alaska Region, 2 - Southeast Alaska Region, 3 - Interior & North Alaska Regions - All, 4 - West & Southwest Alaska Regions - All, |
2 | Borough/Census Area | Character | True | 1A - Anchorage Municipality, 1B - Kenai Peninsula Borough, 1C - Kodiak Island Borough, 1D - Matanuska Susitna Borough, 1E - Prince William Sound, 2A - Haines Borough, 2B - Juneau Borough, 2C - Ketchikan Gateway Borough, 2D - Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area, 2E - Sitka Borough, 2F - Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, 2G - Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area, 2H - Yakutat Borough, 3A - Denali Borough, 3B - Eastern Interior, 3C - Fairbanks North Star Borough, 3D - Northwest Arctic Borough, 3E - North Slope Borough, 3F - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, 4A - Aleutians East Borough, 4B - Aleutians West Census Area, 4C - Bethel Census Area, 4D - Bristol Bay Borough, 4E - Dillingham Census Area, 4F - Lake & Peninsula Borough, 4G - Nome Census Area, 4H - Wade Hampton Census Area, |
3 | Area | Character | True | 5 - Downtown Anchorage, 10 - Spenard, 15 - W Tudor Rd - Dimond Blvd, 20 - Dimond South, 25 - Dearmoun Rd - Potter Marsh, 30 - Abbott Rd - Dearmoun Rd, 35 - E Tudor Rd - Abbott Rd, 40 - Seward Hwy to Boniface Pkwy, 45 - Boniface Pkwy to Muldoon Rd, 50 - Post Rd - Glenn Hwy, 90 - Eagle River, 100 - Chugiak/Peters Crk, 101 - Girdwood/Turnagain Arm, 300 - North Kenai, 301 - Swanson River, 305 - Kenai, 310 - Kalifornsky Beach, 315 - S of Soldotna, 320 - Kasilof, 322 - Clam Gulch, 325 - W side KPB, 330 - Soldotna, 335 - Ridgeway, 340 - Sterling, 345 - Funny River, 360 - Hope, 365 - Seward - Cooper Landing, 476 - Ninilchik/Happy Valley, 478 - Caribou Hills, 480 - Anchor Point, 482 - Anchor Point to Homer, 484 - North Fork, 486 - South Kenai Rec, 488 - Diamond Ridge/Skyline, 490 - Homer, 492 - Kachemak City/Fritz Creek, 494 - McNeil & East, 496 - Seldovia, 498 - South Side of Kachemak Bay, 500 - Downtown Juneau, 505 - Salmon/Lemon Creek, 510 - Mendenhall Valley, 512 - Auke Bay, 515 - Out the Road, 520 - Thane Rd, 525 - West Juneau, 530 - Douglas, 535 - North Douglas, 550 - Haines Borough, 555 - Skagway & Vicinity, 560 - Gustavus & Vicinity, 561 - Chichagof & Admiralty Islands, 562 - Sitka Borough - All, 565 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough - All, 567 - Mitkof Island & Vicinity, 568 - Wrangell Island & Vicinity, 570 - Prince of Wales - Outer Ketchikan - All, 575 - Whittier & Vicinity, 580 - Cordova & Vicinity, 585 - Valdez & Vicinity, 590 - Yakutat Borough-All, 600 - City of Kodiak, 601 - Service District #1, 602 - Monashka Bay, 603 - Bell's Flats, 604 - Anton Larsen, 605 - Chiniak, 606 - Pasagshak, 607 - Islands, 608 - Remote Kodiak, 710 - North Fairbanks, 715 - East Fairbanks, 720 - Southeast Fairbanks, 725 - West Fairbanks, 730 - SW Rural Fairbanks, 735 - NW Rural Fairbanks, 740 - Rural Fairbanks, 745 - E Rural Fairbanks, 747 - Chena Hot Springs Rd, 750 - Badger & Rural North Pole, 760 - City of North Pole, 765 - Salcha, 770 - Remote FNB, 825 - North Slope Borough-All, 830 - Northwest Arctic Borough - All, 835 - Nome Census Area-All, 850 - Denali Borough - All, 855 - Eastern Interior - All, 860 - Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area - All, 865 - Aleutians East Borough - All, 870 - Aleutians West Census Area - All, 875 - Bethel Census Area - All, 880 - Bristol Bay Borough - All, 885 - Dillingham Census Area - All, 890 - Lake & Peninsula Borough - All, 895 - Wade Hampton Census Area - All, BG - Big Lake, CN - Chickaloon/Anthracite Ridge, HO - Houston, LL - Lake Louise, MG - Mat Glacier/Glacier View, ML - Meadow Lakes, PA - Palmer, PM - Pt McKenzie, PV - Trapper Crk/Petersville, SU - Sutton, TA - Talkeetna/Montana, TR - Talkeetna Remote, WA - Wasilla, WI - Willow, ZZE - Remote/Eastern Mat-Su, ZZW - Remote/Western Mat-Su, |
4 | Street # | Character | True | |
5 | Directional | Character | True | N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW, |
6 | Street Name | Character | True | |
7 | Arterial | Character | True | Avenue, Boulevard, Circle, Court, Drive, Estates, Heights, Highway, Lane, Loop, Park, Parkway, Place, Point, Road, Run, Street, Terrace, Trail, Way, |
8 | Street | Character | True | |
9 | Unit # | Character | True | |
10 | Street Addl Info | Character | True | |
11 | Closest USPS Town | Character | True | Adak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akutan, Alakanuk, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anaktuvuk Pass, Anchor Point, Anchorage, Anderson, Angoon, Aniak, Anvik, Arctic Village, Atka, Atmautluak, Atqasuk, Auke Bay, Badger, Barrow, Beaver, Bethel, Bettles, Big Lake, Border, Brevig Mission, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chalkyitsik, Chefornak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chickaloon, Chicken, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chitina, Chuathbaluk, Chugiak, Circle, Clam Gulch, Clarks Point, Clear, Coffman Cove, Cold Bay, Coldfoot, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crooked Creek, Deering, Delta Junction, Denali National Park, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Douglas, Dutch Harbor, Eagle, Eagle River, Edna Bay, Eek, Egegik, Ekwok, Elfin Cove, Elim, Emmonak, English Bay, Ester, Excursion Inlet, Fairbanks, False Pass, Flat, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Girdwood, Glennallen, Golovin, Goodnews Bay, Grayling, Gustavus, Haines, Halibut Cove, Healy, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Hughes, Huslia, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Iliamna, Indian, Ivanof Bay, Juneau, Kake, Kakhonak, Kaktovik, Kaltag, Karluk, Kasaan, Kasigluk, Kasilof, Kenai, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, King Salmon, Kipnuk, Kivalina, Klawock, Kobuk, Kodiak, Koliganek, Kongiganak, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk, Koyukuk, Kwethluk, Kwigillingok, Lake Minchumina, Larsen Bay, Levelock, Lower Kalskag, Manley Hot Springs, Manokotak, Marshall, McGrath, Mekoryuk, Mentasta Lake, Metlakatla, Meyers Chuck, Minto, Moose Pass, Mountain Village, Naknek, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Naukati Bay, Nelchina, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, New Stuyahok, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikiski/North Kenai, Nikolaevsk, Nikolai, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Noatak, Nome, Nondalton, Noorvik, North Pole, Northway, Nuiqsut, Nulato, Nunam Iqua, Nunapitchuk, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paxson, Pedro Bay, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Platinum, Point Baker, Point Hope, Point Lay, Port Alexander, Port Alsworth, Port Graham, Port Heiden, Port Lions, Port Protection, Prudhoe Bay, Quinhagak, Rampart, Red Devil, Remote, Ruby, Russian Mission, Saint George, Saint Marys, Saint Michael, Saint Paul, Salcha, Sand Point, Savoonga, Scammon Bay, Selawik, Seldovia, Seward, Shageluk, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Skwentna, Slana, Sleetmute, Soldotna, South Naknek, Stebbins, Sterling, Stevens Village, Stony River, Sutton, Takotna, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanana, Tatitlek, Teller, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Togiak, Tok, Tokeen, Toksook Bay, Trapper Creek, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, Tununak, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Tyonek, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Upper Kalskag, Valdez, Venetie, Wainright, Wales, Ward Cove, Wasilla, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, Willow, Wrangell, Yakutat, |
12 | State | Character | True | Alaska, Outside Alaska, |
13 | Zip Code | Character | True | 00000, 99000, 99501, 99502, 99503, 99504, 99507, 99508, 99515, 99516, 99517, 99518, 99540, 99546, 99547, 99548, 99549, 99550, 99551, 99552, 99553, 99554, 99555, 99556, 99557, 99558, 99559, 99561, 99563, 99564, 99565, 99566, 99567, 99568, 99569, 99571, 99572, 99573, 99574, 99575, 99576, 99577, 99578, 99579, 99580, 99581, 99583, 99584, 99585, 99586, 99587, 99588, 99589, 99590, 99591, 99602, 99603, 99604, 99605, 99606, 99607, 99608, 99609, 99610, 99611, 99612, 99613, 99614, 99615, 99620, 99621, 99622, 99623, 99624, 99625, 99626, 99627, 99628, 99630, 99631, 99632, 99633, 99634, 99635, 99636, 99637, 99638, 99639, 99640, 99641, 99643, 99644, 99645, 99647, 99648, 99649, 99650, 99651, 99652, 99653, 99654, 99655, 99656, 99657, 99658, 99659, 99660, 99661, 99662, 99663, 99664, 99665, 99666, 99667, 99668, 99669, 99670, 99671, 99672, 99674, 99675, 99676, 99677, 99678, 99679, 99680, 99681, 99682, 99683, 99684, 99685, 99686, 99687, 99688, 99689, 99690, 99691, 99692, 99693, 99694, 99695, 99701, 99704, 99705, 99709, 99711, 99712, 99714, 99716, 99720, 99721, 99722, 99723, 99724, 99725, 99726, 99727, 99729, 99730, 99732, 99733, 99734, 99736, 99737, 99738, 99739, 99740, 99741, 99742, 99743, 99744, 99745, 99746, 99747, 99748, 99749, 99750, 99751, 99752, 99753, 99754, 99755, 99756, 99757, 99758, 99759, 99760, 99761, 99762, 99763, 99764, 99765, 99766, 99767, 99768, 99769, 99770, 99771, 99772, 99773, 99774, 99776, 99777, 99778, 99779, 99780, 99781, 99782, 99783, 99784, 99785, 99786, 99788, 99789, 99790, 99791, 99801, 99820, 99821, 99824, 99825, 99826, 99827, 99829, 99830, 99832, 99833, 99835, 99836, 99840, 99841, 99850, 99901, 99903, 99918, 99919, 99921, 99922, 99923, 99925, 99926, 99927, 99928, 99929, 99950, |
14 | Remote Description | Character | True | |
15 | Grid # (Muni Anch) | Character | True | N/A, NE0000, NE0100, NE0200, NE0300, NE0400, NE0500, NE0600, NE0700, NE0800, NE0900, NE1000, NE1001, NE1002, NE1003, NE1004, NE1005, NE1006, NE1007, NE1008, NE1009, NE1010, NE1011, NE1012, NE1013, NE1014, NE1015, NE1100, NE1101, NE1102, NE1103, NE1104, NE1105, NE1106, NE1107, NE1108, NE1109, NE1110, NE1111, NE1112, NE1113, NE1114, NE1115, NE1200, NE1201, NE1202, NE1203, NE1204, NE1205, NE1206, NE1207, NE1208, NE1209, NE1210, NE1211, NE1212, NE1213, NE1214, NE1215, NE1300, NE1301, NE1302, NE1303, NE1304, NE1305, NE1306, NE1307, NE1308, NE1309, NE1310, NE1311, NE1312, NE1313, NE1314, NE1315, NE1400, NE1401, NE1402, NE1403, NE1404, NE1405, NE1406, NE1407, NE1408, NE1409, NE1410, NE1411, NE1412, NE1413, NE1414, NE1415, NE1500, NE1501, NE1502, NE1503, NE1504, NE1505, NE1506, NE1507, NE1508, NE1509, NE1510, NE1511, NE1512, NE1513, NE1514, NE1515, NE1600, NE1601, NE1602, NE1603, NE1604, NE1605, NE1606, NE1607, NE1608, NE1609, NE1610, NE1611, 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16 | Tax Map #-Mat-Su | Character | True | N/A, AC00, AR01, AR02, AR03, AR04, AR05, AR06, AR07, AR08, AR09, AR10, AR11, AR12, AR13, AR14, AR15, AR16, BA00, BC00, BE00, BK00, BL01, BL02, BL03, BL04, BL05, BL06, BL07, BL08, BL09, BL10, BL11, BL12, BL13, BL14, BL15, BL16, BM00, BP00, BR00, BY00, CA01, CA02, CA03, CA04, CA05, CA06, CA07, CA08, CA09, CA10, CA11, CA12, CA13, CA14, CA15, CA16, CC00, CE00, CH01, CH02, CH03, CH04, CH05, CH06, CH07, CH08, CH09, CH10, CH11, CH12, CH13, CH14, CH15, CH16, CL00, CM00, CN01, CN02, CN03, CN04, CN05, CN06, CN07, CN08, CN09, CN10, CN11, CN12, CN13, CN14, CN15, CN16, CO00, CR00, CT00, CU00, CV00, CY00, DC00, DG00, DH00, DK01, DK02, DK03, DK04, DK05, DK06, DK07, DK08, DK09, DK10, DK11, DK12, DK13, DK14, DK15, DK16, DM00, FC00, FH03, FH04, FH05, FH06, FH07, FH08, FH09, FH10, FH11, FH12, FH13, FH14, FH17, FH18, FH20, FH22, FH23, FH26, FH27, FH31, FH32, FH33, FH38, FH46, FH48, FH49, FL00, GB01, GB02, GB03, GB04, GB05, GB06, GB07, GB08, GB09, GB10, GB11, GB12, GB13, GB14, GB15, GC01, GC02, GC03, GC04, GC05, GC06, GC07, GC08, GL00, GO00, GS00, HO01, HO02, HO03, HO04, HO05, HO06, HO07, HO08, HO09, HO10, HO11, HO12, HO13, HO14, HO15, HO16, HR00, HU00, IC00, IN01, IN02, IN03, IN04, IN05, IN06, IN07, IN08, IN09, IN10, IN11, IN12, IN13, IN14, IN15, IN16, JR00, KA00, KG01, KG02, KG03, KG04, KG05, KG06, KG07, KG08, KM00, KO00, KR00, LL01, LL02, LL03, LL04, LL05, LL06, LL07, LL08, LL09, LL10, LL11, LL12, LL13, LL14, LL15, LL16, LM00, LN00, LS01, LS02, LS03, LS04, LS05, LS06, LS07, LS08, LS09, LS10, LS11, LS12, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LT00, LY00, MC00, MD00, MG01, MG02, MG03, MG04, MG05, MG06, MG07, MG08, MG09, MG10, MG11, MG12, MG13, MG14, MG15, MG16, ML00, MN00, MO01, MO02, MO03, MO04, MO05, MO06, MO07, MO08, MO09, MO10, MO11, MO12, MO13, MO14, MO15, MO16, MP00, MR00, MW00, OC01, OC02, OC03, OC04, OC05, OC06, OC07, OC08, OC09, OC10, OC11, OC12, OM00, OP00, OR00, PA01, PA02, PA03, PA04, PA05, PA06, PA07, PA08, PA09, PA10, PA11, PA12, PA13, PA14, PA15, PA16, PC00, PM03, PM04, PM05, PM06, PM11, PM12, PP00, PV01, PV02, PV03, PV04, PV05, PV06, PV07, PV08, PV09, PV10, PV11, PV12, PV13, PV14, PV15, PV16, PV17, PV18, PV19, PV20, PV21, PV22, PV23, PV24, PV25, PV26, PV27, PV28, PV29, PV30, PV31, PV32, PV33, PV34, PV35, PV36, PV37, PV38, PV39, PV40, PV41, PV42, PV43, PV44, PV45, PV46, PV47, PV48, PV49, PV50, PV51, PV52, PV53, PV54, PV55, PV56, PV57, PV58, PV59, PV60, PV61, PV62, PV63, PV64, RM00, SC00, SG00, SH00, SK01, SK02, SK03, SK04, SK05, SK06, SK07, SK08, SK09, SK10, SK11, SK12, SK13, SK14, SK15, SK16, SL01, SL02, SL03, SL04, SL05, SL06, SL07, SL08, SL09, SL10, SL11, SL12, SL13, SL14, SL15, SL16, SM17, SM18, SM30, SM31, SM34, SM35, SM36, SM45, SS00, SU01, SU02, SU03, SU04, SU05, SU06, SU07, SU08, SU09, SU10, SU11, SU12, SU13, SU14, SU15, SU16, SV00, TA01, TA02, TA03, TA04, TA05, TA06, TA07, TA08, TA09, TA10, TA11, TA12, TA13, TA14, TA15, TA16, TC00, TG00, TK00, TL00, TM00, TR00, TY01, TY02, TY03, TY04, TY05, TY06, TY07, TY08, TY09, TY10, TY11, TY12, TY13, TY14, TY15, TY16, WA01, WA02, WA03, WA04, WA05, WA06, WA07, WA08, WA09, WA10, WA11, WA12, WA13, WA14, WA15, WA16, WC01, WC02, WC03, WC04, WC05, WC06, WC07, WC08, WC09, WC10, WC11, WC12, WC13, WC14, WC15, WC16, WI01, WI02, WI03, WI04, WI05, WI06, WI07, WI08, WI09, WI10, WI11, WI12, WI13, WI14, WI15, WI16, WK00, WM00, WP00, WV00, YA00, YO00, |
17 | Legal | Character | True | |
18 | Taxes (Estimated) | Decimal | True | |
19 | Tax Year | Decimal | True | |
20 | School-Elementary | Character | True | Abbott Loop, Adak, Airport Heights, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Alpenglow, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniguiin, Ann Wien, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Light, Arctic Village, Arviq, Auke Bay, Autie Mary Nicoli, Ayaprun, Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yupik Immersion, Baranof/Keet Gooshi Heen, Barnette, Baxter, Bayshore, Bear Valley, Beaver Cruikshank, Bettles, Big Lake, Birchwood ABC, Blackwell, Bowman, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Butte, Campbell, Cantwell, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chester Valley, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chinook, Chistochina, Chugiak, Circle, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, College Gate, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cottonwood Creek, Craig, Crawford, Creekside Park, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta/Ft. Greely, Dena'ina, Denali, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memorial, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, East, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, Evergreen, Fairview, False Pass, Far North, Fawn Mountain, Finger Lake, Fire Lake, Fort Yukon, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, Gastineau, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier Valley, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Gladys Wood, Glennallen, Goose Bay, Government Hill, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harborview, Harold Kaveolook, Herman Hutchins, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homestead, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houghtaling, Howard Valentine, Huffman, Hunter, Hydaburg, Hyder, Iditarod, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Inlet View, Innoko River, Ipalook, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Joseph & Olinga Gregory, Joy, June Nelson, K-Beach, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kasuun, Kenny Lake, KetAchik/Aapalluk Memorial, Kiana, Kincaid, King Cove, Klatt, Klawock, Klukwan, Knik, Kobuk, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Ladd, Lake Hood, Lake Otis, Larsen Bay, Larson, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Machetanz, Main, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McNeil Canyon, McQueen, Meade River, Meadow Lakes, Mendenhall River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Midnight Sun, Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat/Kilbuck, Minto, MIdnight Sun, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Mount Eccles, Mountain View, Mt. View, Muldoon, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski North Star, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome, Nondalton, Nordale, North Pole, North Star, Northwood, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunaka Valley, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, O'Malley, Ocean View, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Paul Banks/Homer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pearl Creek, Pelican, Perryville, Peterson, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pioneer Peak, Pitkas Point, Point Higgins, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Ptarmigan, Qugcuun Memorial, Rabbit Creek, Rae C Stedman, Ravenwood, Razdolna, Redoubt, Remote - No School, Richard Johnson, Riverbend, Rocky Mountain, Rogers Park, Russian Jack, Russian Mission, Salcha, Sand Lake, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Scenic Park, Seward, Shaktoolik, Shaw, Sheldon Point, Sherrod/Swanson, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Slana, Snowshoe, Soldotna, South Naknek, Spring Hill, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Sterling, Stevens Village, Susan B English, Susitna, Sutton, Swanson, Takotna, Taku, Talkeetna, Tanacross, Tanaina, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Ticasuk Brown, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Trailside, Trapper Creek, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tudor, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Turnagain, Tustumena, Twin Hills, Two Rivers, Unalakleet, Unalaska, University Park, Valley Park, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Weller, West Homer, Whale Pass, White Cliff, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, William Tyson, Williwaw, Willow, Willow Crest, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wonder Park, Woodriver, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi, |
21 | School-Middle | Character | True | Adak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Aleknagik, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Beaver Cruikshank, Begich, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Blackwell, Blatchley, Brevig Mission, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Central, Chapman, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chistochina, Circle, Clark, Clarks Point, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Copper Center, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Diomede, Dot Lake, Dzantikl Heeni, Eagle, Eben Hopson, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Floyd Dryden, Fort Yukon, Ft. Greely, Gakona, Galena, Gambell, George Gilson, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Girdwood, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Goldenview, Gruening, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Hanshew, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai, Kenny Lake, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kobuk, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Leask, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mears, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Minto, Mirror Lake, Mitkof, Moose Pass, Mosquito Lake, Naknek, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Portage Creek, Qugcuun Memorial, Randy Smith, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Romig, Russian Mission, Ryan, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Schoenbar, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Skagway, Skyview, Slana, St George Island, St Marys, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Stikine, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanacross, Tanalian, Tanana, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Teeland, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Twin Hills, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, Wendler, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, William Sonny Nelson, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi, |
22 | School-High | Character | True | Adak, Akhiok, Akiachak, Akiak, Akiuk Memorial, Akula Elitnaurvik, Akutan, Alak, Alakanak, Allakaket, Ambler, Anderson, Andreafski, Andrew K Demoski, Angoon, Aniak, Aniguiin, Anna Tobeluk Memorial, Anthony A Andrews, Aqqaluk, Arctic Village, Arviq, Ayaprun, Barrow, Bartlett, Beaver Cruikshank, Ben Eielson, Bethel Regional, Bettles, Bettye Davis East Anchorage, Blackwell, Brevig Mission, Bristol Bay, BTV-Undiscl by LL, Buckland, Cantwell, Chaptnguak, Chenega Bay, Chevak, Chief Ivan Blunka, Chief Paul Memorial, Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Chiniak, Chugiak, Circle, Cold Bay, Colony, Cooper Landing, Cordova, Craig, Crow Village Sam, Cube Cove, David-Louis Memorial, Davis-Ramoth, Deering, Delta, Denalna, Dick R Kiunya Memoria, Dillingham, Dimond, Diomede, Dot Lake, Eagle, Eagle River, Eek, Egegik, Ella B Vernetti, Emmonak, False Pass, Far North, Fort Yukon, Galena, Gambell, George Morgan, George Willis, Gerstle River, Glacier View, Gladys Dart, Glennallen, Gustavus, Gusty Michael, Haines, Harold Kaveolook, Hogarth Kingeekuk Senior Memorial, Hollis, Holy Cross, Homer, Hoonah, Hooper Bay, Hope, Houston, Howard Valentine, Hydaburg, Hyder, Igiugig, Ignatius Beans, Innoko River, Ivanof Bay, Jack Egnaty Senior, James C Isabell, Jimmy Huntington, Joann A Alexie Memorial, John Fredson, Johnnie John Senior, Johnny Oldman, Juneau-Douglas, Kachemak Selo, Kake, Kali, Kaltag, Kasaan, Kenai Central, Kenny Lake, Ketchikan, Kiana, King Cove, Klawock, Klukwan, Kodiak, Kokhanok, Koliganek, Kotlik, Kotzebue, Koyuk-Malemute, Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Kwigillingok, Larsen Bay, Lathrop, Levelock, Lewis Angapak Memorial, Lime Village, Manokotak, Marshall, Martin L Olson, Maudrey J Sommer, McGrath, McQueen, Meade River, Mentasta Lake, Merreline A Kangas, Meshik, Metlakatla, Mid Valley, Minto, Nanwalek, Napaaqtugmiut, Naukati, Nelson Island Area, Nelson Lagoon, Nenana, Newhalen, Nightmute, Nikiski, Nikolaevsk, Nikolski, Ninilchik, Nome-Beltz, Nondalton, North Pole, Nuiqsut Trapper, Nunamiut, Nuniwaarmiut, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie, Palmer, Paul T Albert Memorial, Pelican, Perryville, Petersburg, Pilot Point, Pilot Station, Pitkas Point, Port Alexander, Port Graham, Port Lions, Port Protection, Qugcuun Memorial, Redington Jr/Sr, Remote - No School, Revilla, Rocky Mountain, Russian Mission, Sand Point, Scammon Bay, Service, Seward, Shaktoolik, Sheldon Point, Shishmaref, Shungnak, Sitka, Skagway, Slana, Soldotna, South Anchorage, St George Island, St Paul Island, Stevens Village, Su Valley, Susan B English, Takotna, Tanalian, Tatitlek, Tebughna, Tenakee Springs, Tetlin, Thorne Bay, Tikigaq, Togiak, Tok, Top of the Kuskokwim, Tri-Valley, Tsuk Taih, Tukurngailnguq, Tuluksak, Unalakleet, Unalaska, Valdez, Voznesenka, Wales, Walter Northway, Wasilla, West Anchorage, West Valley, Whale Pass, White Mountain, Whittier, William N Miller Memorial, Wiseman/Coldfoot, Wrangell, Yakov E Netsvetov, Yakutat, Z John Williams Memorial, Zackar Levi, |
23 | Assessed Value $ | Decimal | True | |
24 | Project Name/Unit # | Character | True | |
25 | Assessed Value | Decimal | True |
Property Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Property Sub Type | Character | True | Apartment, Condominium, Duplex, Mobile Home, Other, Quadruplex, Single Family Residence, Townhouse, Triplex, |
2 | Property Use | Character | True | Mixed Use, Single Use, |
3 | Type | Character | True | Commercial, Multi-Family, Residential - Condo/Townhouse, Residential - Mobile/Manufactured Homes, Residential - Single Family, Vacant Land, |
4 | Construction Status | Character | True | Existing Structure, New - Construction Complete, New - To Be Built, No Real Property, Under Construction, |
5 | Building Type | Character | True | Class A, Class B, Class C, |
6 | Business Name | Character | True | |
7 | Property Attached/Common Walls | Character | True | No, Yes, |
8 | Beds | Decimal | True | |
9 | Business Includes | Character | True | Building, Land, Land & Building, No Real Property, |
10 | Gen Contr/Owner Bldr | Character | True | General Contractor, Owner/Builder, |
11 | Primary Space | Character | True | Land, Office, Office/Retail, Office/Warehouse, Retail, Warehouse/Shop, |
12 | Bathrooms Half | Decimal | True | |
13 | Bathrooms Three Quarter | Decimal | True | |
14 | Bathrooms Full | Decimal | True | |
15 | Bathrooms Total | Decimal | True | |
16 | Building Type | Character | True | Class A, Class B, Class C, |
17 | PS Rent-Min Mth $/SF | Decimal | True | |
18 | SF-Bldg | Decimal | True | |
19 | PS SF - Total Avail | Decimal | True | |
20 | SF-Res Total Apx | Decimal | True | |
21 | Bldgs-Ttl # | Decimal | True | |
22 | Building Status | Character | True | Leased, Owner Occupied, Vacant, |
23 | Floors - # of | Decimal | True | |
24 | PS SF-Min Available | Decimal | True | |
25 | % of Space Leased | Decimal | True | |
26 | Acres | Decimal | True | |
27 | PS SF-Max Contiguous | Decimal | True | |
28 | SF-Lot | Decimal | True | |
29 | SF-Res | Decimal | True | |
30 | Year Built | Decimal | True | |
31 | Lot Area Source | Character | True | As Built, Builder, Other, Owner, Plat, Previous Appraisal, Survey, Tax Authority, |
32 | Year Remodeled | Decimal | True | |
33 | Secondary Space | Character | True | Land, Office, Office/Retail, Office/Warehouse, Retail, Warehouse/Shop, |
34 | SS Rent-Min Mth $/SF | Decimal | True | |
35 | Year Updated | Decimal | True | |
36 | Zoning | Character | True | A - Airport, AC - Airport Commercial, AC - Airport Commercial (re: City Palmer), AC - Auto Commercial, AD - Airport Development, AF - Antenna Farm, AG - Agricultural, AG - Agricultural (re: City Palmer), AI - Airport Industrial, AI - Airport Industrial (re: City Palmer), B - Business, B1A - Local/Neighborhood Business, B1B - Community Business, B2A - Central Business Core, B2B - Central Business Intermediate, B2C - Central Business Periphery, B3 - General Business, B4 - Rural Business, BCWP - Bridge Creek Watershed Protection, BP - Business Park, BP - Business Park (re: City Palmer), C - Commercial, C - Commercial (re: Cities Wasilla/Houston), C - Conservation, C - General Commercial, C1 - General Commercial, C2 - General Commercial, CB - Commercial Business, CBD - Central Business District, CC - Central Commercial, CD - Commercial Development, CE-AD Airport Development (Birchwood), CE-B-3 General Busines, CE-DO Downtown Eagle River Overlay, CE-DR Development Reserve, CE-EVO Eklutna Village Overlay, CE-I-1 Light Industrial, CE-I-2 Heavy Industrial, CE-I-3 Rural Industrial, CE-PCD Planned Community Development, CE-PLI Public Lands and Institutions, CE-PR Parks and Recreations, CE-R-1 Single-Family Residential, CE-R-10 Low Density Residential, Alpine/Slope, CE-R-1A Single- Family Residential, CE-R-2A Single and Two Family Residential, CE-R-2D Two Family Residential, CE-R-2M Mixed Residential, CE-R-3 Multifamily Residential, CE-R-5 Suburban Residential with Mobile Homes, CE-R-5A Rural Residential with Mobile Homes, CE-R-6 Low-Density Residential, CE-R-7 Medium-Density Single Family Residential, CE-R-8 Low Density Residential, CE-R-9 Low Density Residential, CE-RC Rural Commercial, CE-RO Residential Office, CE-TR Transition, CG - General Commercial, CG - General Commercial (re: City Palmer), CI - Cottage Industry, CL - Limited Commercial, CL - Limited Commercial (re: City Palmer), CM - Commercial Marine, CO - Conservation District, COM - Commercial, COM - Commercial (Unofficial), CR - Commercial Residential, CRC - Commercial Recreational Conservation, CWR - Commercial Water Residential, D1 - Single Family and Duplex, D10 - Multi-Family, D15 - Multi-Family, D18 - Multi-Family, D2 - Residential Development, D2 - Single Family and Duplex, D3 - Residential Development, D3 - Single Family and Duplex, D5 - Single Family and Duplex, FD - Future Development, gC-1 Seward Hwy/Alyeska Hwy Commercial, gC-10 Upper Alyeska Highway Commercial, gC-2 Girdwood Station/Seward Hwy Commercial, gC-3 Old Townsite Commercial/Residential, gC-4 Lower Alyeska Hwy Commercial, gC-5 New Townsite South Commercial, gC-6 Crow Creek Rd Commercial/Residential, gC-7 Townsite Square Commercial, gC-8 New Townsite North Commercial, gC-9 East Hightower Commercial/Residential, gI-1Ruane Road Industrial, gI-2 Upper Crow Creek Industrial, gR-1 Alyeska Hwy Mixed Residential, gR-2 Sgl Family/Two Family Residential, gR-2A Sgl/TwoFamily Residential (Crow Creek Road), gR-3 Sgl Family/Two Family Residential, gR-4 Multiple-Family Residential, gR-5 Multiple-Family Residential, GA Girdwood Airport, GC - General Commercial, GC - General Conservation, GC1 - General Commercial 1, GC2 - General Commercial 2, GCR-1 Commercial Recreation (Golf/Nordic Ski), GCR-2 Commercial Recreation (Glacier/Winner Crk), GCR-3 Commercial Recreation (Crow Crk Historic Mn), GDR Development Reserve, GI - General Island, GIP Girdwood Institutions & Parks, GOS Girdwood Open Space, GRR Recreation Reserve, GRST-1 Original Mountain Base Resort, GRST-2 New Base Resort, GU1 - General Use, GU5 - General Use, GW Girdwood Watershed, H - Heavy Industrial, H - Holding, HC - Harbor Commercial, HD - Historic District, HI - Heavy Industrial, I - Industrial, I - Industrial (re: City Wasilla), I1 - Industrial District, I1 - Industrial District (re: City Palmer), I1 - Light Industrial, I2 - Heavy Industrial, I3 - Rural Industrial, IH - Heavy Industrial, IL - Light Industrial, ILC - Light Industrial/Commercial, IND - Industrial, INS - Institutional, IW - Waterfront Industrial, KROD - Kenai River Overlay Dist., LC - Light Commercial, LC - Limited Commercial, LI - Large Island, LI - Light Industrial, M - Multi-Family and Residental, MBR - Mobile Building Restricted, MBU - Mobile Building Unrestricted, MC - Marine Commercial, MF - Multiple Family Residential, MFO - Multi-Family Res/Professional Office, MFR - Multi-Family Residential, MH - Mobile Home, MI - Marine Industrial, ML - Mineral Lands, MR - Multiple Residential, MU - Mixed Use, MU - Multiple Use, MU2 - Mixed Use 2, NC - Neighborhood Commercial, NU - Natural Use, OR - Office Residential, OR - Outdoor Recreational, OS - Open Space, OSB - Open Space Buffer, OSR - Open Space Recreational, Other, P - Parks, P - Public, P - Public (re: Cities Palmer/Wasilla), P - Public Lands, P - Public Use District, PC - Planned Community, PH - Parks Highway, PL - Public Lands, PLI - Public Lands and Institutions, PR - Parks/Recreational, PUD - Planned Unit Development, PUD - Planned Unit Development (re: City Palmer), R - Recreational, R - Residential, R1 - Residential, R1 - Single Family or Duplex, R1 - Single Family Res (re: Cities Palmer/Wasilla), R1 - Single Family Residential, R10 - Residential Alpine/Slope, R11 - Turnagain Arm, R1A - Single Family Residential, R1E - Single Family Res Estate, R1E - Single Family Res Estate (re: City Palmer), R1MH - Single Family, Duplex and Mobile, R2 - Double Family, R2 - Low Density Residential, R2 - Low Density Residential (re: City Palmer), R2 - Multi-Family, R2 - Residential, R2 - Residential (re: City Wasilla), R2A - Two Family Residential, R2D - Two Family Residential, R2M - Multi Family Residential, R2MHP - Multi-Family and Mobile Home, R3 - Medium Density Multi-Family, R3 - Medium Density Multi-Family (re: City Palmer), R3 - Multi-Family, R3 - Multiple Family Residential, R3 - Residential, R3SL - Multi Family Res Special Limitation, R4 - High Density Res District, R4 - High Density Res District (re: City Palmer), R4 - Multiple Family Residential, R5 - Rural Residential, R5A - Rural Residential, R6 - Suburban Residential, R7 - Intermediate Rural Residential, R8 - Rural Residential, R9 - Rural Residential, RA10 - Rural and Agricultural, RA2.5 - Residential Agricultural, RA20 - Rural and Agricultural, RA40 - Rural and Agricultural, RA5 - Rural and Agricultural, RB - Retail Business, RD - Resource Development, RD - Rural Development, Residential Reserved, RE2 - Rural Estate, RE4 - Rural Estate, REC - Recreational, RES - Residential, RES - Residential (Unofficial), RF2 - Rural Farmstead, RF4 - Rural Farmstead, RG - Residential General, RH - High Density Residential, RL - Low Density Residential, RM - Medium Density Residential, RM - Residential Multi-Family, RM - Residential Multi-Family (re: City Wasilla), RM - Resource Management, RMKS - See Remarks, RMKS - See Remarks (re: all MSB), RMU - Rural Mixed Use, RNC - Rural Neighborhood Commercial, RO - Residential Office, RR - Residential Reserved, RR - Rural Reserve, RR - Rural Residential, RR - Rural Residential (re: City Wasilla), RR1 - Rural Residential 1, RR2 - Rural Residential 2, RS - Suburban Residential, RS1 - Suburban Residential 1, RS2 - Suburban Residential 2, RSM - Residential Special Multi-Family, RU - Urban Residential, SC - Sawmill Cove, SC - Subsistence Conservation, SF - Single Family, SF/TF - Single Family/Two Family Res, SF10 - Single Family Residential, SF20 - Single Family Residential, SF5 - Single Family Residential, SFSFLD - Single Family/SF Low Density, SR - Single Residential, SRO - Single Resident Occupancy, SSA - Significant Structures Area, T - Transitional, T - Transitional (re: City Palmer), TA - Turnagain Arm, TC - Transportation Corridor, TF - Two Family Residential, TSH - Historic Town Site, U - Unrestricted, UNC - Urban Neighborhood Commercial, UNK - Unknown, UNK - Unknown (re: all MSB), UNZ - Not Zoned, UNZ - Not Zoned-all MSB but Palmer/Wasilla/Houston, UR - Urban Residential, V - Village, W - Waterfront, W - Watershed, WC - Waterfront Commercial, WCR - Waterfront Commercial Residential, WD - Waterfront District, WH - Wildlife Habitat, WI - Waterfront Industrial, |
37 | Garage Spaces | Decimal | True | |
38 | SF-Building Apx | Decimal | True | |
39 | SS SF - Total Avail | Decimal | True | |
40 | SF-Gar | Decimal | True | |
41 | SS SF - Min Avail | Decimal | True | |
42 | Units-Ttl # | Decimal | True | |
43 | Carport Spaces | Decimal | True | |
44 | Floors | Decimal | True | |
45 | SS SF-Max Contiguous | Decimal | True | |
46 | Parking Space-Ttl # | Decimal | True | |
47 | Prkg Spcs | Decimal | True | |
48 | Building Name | Character | True | |
49 | Energy Rating | Character | True | |
50 | Furnished | Character | True | Furnished, Partially Furnished, Unfurnished, |
51 | Dues-Amount | Decimal | True | |
52 | Dues-Frequency | Character | True | Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Yearly, |
53 | Exp-Annual | Decimal | True | |
54 | Unit Floor # | Decimal | True | |
55 | Income-Gross Annual | Decimal | True | |
56 | Lot Dimension-Back | Character | True | |
57 | Lot Dimension-Front | Character | True | |
58 | Lot Dimension-Left | Character | True | |
59 | Lot Dimension-Right | Character | True |
Remarks and Directions
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Directions | Character | True | |
2 | Remarks-Public | Character | True |
Directions and Remarks
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Rental Application URL | Character | True | |
2 | Directions | Character | True | |
3 | Public Remarks | Character | True | |
4 | Remarks-Public | Character | True |
Condo Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Apartment | Boolean | True | |
2 | Patio | Boolean | True | |
3 | Ranch - Traditional | Boolean | True | |
4 | Townhouse | Boolean | True |
Residential Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | B & B in Operation | Boolean | True | |
2 | B & B Potential | Boolean | True | |
3 | Houseboat | Boolean | True | |
4 | Manufactured | Boolean | True | |
5 | Modular | Boolean | True | |
6 | PUD | Boolean | True | |
7 | Recreational/Cabin | Boolean | True | |
8 | Single Family Res | Boolean | True | |
9 | Site Condo-Attached | Boolean | True | |
10 | Site Condo-Detached | Boolean | True | |
11 | Townhouse | Boolean | True | |
12 | ZLL - Attached | Boolean | True | |
13 | ZLL - Detached | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Basement Status | Character | True | Finished, Partially Finished, Unfinished, |
2 | Year Built | Integer | False | |
3 | Year Built | Integer | False | |
4 | Year Remodeled | Integer | False | |
5 | Year Remodeled | Integer | False | |
6 | Year Updated | Integer | False | |
7 | Year Updated | Integer | False | |
8 | Parking Space-Ttl # | Integer | True | |
9 | Basement Status | Character | True | Finished, Partially Finished, Unfinished, |
Vacant Land Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Commercial | Boolean | True | |
2 | Farm | Boolean | True | |
3 | Industrial | Boolean | True | |
4 | Recreational | Boolean | True | |
5 | Remote | Boolean | True | |
6 | Residential | Boolean | True |
Multi-Family Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Apartment Style | Boolean | True | |
2 | Duplex | Boolean | True | |
3 | Four-Plex | Boolean | True | |
4 | Ranch | Boolean | True | |
5 | Side by Side | Boolean | True | |
6 | Tri-Plex | Boolean | True | |
7 | Up and Down | Boolean | True | |
8 | 5+ Units | Boolean | True | |
9 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
To Show
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Lockbox-FBKS Supra | Boolean | True | |
2 | ShowingTime | Boolean | True |
Mobile Res Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Houseboat | Boolean | True | |
2 | Manufactured | Boolean | True | |
3 | Mobile Home Only | Boolean | True | |
4 | Mobile w/RE Included | Boolean | True | |
5 | Modular | Boolean | True |
Green Verification
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Body | Character | True | |
2 | Metric | Decimal | True | |
3 | Rating | Character | True | |
4 | Source | Character | True | |
5 | Type | Character | True | |
6 | Version | Character | True | |
7 | Year | Date | True |
General Contractor
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Contractor/Bldr Name | Character | True | |
2 | Contractor License # | Character | True | |
3 | Res Const Endorse # | Character | True |
Building Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Builder Name & Co | Character | True | |
2 | Building Status | Character | True | Leased, Owner, Vacant, |
3 | Units- # of Effcncy | Integer | True | |
4 | Units-# of 1 BR | Integer | True | |
5 | Parking Space-Ttl # | Integer | True | |
6 | Units- # of 2 BR | Integer | True | |
7 | Units-# of 3 BR | Integer | True | |
8 | Units- # of 4+ BR | Integer | True | |
9 | Vacancy Rate | Decimal | True | |
10 | Building Name | Character | True | |
11 | Year Built | Integer | True | |
12 | SF Building Apx | Integer | True | |
13 | Building Area Source | Character | True | Builder, Other, Owner, Previous Appraisal, Tax Authority, |
Home Ownr Assoc Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Dues-HOA Name | Character | True | |
2 | Dues-HOA Phone # | Character | True | |
3 | Dues-HOA Amount | Decimal | True | |
4 | Dues-HOA Frequency | Character | True | Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, |
Business Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Assisted Living | Boolean | True | |
2 | Automotive | Boolean | True | |
3 | B & B | Boolean | True | |
4 | Bar/Tavern/Lounge | Boolean | True | |
5 | Beauty/Barber Shop | Boolean | True | |
6 | Cannery | Boolean | True | |
7 | Commercial Charter | Boolean | True | |
8 | Commission Sales | Boolean | True | |
9 | Food Services | Boolean | True | |
10 | Grocery | Boolean | True | |
11 | Hotel/Motel | Boolean | True | |
12 | Laundry/Cleaners | Boolean | True | |
13 | Manufacturer | Boolean | True | |
14 | Medical | Boolean | True | |
15 | Mobile Home Park | Boolean | True | |
16 | Package Store | Boolean | True | |
17 | Printing | Boolean | True | |
18 | Professional Service | Boolean | True | |
19 | Recreation | Boolean | True | |
20 | Restaurant | Boolean | True | |
21 | Retail | Boolean | True | |
22 | Service Station | Boolean | True | |
23 | Shopping Center | Boolean | True | |
24 | Storage | Boolean | True | |
25 | Warehouse | Boolean | True | |
26 | Wholesale | Boolean | True | |
27 | Other | Boolean | True |
Lease Features
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Credit Report Req | Boolean | True | |
2 | Date Available | Date | True | |
3 | HOA Name | Character | True | |
4 | HOA Phone | Character | True | |
5 | Last Mnth in Advance | Boolean | True | |
6 | Lease Doc prov by LO | Boolean | True | |
7 | Lease Purch Possible | Boolean | True | |
8 | Lease Term | Character | True | 12 Months, 24 Months, 6 Months, Month to Month, Negotiable, None, Other, Renewal Option, Short Term Lease, Weekly, |
9 | Parking Space-Ttl # | Integer | True | |
10 | Pet Deposit Required | Boolean | True | |
11 | Pets On Approval | Boolean | False | |
12 | Rental Insurance Required | Boolean | True | |
13 | Security Deposit | Decimal | True | |
14 | Smokers OK | Boolean | False | |
15 | NO Smoking / Vaping / Cannabis | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Owner/Builder Name | Character | True | |
2 | Elec Cont Lic # | Character | True | |
3 | Plumbers License # | Character | True | |
4 | Mech Prof Lic # | Character | True |
Association Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Association Name | Character | True | |
2 | Association Phone # | Character | True | |
3 | Manager Contact | Character | True | |
4 | Manager Phone # | Character | True | |
5 | Dues-HOA Name | Character | True | |
6 | Dues-HOA Phone # | Character | True | |
7 | Dues-Amount | Decimal | True | |
8 | Dues-Frequency | Character | True | Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Yearly, |
Listing Terms Financing
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | 1031 Exchange | Boolean | True | |
2 | 1031 Exchange | Boolean | True | |
3 | 1031 Exchange | Boolean | True | |
4 | AHFC | Boolean | True | |
5 | AHFC | Boolean | True | |
6 | Assumable | Boolean | True | |
7 | Assumable | Boolean | True | |
8 | Assumable | Boolean | True | |
9 | Assumable | Boolean | True | |
10 | Assumable | Boolean | True | |
11 | Cash | Boolean | True | |
12 | Cash | Boolean | True | |
13 | Conventional | Boolean | True | |
14 | Conventional | Boolean | True | |
15 | FHA | Boolean | True | |
16 | FHA | Boolean | True | |
17 | FHA 203(b) | Boolean | True | |
18 | FHA 203(b) | Boolean | True | |
19 | FHA 203(k) | Boolean | True | |
20 | FHA 203(k) | Boolean | True | |
21 | FHA 203(k) | Boolean | True | |
22 | Lease Option | Boolean | True | |
23 | Lease Option | Boolean | True | |
24 | Lease Option | Boolean | True | |
25 | Owner Finance | Boolean | True | |
26 | Owner Finance | Boolean | True | |
27 | VA Loan | Boolean | True | |
28 | VA Loan | Boolean | True | |
29 | VA Loan | Boolean | True | |
30 | Other | Boolean | True | |
31 | Other | Boolean | True | |
32 | Other | Boolean | True | |
33 | Other | Boolean | True | |
34 | Other | Boolean | True | |
35 | None | Boolean | True | |
36 | None | Boolean | True | |
37 | None | Boolean | True | |
38 | See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Primary Space
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | # Dock High Doors | Integer | True | |
2 | # Grade Lvl Doors | Integer | True | |
3 | # of Floors | Integer | True | |
4 | # Parking Spaces | Integer | True | |
5 | Ceiling Height Ft | Integer | True | |
6 | Condo | Boolean | True | |
7 | Dock Hi Door Size | Character | False | |
8 | Floor Location # | Integer | True | |
9 | General Condition | Character | True | |
10 | Hospitality | Boolean | True | |
11 | Industrial | Boolean | True | |
12 | Land | Boolean | True | |
13 | Office | Boolean | True | |
14 | Office/Retail | Boolean | True | |
15 | Office/Warehouse | Boolean | True | |
16 | Overhead Door Size | Character | True | |
17 | Rent-Min Monthly | Decimal | True | |
18 | Retail | Boolean | True | |
19 | SF - Source | Character | True | |
20 | TI Allowance | Character | True | |
21 | Warehouse/Shop | Boolean | True | |
22 | Yard SF | Integer | True |
Dues Include
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Electricity | Boolean | True | |
2 | Exterior Maintenance | Boolean | True | |
3 | Grounds Maintenance | Boolean | True | |
4 | Heat | Boolean | True | |
5 | Insurance | Boolean | True | |
6 | Land Lease | Boolean | True | |
7 | Refuse | Boolean | True | |
8 | Sewer | Boolean | True | |
9 | Snow Removal | Boolean | True | |
10 | Water | Boolean | True | |
11 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Secondary Space
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | # Dock High Doors | Integer | True | |
2 | # Grade Lvl Doors | Integer | True | |
3 | # of Floors | Integer | True | |
4 | # Parking Spaces | Integer | True | |
5 | Ceiling Height Ft | Integer | True | |
6 | Condo | Boolean | True | |
7 | Dock Hi Door Size | Character | True | |
8 | Floor Location # | Integer | True | |
9 | General Condition | Character | True | |
10 | Industrial | Boolean | True | |
11 | Land | Boolean | True | |
12 | Office | Boolean | True | |
13 | Office/Retail | Boolean | True | |
14 | Office/Warehouse | Boolean | True | |
15 | Rent-Min Monthly | Decimal | True | |
16 | Retail | Boolean | True | |
17 | TI Allowance | Character | True | |
18 | Warehouse/Shop | Boolean | True | |
19 | SF-SS Source | Character | True |
Lease Terms
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | 1st & Last Month | Boolean | True | |
2 | 1st Month & Security Deposit | Boolean | True | |
3 | Sec Dep & Last Month | Boolean | True | |
4 | Minimum 1 Yr Lease | Boolean | True | |
5 | Multi-Year Lease Req | Boolean | True | |
6 | Lease All Space Req | Boolean | True | |
7 | Lease All or Part | Boolean | True | |
8 | Tnt Pays All Util/Sv | Boolean | True | |
9 | Tnt Pays Prt Util/Sv | Boolean | True | |
10 | CAM Charges | Boolean | True | |
11 | Purchase Option | Boolean | True | |
12 | Sublease | Boolean | True | |
13 | Allowance - Yes | Boolean | True | |
14 | Allowance - Nego | Boolean | True | |
15 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | In Unit | Boolean | True | |
2 | Avail Common Area | Boolean | True | |
3 | Coin-op | Boolean | True | |
4 | Electric Dryer Hook-Up | Boolean | True | |
5 | Gas Dryer Hook-Up | Boolean | True | |
6 | Washer Hook-Up | Boolean | True |
Mobile Homes Only
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Make | Character | True | |
2 | Model | Character | True | |
3 | Serial # | Character | True | |
4 | Size W x L | Character | True | |
5 | Tip Out Size | Character | True | |
6 | Space Rent/Mo $ | Decimal | True |
Land Features
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Airplane Access | Boolean | True | |
2 | Building Present | Boolean | True | |
3 | Buried Fuel Tank | Boolean | True | |
4 | Covenants | Boolean | True | |
5 | Curb & Gutters | Boolean | True | |
6 | Dog Teams OK | Boolean | True | |
7 | Driveway | Boolean | True | |
8 | DSL/Cable Available | Boolean | True | |
9 | Environmental Histry | Boolean | True | |
10 | Fence | Boolean | True | |
11 | Fire Service Area | Boolean | True | |
12 | Flood Plain | Boolean | True | |
13 | Gravel Pad | Boolean | True | |
14 | Gravel Pit | Boolean | True | |
15 | Highway Frontage | Boolean | True | |
16 | Homeowner Assoc | Boolean | True | |
17 | Horse Property | Boolean | True | |
18 | In City Limits | Boolean | True | |
19 | Meter Loop | Boolean | True | |
20 | Mineral Rights | Boolean | True | |
21 | Mobile Home Ok | Boolean | True | |
22 | Multi-Family Ok | Boolean | True | |
23 | Outhouse | Boolean | True | |
24 | Parkside | Boolean | True | |
25 | Perc Tested | Boolean | True | |
26 | Rail Service | Boolean | True | |
27 | Road Service Area | Boolean | True | |
28 | Sidewalks | Boolean | True | |
29 | Southern Exposure | Boolean | True | |
30 | Storm Drain | Boolean | True | |
31 | Stub Out - Sewer | Boolean | True | |
32 | Stub Out - Water | Boolean | True | |
33 | Trailside | Boolean | True | |
34 | Trees - Cleared | Boolean | True | |
35 | Trees - Heavy | Boolean | True | |
36 | Trees - Sparse | Boolean | True | |
37 | View | Boolean | True | |
38 | Wetlands | Boolean | True | |
39 | Will Build to Suit | Boolean | True |
Exterior Finish
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Log | Boolean | True | |
2 | Log | Boolean | True | |
3 | Log | Boolean | True | |
4 | Masonry | Boolean | True | |
5 | Masonry | Boolean | True | |
6 | Masonry | Boolean | True | |
7 | Metal | Boolean | True | |
8 | Metal | Boolean | True | |
9 | Metal | Boolean | True | |
10 | Stucco | Boolean | True | |
11 | Stucco | Boolean | True | |
12 | Stucco | Boolean | True | |
13 | Tyvek | Boolean | True | |
14 | Tyvek | Boolean | True | |
15 | Tyvek | Boolean | True | |
16 | Unfinished | Boolean | True | |
17 | Unfinished | Boolean | True | |
18 | Unfinished | Boolean | True | |
19 | Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
20 | Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
21 | Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
22 | Wood | Boolean | True | |
23 | Wood | Boolean | True | |
24 | Wood | Boolean | True | |
25 | Wood | Boolean | True | |
26 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
27 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
28 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
29 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
30 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
31 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
32 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
33 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
34 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Baseboard | Boolean | True | |
2 | Coal | Boolean | True | |
3 | Coal Stove | Boolean | True | |
4 | Electric | Boolean | True | |
5 | Floor Furnace | Boolean | True | |
6 | Forced Air | Boolean | True | |
7 | Kerosene | Boolean | True | |
8 | Natural Gas | Boolean | True | |
9 | Oil | Boolean | True | |
10 | Pellet Stove | Boolean | True | |
11 | Propane | Boolean | True | |
12 | Propane Stove | Boolean | True | |
13 | Radiant | Boolean | True | |
14 | Radiant Floor | Boolean | True | |
15 | Separate Meters | Boolean | True | |
16 | Solar | Boolean | True | |
17 | Space Heater | Boolean | True | |
18 | Wood | Boolean | True | |
19 | Wood Stove | Boolean | True | |
20 | None | Boolean | True | |
21 | Other | Boolean | True | |
22 | Unknown | Boolean | True | |
23 | See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Parking Features
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Assigned Space(s) | Boolean | True | |
2 | Garage - Attached | Boolean | True | |
3 | Garage - Detached | Boolean | True | |
4 | Garage - Heated | Boolean | True | |
5 | Garage - Door Opener | Boolean | True | |
6 | Garage - Workshop | Boolean | True | |
7 | Carport - Attached | Boolean | True | |
8 | Carport - Detached | Boolean | True | |
9 | Lighted | Boolean | True | |
10 | Driveway | Boolean | True | |
11 | Shared Driveway | Boolean | True | |
12 | On Street | Boolean | True | |
13 | Oversized | Boolean | True | |
14 | Parking Lot | Boolean | True | |
15 | Paved | Boolean | True | |
16 | Unpaved | Boolean | True | |
17 | Gravel | Boolean | True | |
18 | RV Access/Parking | Boolean | True | |
19 | Guest Parking | Boolean | True | |
20 | Varies by Unit | Boolean | True |
Mobile Home Details
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | MH-Make | Character | True | |
2 | MH-Model | Character | True | |
3 | MH-Serial # | Character | True | |
4 | MH-Size W x L | Character | True | |
5 | MH-Tip Out Size | Character | True | |
6 | MH-Space Rent/Mo $ | Decimal | True |
Mobile Home Features
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Arctic Entry | Boolean | True | |
2 | Arctic Entry | Boolean | True | |
3 | Building Addition | Boolean | True |
Owner Builder
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Owner/Builder Name | Character | True | |
2 | Elec Cont Lic # | Character | True | |
3 | Plumbers License # | Character | True | |
4 | Mech Prof Lic # | Character | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bluff | Boolean | True | |
2 | Gently Rolling | Boolean | True | |
3 | Hilly | Boolean | True | |
4 | Level | Boolean | True | |
5 | Rolling | Boolean | True | |
6 | Sloping | Boolean | True | |
7 | Steep | Boolean | True | |
8 | Wetlands | Boolean | True | |
9 | Wetlands | Boolean | True | |
10 | Wetlands | Boolean | True | |
11 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
12 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
13 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
14 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Roof Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Asphalt | Boolean | True | |
2 | Bitumen/Torch Down | Boolean | True | |
3 | Bitumen/Torch Down | Boolean | True | |
4 | Bitumen/Torch Down | Boolean | True | |
5 | Built-Up | Boolean | True | |
6 | Composition | Boolean | True | |
7 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
8 | Membrane | Boolean | True | |
9 | Metal | Boolean | True | |
10 | Metal | Boolean | True | |
11 | Rolled/Hot Mop | Boolean | True | |
12 | Rubber | Boolean | True | |
13 | Shake | Boolean | True | |
14 | Shingle | Boolean | True | |
15 | Slate | Boolean | True | |
16 | Tar/Gravel | Boolean | True | |
17 | Tile | Boolean | True | |
18 | Wood | Boolean | True | |
19 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
20 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
21 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
22 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
23 | Other | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Call Leasing Office | Boolean | True | |
2 | Pets Allowed | Boolean | True | |
3 | No Pets Allowed | Boolean | True | |
4 | Cats OK | Boolean | True | |
5 | Dogs OK | Boolean | True | |
6 | Alternative Pets on Approval | Boolean | True | |
7 | Breed Restrictions | Boolean | True | |
8 | Number Limit | Boolean | True | |
9 | Size Limit | Boolean | True | |
10 | Pet Relief Area on Property | Boolean | True | |
11 | See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Construction Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Block | Boolean | True | |
2 | Block | Boolean | True | |
3 | Block | Boolean | True | |
4 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
5 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
6 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
7 | Log | Boolean | True | |
8 | Log | Boolean | True | |
9 | Log | Boolean | True | |
10 | Metal Siding | Boolean | True | |
11 | Mobile Home | Boolean | True | |
12 | Mobile Home | Boolean | True | |
13 | Modular | Boolean | True | |
14 | Modular | Boolean | True | |
15 | Modular | Boolean | True | |
16 | Post & Beam | Boolean | True | |
17 | Post & Beam | Boolean | True | |
18 | Post & Beam | Boolean | True | |
19 | Wood Frame | Boolean | True | |
20 | Wood Frame | Boolean | True | |
21 | Wood Frame - 2x4 | Boolean | True | |
22 | Wood Frame - 2x4 | Boolean | True | |
23 | Wood Frame - 2x6 | Boolean | True | |
24 | Wood Frame - 2x6 | Boolean | True | |
25 | Wood Frame - 2x8 | Boolean | True | |
26 | Wood Frame - 2x8 | Boolean | True | |
27 | Unknown | Boolean | True | |
28 | Other | Boolean | True |
Foundation Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | All-Weather Wood | Boolean | True | |
2 | All-Weather Wood | Boolean | True | |
3 | All-Weather Wood | Boolean | True | |
4 | Block | Boolean | True | |
5 | Pilings | Boolean | True | |
6 | Post on Pad | Boolean | True | |
7 | Poured Concrete | Boolean | True | |
8 | Quad-Lock | Boolean | True | |
9 | Quad-Lock | Boolean | True | |
10 | Slab | Boolean | True | |
11 | Sono Tubes | Boolean | True | |
12 | Treated Posts | Boolean | True | |
13 | Untreated Wood | Boolean | True | |
14 | Wood Crib | Boolean | True | |
15 | Other | Boolean | True | |
16 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
17 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
18 | None | Boolean | True |
View Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bay | Boolean | True | |
2 | City Lights | Boolean | True | |
3 | Glacier | Boolean | True | |
4 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
5 | Lake | Boolean | True | |
6 | Mountains | Boolean | True | |
7 | Ocean | Boolean | True | |
8 | Partial | Boolean | True | |
9 | River | Boolean | True | |
10 | Spit | Boolean | True | |
11 | Territorial | Boolean | True | |
12 | Unobstructed | Boolean | True | |
13 | Wetlands | Boolean | True |
Primary Rental Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Usable | Boolean | True | |
2 | Rentable - BOMA | Boolean | True | |
3 | Rentable - Other | Boolean | True |
Tenant Pays
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Association Fees | Boolean | True | |
2 | Cable TV | Boolean | True | |
3 | Electricity | Boolean | True | |
4 | Gas | Boolean | True | |
5 | Internet | Boolean | True | |
6 | Propane/Oil | Boolean | True | |
7 | Septic | Boolean | True | |
8 | Sewer | Boolean | True | |
9 | Trash Collection | Boolean | True | |
10 | Water | Boolean | True | |
11 | Well | Boolean | True |
Wtrfrnt-Access Near
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bay | Boolean | True | |
2 | Bay | Boolean | True | |
3 | Bay | Boolean | True | |
4 | Bay | Boolean | True | |
5 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
6 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
7 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
8 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
9 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
10 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
11 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
12 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
13 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
14 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
15 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
16 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
17 | Island | Boolean | True | |
18 | Island | Boolean | True | |
19 | Island | Boolean | True | |
20 | Island | Boolean | True | |
21 | Lake | Boolean | True | |
22 | Lake | Boolean | True | |
23 | Lake | Boolean | True | |
24 | Lake | Boolean | True | |
25 | Ocean | Boolean | True | |
26 | Ocean | Boolean | True | |
27 | Ocean | Boolean | True | |
28 | Ocean | Boolean | True | |
29 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
30 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
31 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
32 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
33 | River | Boolean | True | |
34 | River | Boolean | True | |
35 | River | Boolean | True | |
36 | River | Boolean | True | |
37 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
38 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
39 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
40 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
41 | None | Boolean | True | |
42 | None | Boolean | True | |
43 | None | Boolean | True | |
44 | None | Boolean | True | |
45 | Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True |
Garage Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Attached | Boolean | True | |
2 | Attached | Boolean | True | |
3 | Detached | Boolean | True | |
4 | Detached | Boolean | True | |
5 | Heated | Boolean | True | |
6 | Space(s) | Boolean | True | |
7 | Tandem | Boolean | True | |
8 | Tandem | Boolean | True | |
9 | Tuck Under | Boolean | True | |
10 | Tuck Under | Boolean | True | |
11 | None | Boolean | True | |
12 | None | Boolean | True | |
13 | Other-See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
14 | Other-See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | All-Weather Wood | Boolean | True | |
2 | All-Weather Wood | Boolean | True | |
3 | Block | Boolean | True | |
4 | Pilings | Boolean | True | |
5 | Pilings | Boolean | True | |
6 | Post on Pad | Boolean | True | |
7 | Post on Pad | Boolean | True | |
8 | Poured Concrete | Boolean | True | |
9 | Quad-Lock | Boolean | True | |
10 | Quad-Lock | Boolean | False | |
11 | Slab | Boolean | True | |
12 | Sono Tubes | Boolean | True | |
13 | Treated Posts | Boolean | True | |
14 | Treated Posts | Boolean | True | |
15 | Untreated Wood | Boolean | True | |
16 | Untreated Wood | Boolean | True | |
17 | Wood Crib | Boolean | True | |
18 | Wood Crib | Boolean | True | |
19 | None | Boolean | True | |
20 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
21 | Other | Boolean | True |
Owner Pays
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Association Fees | Boolean | True | |
2 | Cable TV | Boolean | True | |
3 | Electricity | Boolean | True | |
4 | Gas | Boolean | True | |
5 | Internet | Boolean | True | |
6 | Propane/Oil | Boolean | True | |
7 | Septic | Boolean | True | |
8 | Sewer | Boolean | True | |
9 | Trash Collection | Boolean | True | |
10 | Water | Boolean | True | |
11 | Well | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bay/Harbor | Boolean | True | |
2 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
3 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
4 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
5 | Canal | Boolean | True | |
6 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
7 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
8 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
9 | Creek | Boolean | True | |
10 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
11 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
12 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
13 | Inlet | Boolean | True | |
14 | Island | Boolean | True | |
15 | Island | Boolean | True | |
16 | Island | Boolean | True | |
17 | Lakefront | Boolean | True | |
18 | Oceanfront | Boolean | True | |
19 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
20 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
21 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
22 | Pond | Boolean | True | |
23 | River | Boolean | True | |
24 | River | Boolean | True | |
25 | River | Boolean | True | |
26 | River | Boolean | True | |
27 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
28 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
29 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
30 | Slough/Estuary | Boolean | True | |
31 | None | Boolean | True | |
32 | None | Boolean | True | |
33 | None | Boolean | True | |
34 | None | Boolean | True | |
35 | Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True |
Carport Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Attached | Boolean | True | |
2 | Attached | Boolean | True | |
3 | Detached | Boolean | True | |
4 | Detached | Boolean | True | |
5 | Tandem | Boolean | True | |
6 | Tandem | Boolean | True | |
7 | Tuck Under | Boolean | True | |
8 | Tuck Under | Boolean | True | |
9 | None | Boolean | True | |
10 | None | Boolean | True | |
11 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
12 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
13 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Carpet | Boolean | True | |
2 | Carpet | Boolean | True | |
3 | Carpet | Boolean | True | |
4 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
5 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
6 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
7 | Hardwood | Boolean | True | |
8 | Hardwood | Boolean | True | |
9 | Hardwood | Boolean | True | |
10 | Hardwood | Boolean | True | |
11 | Laminate | Boolean | True | |
12 | Laminate | Boolean | True | |
13 | Laminate | Boolean | True | |
14 | Tile | Boolean | True | |
15 | Tile | Boolean | True | |
16 | Tile | Boolean | True | |
17 | Bamboo | Boolean | True | |
18 | Bamboo | Boolean | True | |
19 | Ceramic | Boolean | True | |
20 | Ceramic | Boolean | True | |
21 | Ceramic | Boolean | True | |
22 | Ceramic | Boolean | True | |
23 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
24 | Concrete | Boolean | True | |
25 | Cork | Boolean | True | |
26 | Cork | Boolean | True | |
27 | Dirt | Boolean | True | |
28 | Dirt | Boolean | True | |
29 | Dirt | Boolean | True | |
30 | Dirt | Boolean | True | |
31 | Granite | Boolean | True | |
32 | Granite | Boolean | True | |
33 | Heavy Duty | Boolean | True | |
34 | Heavy Duty | Boolean | True | |
35 | Heavy Duty | Boolean | True | |
36 | Linoleum | Boolean | True | |
37 | Linoleum | Boolean | True | |
38 | Luxury Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
39 | Luxury Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
40 | Luxury Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
41 | Marble | Boolean | True | |
42 | Marble | Boolean | True | |
43 | Painted/Stained | Boolean | True | |
44 | Painted/Stained | Boolean | True | |
45 | Parquet | Boolean | True | |
46 | Parquet | Boolean | True | |
47 | Reclaimed Wood | Boolean | True | |
48 | Reclaimed Wood | Boolean | True | |
49 | Slate | Boolean | True | |
50 | Slate | Boolean | True | |
51 | Stone | Boolean | True | |
52 | Stone | Boolean | True | |
53 | Tile | Boolean | True | |
54 | Tile | Boolean | True | |
55 | Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
56 | Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
57 | Vinyl | Boolean | True | |
58 | None | Boolean | True | |
59 | None | Boolean | True | |
60 | Other | Boolean | True | |
61 | Other | Boolean | True | |
62 | Other | Boolean | True | |
63 | See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
64 | See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
65 | See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
66 | See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
67 | See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Secondary Rntl Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Usable | Boolean | True | |
2 | Rentable - BOMA | Boolean | True | |
3 | Rentable - Other | Boolean | True |
Snow Maintenance
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | HOA | Boolean | True | |
2 | Manager | Boolean | True | |
3 | Owner | Boolean | True | |
4 | Tenant | Boolean | True |
Waterfront Details
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Waterfront Name | Character | True | |
2 | Motorized | Boolean | True | |
3 | Waterfront Name | Character | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Block | Boolean | True | |
2 | Metal | Boolean | True | |
3 | Paneled | Boolean | True | |
4 | Plaster | Boolean | True | |
5 | Sheetrock | Boolean | True | |
6 | Unfinished | Boolean | True | |
7 | Wood | Boolean | True | |
8 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
9 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
10 | Sheetrock | Boolean | True |
Yard Maintenance
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | HOA | Boolean | True | |
2 | Manager | Boolean | True | |
3 | Owner | Boolean | True | |
4 | Tenant | Boolean | True |
Floor Style
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Cabin | Boolean | True | |
2 | Chalet/A-Frame | Boolean | True | |
3 | Double Wide | Boolean | True | |
4 | Hlsd Rnch/Dlt Bsmnt | Boolean | True | |
5 | Log | Boolean | True | |
6 | Multi-Level | Boolean | True | |
7 | Prow Front Split | Boolean | True | |
8 | Ranch-Raised | Boolean | True | |
9 | Ranch-Traditional | Boolean | True | |
10 | Side/Calif Split | Boolean | True | |
11 | Single Wide | Boolean | True | |
12 | Split Entry | Boolean | True | |
13 | Tri-Level | Boolean | True | |
14 | Two-Story Reverse | Boolean | True | |
15 | Two-Story Tradtnl | Boolean | True | |
16 | Two-Story W/Bsmnt | Boolean | True | |
17 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Elec - Adj to Site | Boolean | True | |
2 | Electric - In Area | Boolean | True | |
3 | Elec - On Site | Boolean | True | |
4 | Electric-Underground | Boolean | True | |
5 | Electric-Overhead | Boolean | True | |
6 | Electric-Unknwn-BTV | Boolean | True | |
7 | Electric - None | Boolean | True | |
8 | Fuel Oil | Boolean | True | |
9 | Natural Gas-In Area | Boolean | True | |
10 | Nat Gas - Adj Site | Boolean | True | |
11 | Nat Gas - On Site | Boolean | True | |
12 | Nat Gas-Unknwn-BTV | Boolean | True | |
13 | Natural Gas - None | Boolean | True | |
14 | Pub Wtr - Adj Site | Boolean | True | |
15 | Pub Wtr - On Site | Boolean | True | |
16 | Pub Water - In Area | Boolean | True | |
17 | Pub Wtr-Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
18 | Pub Wtr-None | Boolean | True | |
19 | Pub Wtr Provdr Name | Character | True | |
20 | Septic-DEC Approval | Boolean | True | |
21 | Septic - On Site | Boolean | True | |
22 | Septic - None | Boolean | True | |
23 | Sewer - Adj Site | Boolean | True | |
24 | Sewer-Community | Boolean | True | |
25 | Sewer-In Area | Boolean | True | |
26 | Sewer - On Site | Boolean | True | |
27 | Sewer-Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
28 | Sewer-None | Boolean | True | |
29 | Telephone - Adj Site | Boolean | True | |
30 | Telephone - In Area | Boolean | True | |
31 | Telephone - On Site | Boolean | True | |
32 | Telephne-Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
33 | Telephone - None | Boolean | True | |
34 | Well - Community | Boolean | True | |
35 | Well - DEC Approval | Boolean | True | |
36 | Well - On Site | Boolean | True | |
37 | Well - Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
38 | Well - None | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Air Exchanger | Boolean | True | |
2 | Arctic Entry | Boolean | True | |
3 | Basement | Boolean | True | |
4 | BR/BA on Main Level | Boolean | True | |
5 | BR/BA Primary on Main Level | Boolean | True | |
6 | BR/BA Primary on Main Level | Boolean | True | |
7 | Ceiling Fan(s) | Boolean | True | |
8 | Central Vac Rough-in | Boolean | True | |
9 | Central Vac Rough-In | Boolean | True | |
10 | Central Vacuum | Boolean | True | |
11 | Cooling System | Boolean | True | |
12 | CO Detector(s) | Boolean | True | |
13 | Den &/or Office | Boolean | True | |
14 | Den &/Or Office | Boolean | True | |
15 | Dishwasher | Boolean | True | |
16 | Disposal | Boolean | True | |
17 | Double Ovens | Boolean | True | |
18 | Elec Air Cleaner | Boolean | True | |
19 | Elec Air Cleaner | Boolean | True | |
20 | Electric | Boolean | True | |
21 | Electric Cooktop | Boolean | True | |
22 | Elevator | Boolean | True | |
23 | Family Room | Boolean | True | |
24 | Fire Sprinkler System | Boolean | True | |
25 | Fireplace | Boolean | True | |
26 | Freezer-Stand Alone | Boolean | True | |
27 | Gas Cooktop | Boolean | True | |
28 | Gas Fireplace | Boolean | True | |
29 | Home Theater | Boolean | True | |
30 | Humidifier | Boolean | True | |
31 | In-Law Floorplan | Boolean | True | |
32 | Intercom | Boolean | True | |
33 | Jetted Tub | Boolean | True | |
34 | Microwave | Boolean | True | |
35 | Microwave | Boolean | True | |
36 | Microwave (B/I) | Boolean | True | |
37 | Pantry | Boolean | True | |
38 | Range-Downdraft | Boolean | True | |
39 | Range/Oven | Boolean | True | |
40 | Range/Oven - Electric | Boolean | True | |
41 | Range/Oven - Gas | Boolean | True | |
42 | Refrigerator | Boolean | True | |
43 | Sauna | Boolean | True | |
44 | Sauna | Boolean | True | |
45 | Security System | Boolean | True | |
46 | Smoke Detector(s) | Boolean | True | |
47 | Smoke Detector(s) | Boolean | True | |
48 | Soaking Tub | Boolean | True | |
49 | Telephone | Boolean | True | |
50 | Trash Compactor | Boolean | True | |
51 | Vaulted Ceiling(s) | Boolean | True | |
52 | Washer &/Or Dryer | Boolean | True | |
53 | Washer &/Or Dryer | Boolean | True | |
54 | Washer &/Or Dryer Hookup | Boolean | True | |
55 | Washer &/Or Dryer Hookup | Boolean | True | |
56 | Washer &/Or Dryer Hookup | Boolean | True | |
57 | Water Purification | Boolean | True | |
58 | Water Softener | Boolean | True | |
59 | Wet Bar | Boolean | True | |
60 | Window Coverings | Boolean | True | |
61 | Wine/Beverage Cooler | Boolean | True | |
62 | Wired Audio | Boolean | True | |
63 | Wired Audio | Boolean | True | |
64 | Wired Data | Boolean | True | |
65 | Wired Data | Boolean | True | |
66 | Wood Stove | Boolean | True | |
67 | Workshop | Boolean | True | |
68 | Concrete Counters | Boolean | True | |
69 | Granite Counters | Boolean | True | |
70 | Laminate Counters | Boolean | True | |
71 | Marble Counters | Boolean | True | |
72 | Plastic Counters | Boolean | True | |
73 | Quartz Counters | Boolean | True | |
74 | Solid Surface Counter | Boolean | True | |
75 | Tile Counters | Boolean | True | |
76 | Wood Counters | Boolean | True | |
77 | SBOS Reqd-See Rmks | Boolean | True | |
78 | SBOS Reqd-See Rmks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Airstrip | Boolean | True | |
2 | Airstrip | Boolean | True | |
3 | Dedicated Road | Boolean | True | |
4 | Dirt | Boolean | True | |
5 | Floatplane | Boolean | True | |
6 | Government | Boolean | True | |
7 | Gravel | Boolean | True | |
8 | Maintained | Boolean | True | |
9 | Paved | Boolean | True | |
10 | Private | Boolean | True | |
11 | Trail | Boolean | True | |
12 | Unmaintained | Boolean | True | |
13 | Water | Boolean | True | |
14 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
15 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Community | Boolean | True | |
2 | Crib | Boolean | True | |
3 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
4 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
5 | Lift Station | Boolean | True | |
6 | Public Sewer | Boolean | True | |
7 | Septic Tank | Boolean | True | |
8 | None | Boolean | True | |
9 | None | Boolean | True | |
10 | Unknown | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Crib | Boolean | True | |
2 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
3 | Lift Station | Boolean | True | |
4 | Public Sewer | Boolean | True | |
5 | Septic Tank | Boolean | True | |
6 | None | Boolean | True | |
7 | Unknown | Boolean | True | |
8 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Assessed Value - Total | Decimal | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Airplane Access | Boolean | True | |
2 | B & B Potential | Boolean | True | |
3 | Barn/Shop | Boolean | True | |
4 | Buried Fuel Tank | Boolean | True | |
5 | Chicken Coop | Boolean | True | |
6 | Covenant/Restriction | Boolean | True | |
7 | Deck/Patio | Boolean | True | |
8 | DSL/Cable Available | Boolean | True | |
9 | End Unit | Boolean | True | |
10 | Fence | Boolean | True | |
11 | Fenced Yard | Boolean | True | |
12 | Fire Pit | Boolean | True | |
13 | Fire Service Area | Boolean | True | |
14 | Fixer Upper | Boolean | True | |
15 | Garage Door Opener | Boolean | True | |
16 | Generator | Boolean | True | |
17 | Greenhouse | Boolean | True | |
18 | Ground Floor Unit | Boolean | True | |
19 | Handicap Accessible | Boolean | True | |
20 | Hangar | Boolean | True | |
21 | Heated Driveway | Boolean | True | |
22 | Home Owner Assoc. | Boolean | True | |
23 | Home Warranty | Boolean | True | |
24 | Horse Property | Boolean | True | |
25 | In City Limits | Boolean | True | |
26 | Inground Sprnklr Sys | Boolean | True | |
27 | Inground Sprnklr Sys | Boolean | True | |
28 | Kennel | Boolean | True | |
29 | Landscaping | Boolean | True | |
30 | Lot-Bluff | Boolean | True | |
31 | Lot-Corner | Boolean | True | |
32 | Motion Lighting | Boolean | True | |
33 | Outhouse | Boolean | True | |
34 | Parkside | Boolean | True | |
35 | Paved Driveway | Boolean | True | |
36 | Poultry Allowed | Boolean | True | |
37 | Private Yard | Boolean | True | |
38 | Road Service Area | Boolean | True | |
39 | RV Parking | Boolean | True | |
40 | Satellite Components | Boolean | True | |
41 | Satellite Dish | Boolean | True | |
42 | Storage | Boolean | True | |
43 | Sun Room | Boolean | True | |
44 | Swimming Pool | Boolean | True | |
45 | Top Floor Unit | Boolean | True | |
46 | Trailside | Boolean | True | |
47 | TV Antenna | Boolean | True | |
48 | View | Boolean | True | |
49 | Waterfront | Boolean | True | |
50 | Waterfront Access | Boolean | True | |
51 | Cable TV | Boolean | True | |
52 | Circle Driveway | Boolean | True | |
53 | Dock | Boolean | True | |
54 | Heated Sidewalks | Boolean | True | |
55 | Hot Tub | Boolean | True | |
56 | Pets Considered | Boolean | True | |
57 | Pets Not Allowed | Boolean | True | |
58 | Senior-Age Qualified | Boolean | True | |
59 | Shed | Boolean | True | |
60 | Cul-de-sac | Boolean | True | |
61 | SBOS Reqd-See Rmrks | Boolean | True |
Road Maintenance
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | No Road | Boolean | True | |
2 | Road Mntd All Year | Boolean | True | |
3 | Road Mntd Part Year | Boolean | True | |
4 | Unmaintained Road | Boolean | True | |
5 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True |
Water Source
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Cistern | Boolean | True | |
2 | Cistern | Boolean | True | |
3 | Community Well | Boolean | True | |
4 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
5 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
6 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
7 | Holding Tank | Boolean | True | |
8 | Private | Boolean | True | |
9 | Private | Boolean | True | |
10 | Public | Boolean | True | |
11 | Public | Boolean | True | |
12 | Public | Boolean | True | |
13 | Shared Well | Boolean | True | |
14 | Shared Well | Boolean | True | |
15 | Spring | Boolean | True | |
16 | Spring | Boolean | True | |
17 | Water Delivered | Boolean | True | |
18 | Water Delivered | Boolean | True | |
19 | Water-Prvt Well Dpth | Character | True | |
20 | Well | Boolean | True | |
21 | Well | Boolean | True | |
22 | Cistern | Boolean | True | |
23 | Shared Well | Boolean | True | |
24 | Spring | Boolean | True | |
25 | Holding Tank | Boolean | True | |
26 | Holding Tank | Boolean | True | |
27 | Water Delivered | Boolean | True | |
28 | Private | Boolean | True | |
29 | Private Depth Well | Character | True | |
30 | Private Depth Well | Integer | True | |
31 | None | Boolean | True | |
32 | None | Boolean | True | |
33 | None | Boolean | True | |
34 | Public | Boolean | True | |
35 | Public | Boolean | True | |
36 | Well | Boolean | True | |
37 | None | Boolean | True | |
38 | Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
39 | Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
40 | Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
41 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
42 | Unknown - BTV | Boolean | True | |
43 | See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | SF-Whs Apx | Integer | True | |
2 | SF-Whs Office | Integer | True | |
3 | Whs-Dock Hi Door Sz | Character | True | |
4 | SF-Whs Mezzanine Apx | Integer | True | |
5 | Whs-# Grd Lvl Doors | Integer | True | |
6 | SF-Whs Mezzanine Apx | Integer | True | |
7 | SF-Whs Office | Decimal | True | |
8 | Whs-# Dock Hi Doors | Integer | True | |
9 | Whs-Grd Lvl Door Sz | Character | True | |
10 | Whs-Dock Hi Door Sz | Character | True | |
11 | Whs-Grd Lvl Door Sz | Character | True |
Access Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Airstrip | Boolean | True | |
2 | Dedicated Road | Boolean | True | |
3 | Dirt | Boolean | True | |
4 | Floatplane | Boolean | True | |
5 | Government | Boolean | True | |
6 | Gravel | Boolean | True | |
7 | Maintained | Boolean | True | |
8 | Paved | Boolean | True | |
9 | Private | Boolean | True | |
10 | Trail | Boolean | True | |
11 | Unmaintained | Boolean | True | |
12 | Water | Boolean | True | |
13 | Maintained | Boolean | True | |
14 | Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True | |
15 | Unmaintained | Boolean | True | |
16 | Unknown-BTV | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | SF-Retail Apx | Integer | True | |
2 | SF-Retail Mezz Apx | Integer | True | |
3 | SF-Retail Office | Decimal | True | |
4 | SF-Retail Warehouse | Decimal | True | |
5 | SF-Retail Warehouse | Decimal | True |
Mortgage Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Cash Req'd to Assume | Decimal | True | |
2 | EM Minimum Deposit | Decimal | True | |
3 | Cash Req'd to Assume | Decimal | True | |
4 | Cash Req'd to Assume | Decimal | True | |
5 | EM Minimum Deposit | Decimal | True | |
6 | EM Minimum Deposit | Decimal | True | |
7 | EM Minimum Deposit | Decimal | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Office Apx SF | Integer | True |
Dining Room Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Area | Boolean | True | |
2 | Breakfast Nook/Bar | Boolean | True | |
3 | Formal | Boolean | True |
Sewer Type
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Community | Boolean | True | |
2 | Crib | Boolean | True | |
3 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
4 | Hold Tank | Boolean | True | |
5 | Lift Station | Boolean | True | |
6 | Public Sewer | Boolean | True | |
7 | Septic Tank | Boolean | True | |
8 | None | Boolean | True | |
9 | Unknown | Boolean | True |
Utility Info
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Fuel-Meter # | Character | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | 3 Phase Electric | Boolean | True | |
2 | 3 Phase Electric | Boolean | True | |
3 | Automotive Allowed | Boolean | True | |
4 | BOMA | Boolean | True | |
5 | Buried Fuel Tank | Boolean | True | |
6 | Corner Lot | Boolean | True | |
7 | DSL/Cable Available | Boolean | True | |
8 | Elevator | Boolean | True | |
9 | Elevator | Boolean | True | |
10 | Fencing | Boolean | True | |
11 | Fire Sprinkler System | Boolean | True | |
12 | Fire Sprinkler System | Boolean | True | |
13 | Floor Drain(s) | Boolean | True | |
14 | Hangar | Boolean | True | |
15 | HW Heater - Elec | Boolean | True | |
16 | HW Heater - Gas | Boolean | True | |
17 | In City Limits | Boolean | True | |
18 | Living Quarters | Boolean | True | |
19 | Loading Dock | Boolean | True | |
20 | Mall | Boolean | True | |
21 | Mall | Boolean | True | |
22 | Master Meter - Elec | Boolean | True | |
23 | Master Meter - Gas | Boolean | True | |
24 | Medical | Boolean | True | |
25 | Medical | Boolean | True | |
26 | Oil Separator | Boolean | True | |
27 | Oil Separator | Boolean | True | |
28 | On-Site Parking | Boolean | True | |
29 | Overhead Door(s) | Boolean | True | |
30 | Parkside | Boolean | True | |
31 | Rail Spur | Boolean | True | |
32 | Rail Spur | Boolean | True | |
33 | Restroom(s)-Handicap | Boolean | True | |
34 | Restroom(s)-Private | Boolean | True | |
35 | Security System | Boolean | True | |
36 | Separate Meter-Elec | Boolean | True | |
37 | Separate Meter-Gas | Boolean | True | |
38 | Stand Alone Unit | Boolean | True | |
39 | Trailside | Boolean | True | |
40 | Wtrfnt-Access Nearby | Boolean | True | |
41 | Wtrfnt-Access Nearby | Boolean | True | |
42 | Wtrfnt-Access Nearby | Boolean | True | |
43 | Wtrfnt-Actual Frntg | Boolean | True | |
44 | Wtrfnt-Actual Frntg | Boolean | True | |
45 | Wtrfnt-Actual Frntg | Boolean | True | |
46 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Basketball Court | Boolean | True | |
2 | Community Hall | Boolean | True | |
3 | Laundry | Boolean | True | |
4 | Pool | Boolean | True | |
5 | Recreation Center | Boolean | True | |
6 | Sauna | Boolean | True | |
7 | Tennis Courts | Boolean | True | |
8 | Wine Cellar | Boolean | True |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Airplane Access | Boolean | True | |
2 | Chicken Coop | Boolean | True | |
3 | Covenants | Boolean | True | |
4 | CO Detector(s) | Boolean | True | |
5 | Dock | Boolean | True | |
6 | DSL-Cable Available | Boolean | True | |
7 | Fire Pit | Boolean | True | |
8 | Fire Sprinkler System | Boolean | True | |
9 | Fixer-Upper | Boolean | True | |
10 | Generator | Boolean | True | |
11 | Handicap Accessible | Boolean | True | |
12 | Hangar | Boolean | True | |
13 | In City Limits | Boolean | True | |
14 | Inground Sprnklr Sys | Boolean | True | |
15 | Kennel | Boolean | True | |
16 | Laundry Facility | Boolean | True | |
17 | Owner Occupied | Boolean | True | |
18 | Parkside | Boolean | True | |
19 | Shed | Boolean | True | |
20 | Smoke Detector(s) | Boolean | True | |
21 | Tenant Storage | Boolean | True | |
22 | Trailside | Boolean | True | |
23 | Vaulted Ceiling(s) | Boolean | True | |
24 | Washer/Dryer | Boolean | True | |
25 | Washer/Dryer HkUp | Boolean | True | |
26 | Circle Driveway | Boolean | True | |
27 | Heated Driveway | Boolean | True | |
28 | Heated Sidewalks | Boolean | True | |
29 | Paved Driveway | Boolean | True | |
30 | RV Parking | Boolean | True |
Basement Status
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Finished | Boolean | True | |
2 | Partially Finished | Boolean | True | |
3 | Unfinished | Boolean | True |
Utility & Svc Pmt
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Electric | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
2 | Gas | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
3 | Grounds Maint | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
4 | Insurance-Building | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
5 | Insurance-Other | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
6 | Janitorial - Lse Spc | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
7 | Janitorial-Common | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
8 | Maintenance | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
9 | Oil | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
10 | Parking/Yard Space | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
11 | Propane | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
12 | Real Estate Taxes | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
13 | Refuse | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
14 | Security Grounds | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
15 | Security System | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
16 | Sewer Septic | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
17 | Signage | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
18 | Snow Removal | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
19 | Water/Well | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
20 | Other - See Remarks | Character | True | N/A, Negotiable, Owner, Tenant, |
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Appraisal | Boolean | True | |
2 | APOD | Boolean | True | |
3 | As-Built | Boolean | True | |
4 | CC&R's | Boolean | True | |
5 | Docs Posted on MLS | Boolean | True | |
6 | Fixt/Furn Lists | Boolean | True | |
7 | Floor Plan | Boolean | True | |
8 | Inventory List | Boolean | True | |
9 | Lease | Boolean | True | |
10 | P & L | Boolean | True | |
11 | Package Available | Boolean | True | |
12 | Pre-Lim | Boolean | True | |
13 | Prop Discl Available | Boolean | True | |
14 | Property Disclosure | Boolean | True | |
15 | Soils Test | Boolean | True | |
16 | Survey | Boolean | True | |
17 | Well & Septic Test | Boolean | True | |
18 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Docs Avl for Review
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Appraisal | Boolean | True | |
2 | APOD | Boolean | True | |
3 | As-Built | Boolean | True | |
4 | CC&R's | Boolean | True | |
5 | CC&R's | Boolean | True | |
6 | Docs Posted on MLS | Boolean | True | |
7 | Docs Posted on MLS | Boolean | True | |
8 | Fixt/Furn Lists | Boolean | True | |
9 | Floor Plan | Boolean | True | |
10 | Home Inspection | Boolean | True | |
11 | Inventory List | Boolean | True | |
12 | Lease | Boolean | True | |
13 | P & L | Boolean | True | |
14 | Package Available | Boolean | True | |
15 | Pre-Lim | Boolean | True | |
16 | Prop Discl Available | Boolean | True | |
17 | Property Disclosure | Boolean | True | |
18 | PUR 101 | Boolean | True | |
19 | PUR 102 | Boolean | True | |
20 | Re-Sale Cert | Boolean | True | |
21 | Soils Test | Boolean | True | |
22 | Survey | Boolean | True | |
23 | Well & Septic Test | Boolean | True | |
24 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
25 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
26 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True | |
27 | Other - See Remarks | Boolean | True |
Income & Expenses
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Debt Int Rate | Decimal | True | |
2 | Exp-Elec/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
3 | Exp-Gas/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
4 | Exp-Insurance/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
5 | Exp-Maint/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
6 | Exp-Mgmt/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
7 | Exp-Oil/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
8 | Exp-Other/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
9 | Exp-Refuse/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
10 | Exp-Res Mgr/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
11 | Exp-Snow/Yard/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
12 | Exp-Tax & Ins/Yr | Decimal | True | |
13 | Exp-Wtr/Swr/Yr Avg | Decimal | True | |
14 | Income-Misc/Mo | Decimal | True | |
15 | Income-Net Operating | Decimal | True | |
16 | Income-Rent Mo Total | Decimal | True | |
17 | Less Vac/Credit Loss | Decimal | True | |
18 | Other Debt | Decimal | True |
Unit #1
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath-Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath-Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |
Unit #2
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath-Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath-Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |
Unit #3
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath-Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath-Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |
Unit #4
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath-Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath-Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |
Unit #5
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath-Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath-Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |
Unit #6
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath - Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath-Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |
Unit #7
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath - Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath - Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |
Unit #8
No. | Fields | Type | Searchable | Options |
1 | Bath - Full | Integer | True | |
2 | Bath - Half | Integer | True | |
3 | Bath - Three Qtr | Integer | True | |
4 | Bedroom | Integer | True | |
5 | Dining Room | Integer | True | |
6 | Family Room | Integer | True | |
7 | Kitchen | Integer | True | |
8 | Living Room | Integer | True | |
9 | Primary Bedroom | Integer | True | |
10 | Utility Room | Integer | True | |
11 | Extra Room | Integer | True | |
12 | Garage | Integer | True | |
13 | Carport | Integer | True | |
14 | Parking Spaces | Integer | True |